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08-07-2005, 06:48 PM

I thought bringing cars here from canada is easy, but I guess not. I thought importing cars from Japan to canada is easier than importing cars from japan to the US. These reasons are why I thought it might be easier to import to canada, then here. More paperwork, yes, but thought it could be easier in the long run. I dunno. This is all kinda pointless anyway cuz I HIGHLY doubt I'll ever do this...lol

i dont think it is any harder...i just think it is less popular and it is harder to find an importer around. only people i know of is RBmotoring...

08-08-2005, 12:13 AM
welp, me and my girlfriend broke up and i began school soon, so i should start having more time to come on here. really the only thing i have to update on my Z is that i was starting to get a hesitation between 2k-3k rpms and at around 5k rpms, i replaced my fuel pressure regulator and dampner and now she runs as smooth as ever. besides that, everything is the same. how has everyone else been?

08-08-2005, 01:25 AM
welp, me and my girlfriend broke up and i began school soon, so i should start having more time to come on here. really the only thing i have to update on my Z is that i was starting to get a hesitation between 2k-3k rpms and at around 5k rpms, i replaced my fuel pressure regulator and dampner and now she runs as smooth as ever. besides that, everything is the same. how has everyone else been?

ehh...im ok. sorry to hear that you and the GF didnt work out. good luck int he future. there are plenty of fish in the sea. you guys have beaches there??? might want to go to one before it gets cold...

08-08-2005, 02:01 AM
we have "beaches", but there really arent any fishes there. but now i am just looking for fun, i dont want a serious relationship for a while now.

08-08-2005, 02:10 AM
we have "beaches", but there really arent any fishes there. but now i am just looking for fun, i dont want a serious relationship for a while now.

its usually better that way anyways...

08-08-2005, 03:38 AM
www.importconcern.ca (http://www.importconcern.ca) is the place that i would import from... awesome guys with even better prices... prettymuch if you show them a car you've found in japan, they can get their guys over there to pick it up and import it.. check out their "broker stock" for pricing. everything on there is usually 90 or older, as that's all that's legal to import... 2 years until it's legal to import a tt FD :D

That used to be the rule over in Australia as well. The 15 year rule. Then EVERYONE started importing awesome cars REALLY CHEAP. The Local motor industry got really scared and cracked the shits about it. Net result, goodbye 15year rule... Now we have to go through the crappy SEVS scheme.

With SEVS, the cars cant be modified AT ALL. So now every car has to come in completely stock. If you import a modified car it has to be conveted back to stock beofre licencing it. Oh... and it costs an extra $5000 on top of the old rule to bring in a car....

That's just so bad ass, though...

eh... just doesnt do it for me personally. Its a good shot of the car though. But if you see them from the back angle the R32s just look a little bit blocky.

08-08-2005, 08:24 AM
but now i am just looking for fun, i dont want a serious relationship for a while now.

Translation: Now I'm just looking for fun, because the girl I was trying to have a relationship with, broke up with me because I'm horrible in bed.

Haha, just kidding Jared.

Well guys... We got the ITB's on, and tuned. The car is absolute SHIT at low down driving. But past 4,000RPM at Wide Open Throttle, the car screams like a bat out of Hell. I definately felt a 20hp-30hp increase at WOT. But, the daily drivability sucks Ass, so I'm taking them off for now, getting it all back to stock, putting a stock ECU chip in, and taking it easy on the Civic for a while... She needs it :disappoin

BUT, my Racing Seat will be here on Wednesday, my Nitrous system will be here next week, and my Camshaft will be here on Friday (If Comp Cams didn't back order it). So once again, I'll have all of these parts that I can dream about, but can't put on for a while... Damn :lol:


08-08-2005, 09:38 AM
i dont think it is any harder...i just think it is less popular and it is harder to find an importer around. only people i know of is RBmotoring...

"Motorex"... RBMotoring just buys them from Motorex and sells em....

08-08-2005, 01:38 PM
eh... just doesnt do it for me personally. Its a good shot of the car though. But if you see them from the back angle the R32s just look a little bit blocky.

Don't get me wrong...I don't think they're even in contention for the prettiest looking cars on the road. I let it go, though...more of a function over form kinda thing.

Good to see you back, Freak.

You know...as I sit here, I grit my teeth in anger due to my upstairs neighbors doing...well...I don't know WHAT the fuck they're doing. Sound like they're doing gymnastics or wrestling or something...think they're playing catch with a bowling ball sometimes...either that or they're succeeding in trying to push the refrigerator over. I HATE those mother fuckers. They're a young couple with 2 kids. They seem about as responsible as a pair of 2nd grade children that rode the short bus. These are the type of people that have NO respect for their neighbors (ME) and don't seem to even notice. This is why I do not even think twice about turning my 200-some-odd-watt stereo system to 24 (as loud as I'll turn it) and BLASTING some Cannible Corpse or Nothingface. And hell...I'll even crank up the 4X10 bass half stack and blast along with whatever is playing at near-deafening volumes just to make SURE they can fucking hear me. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I got my Bersa Thunder .380 and blasted a full 7 round magazine through the ceiling into their apt. "Why don't you just go ask them to be quiet?", you may ask. Cuz I live in a pretty shitty apartment complex...one of those ones that, if I did such an normal act as asking them to cease the 2005 Summer Olympic Games, I would not be slightly surprised to have to reap the benefits of retaliation. I HATE this apt.

K...I'm done bitching now.

08-08-2005, 03:07 PM
wow, you must like where you live.

08-08-2005, 03:35 PM
It fuckin sucks. No central air, no washer and dryer in the apt, no dish washer, no garbage disposal...so much to love...

08-08-2005, 07:42 PM
that really sucks, if you dont mind, how much are you paying for it?

08-08-2005, 08:39 PM
you mean civics run under 4000 rpm? i thought they needed to rev that high to get moving:D just kidding man...

george why do you have the female sign for the o in your sig pic? are you trying to tell us something?

good to see ya back freaky.. too bad about the wifey

sounds like you need to move out llz... that way they might not lose your damn mail so much..

just an update on the car.. went in to get the exhaust done today and they were closed or something :banghead: says it was open till 5 and i was there at 4.30, but i guess the owner was being lazy and locked up early.. i'ma take it in tomorrow at lunchtime to see if i can get it done then... i'm just doing exhaust and intake at the moment.. then within the next few weeks to a month i should be able to get my profec b, bov and intercooler all done up... sohuld provide a solid kick in the ass :D

08-08-2005, 09:14 PM
get pics of the exhaust up asap, i hardly ever see Z31s with aftermarket exhaust. keep it up, nice to see somebody modding a Z31.

08-09-2005, 01:01 AM
oh and this one will be modified i can guarantee you that :D trying to find an engine for the winter time to tear down and rebuild will all sorts of forged goodies... i'll probably end up finishing it by next winter, but next summer is always a good goal to shoot for :p

08-09-2005, 01:05 AM
sounds like you need to move out llz... that way they might not lose your damn mail so much..

I hate this fucking place. Yea...forgot that they've also lost my mail on more than one occasion. The ONLY thing good about this shit hole is that it's cheap. I only pay ~$226-ish a month for it cuz I split it with my girlfriend...and it's a 2 bedroom, so it's not bad. My girlfriend swears up and down that she wouldn't rather pay more and have a nicer place, which pisses me off royal. Wanna hear the icing on the cake about this fuckin place?...get your guns ready...

Just got done putting the subs in this evening. I walk out of my apt to go to the gas station about 2 hrs ago. There is blue marker ALL OVER THE FRONT OF MY CAR!!! The bumper, the hood, even the fucking windshild and driver's t-top...scribbles everywhere! Laying in front of the car is a blue sharpie and cap. Call the cops, file a report, all that basically useless bullshit knowing in the back of my mind who the culprit is...this little fucking mexican (sorry...nothing against mexicans, but still...she is a mexican and her parents are in the running for the "World's Most Inept 'Parents'" award) kid that roams around here that lives in my building. Her parents NEVER watch her and she's always outside playing with sticks and shit. Even caught her bitch ass peeking in our apt window a couple times. Go to the gas station anyway...under the lights of the gas station, right in the middle of my windshield is a little kid's shoe print. Get out and look the car over a bit more closely in the light and notice there's foot prints EVERYWHERE. The little fucking cunt WAS WALKING AROUND on my CAR! Get home and jump in my girl's car, which was parked right next to mine, and take off to a different gas station to play some video games (didn't wanna burn my gas) and, under THAT gas station's lights, I see the same thing on her car. Little hand prints and blue marker. Not any where NEAR as much on her car as mine, but it's there...on the hood and the front passenger's window.

So...if anyone happens to know a way to remove massive amounts of sharpie marker from a car's paint, I'd LOVE to know.

08-09-2005, 01:20 AM
what the fuck dude... i'd honestly tell the parents to keep their kid in check or you'll take legal action... if the shoeprints are still there, i'm sure you could use the treads as proof to match it to her shoes.. either way man, don't lay back and take that shit... if that were me i would be absolutely irate, banging doors down to figure out what the fuck was going on... if you do prove it that it was the kid and you can't get the marker off, you might be able to get a paint job out of it :sunglasse as for removing sharpie marker.. i have no idea man... but i'm sure there's some sort of solvent out there that will take that off and not hurt the paint.

08-09-2005, 02:46 AM
doesnt hairspray remove permanent marker??? dont take it for gospel but i remember reading or hearing that. if you want i can tell you an exact chemical that you need. *grabs sharpie marker and tucks it in book bag for tomorrow's trip to work (full blown laboratory)* :evillol:

also, permanent marker isnt that great of a substance...some heavy duty dish soap and brillow pad can usually take permanent marker off without a problem. that way you dont have to worry about putting harsh chemicals on your paint.

BTW: George, last i heard...motorex closed down and went out of the business and RBmotoring took over the importation processing. this is why i didnt mention motorex...

08-09-2005, 04:41 AM
wow that sucks. But yeah just get some decent dish soap and some good elbow grease and most of it should come off.

I can vouch that method for getting permanent marker off walls... I had a blank piece of material set up at my 21st for a projector. My mates thought it would be a good idea for everyone to sign the material and leave comments etc. It was a great idea except the fact that it wasnt the thickest piece of material inn the world. There was soooo much marker left on the white wall behind it. My parents were, shall we say, displeased at the whole incident. Some good dish soap and ALOT of scrubbing got most of it off. There are still some slight imprints of it all on the wall, including a penis, but its pretty much invisible unless you within a meter of it.

08-09-2005, 07:41 AM
im leaving as fast as im back, except im not leaving for as long as i did last time. i am going up to nebraska until friday because my grandma is passing away. so i will be back friday night.

08-09-2005, 12:11 PM
Yaggus, I love the new Avatar... I remember the name of the song, but not the Artist. The song's called Flat Beat, right?


08-09-2005, 12:36 PM
im leaving as fast as im back, except im not leaving for as long as i did last time. i am going up to nebraska until friday because my grandma is passing away. so i will be back friday night.

sorry to hear freak...

i was in omaha, nebraska a few years ago for the Pony League world series. me and my team came in 4th place in the nation...anyways, omaha is friggin awesome, talk about a rich city.

08-09-2005, 06:26 PM
wow man, I'm really sorry to hear that longlive , I personally had someone put hand lotion all over my door handles, the front hood, and write a big penis on my windshield with the lotion. I knew who it was, so I quickly went into my house and came back with some nice oil based paint, and wrote on the front hood of his red car (in purple paint) "I love the dick" and I dotted the i in dick with a heart... haven't had any troubles since. I hope everything resolves itself for ya buddy.

08-09-2005, 07:34 PM
that sucks freak, sorry to hear that man..

yeah, what's the artist of that yaggus? i remember seeing the vid and remember laughing my ass off but i don't remember the artist...

08-09-2005, 08:53 PM
Yea...I'm not TOO worried about getting it off. Working in a restaurant, I had to remove graffiti [sp] quite often...found that the industrial strength, restaurant quality degreaser works pretty well. It's just the principle of it. These mother fuckers NEVER watch their kid. EVER. She's outside all the time dickin around with sticks and rocks and bricks and shit. I'm just glad she used a sharpie and not a brick or rock or key or something. BUT...I'm still fuming...and I WILL get revenge...:evillol:...ideas I've had so far...


Unloading a 7 round clip from my .380 into their car...REAAAAALLY wanna do this...you touch my car, you touch my kid. Kinda risky, though...

Slashing their tires...kinda un-original...

Taking all their lug nuts off...good contender for what I'm gunna do...

Writing in blue sharpie on THEIR car "go back to Mexico"...even BETTER contender for what I'm gunna do...

Picking up a dryer from the laundry room and launching it into their windshield...just a thought...

Calling INS...La Migra, La Migra, bitches!!! HA HA HA HA...

Call child protection services...dirty...one of the cops recommended this!!! Said "that would be worse than anything the courts could do, anyway" cuz I told him that I doubt they'd be able to pay for anything, anyway...this is why I'm REAAAAAAALLY not holding my breath for a paint job...lol

Find her little bicycle and put a bunch of blue sharpie on it...same cop recommendation...lol...have some pretty cool cops here...

On the brighter side...er...well...maybe not...THIS (http://www.ehowa.com/features/oneflatferrari.shtml) fuckin SUCKS! What happened, I dunno...

08-09-2005, 09:08 PM
well for that last one.. #1 i don't think they have a ferarri to launch an f150 (which you don't have anyway) into... i'd say your best bet would be to call child protection services... most of those things could wind up with you serving jail time... and depending on the car, you could always put the wheels on backwards.. it'd be less dangerous and less illegal... lol.. you could probably also destroy her bike in an explosive fashion... that'd be fun and good to catch on video:sunglasse

08-09-2005, 09:23 PM
well for that last one.. #1 i don't think they have a ferarri to launch an f150 (which you don't have anyway) into... i'd say your best bet would be to call child protection services... most of those things could wind up with you serving jail time... and depending on the car, you could always put the wheels on backwards.. it'd be less dangerous and less illegal... lol.. you could probably also destroy her bike in an explosive fashion... that'd be fun and good to catch on video:sunglasse

lol...the ferrari thing is unrelated, man. Just thought you guys would like to see it.

As for what I'm gunna do, I dunno yet. I'll make up my mind when/if the cops decide to do nothing about the situation.

08-09-2005, 09:48 PM
so i'm getting my exhaust done tomorrow and i'm having a damn hard time deciding what tip to go with.. i was thinking something along the lines of this...
the guy at the shop said something like this would look good... but i don't think it would really..
then there's always the standard rolled tip...
i might have gone dual, but it didn't look like he had any good ones in there at the time...

i dunno... there's one that would look good in there.. we'll see if he's got the right size of it...

08-09-2005, 10:26 PM
well I dunno longlive, if you think you should punish the parents, just pour sugar down their gas tank. It ruins the car. Or you could just go and loosten the gas cap on their car, and every time you do it, the check engine light will go on. How old is this girl ne ways??? If you want, you and a couple friends could dress up in costumes like from scary movie or w.e. and scare the crap outa her, and tell her that you guys are the gosts of the car, and that if she fucks with it again she'll become a ghost of the car 2. lol I'm all outa ideas man

08-09-2005, 11:15 PM
She's...like...5...maybe. That's why I want to take it out on the parents. They are COMPLETELY irresponsible. The marker and cap was laying in the grass in front of my car. I think the fucking parents caught her doing it, yelled at her making her drop it and decided not to fess up. I even confronted them about it because I know some spanish and they denied it...of COURSE. I KNOW it was their kid and I'm 99% sure they knew about it, too. It's an old, peesashit car...loosening the gas cap wouldn't make the check engine light come on. Right now, I think I'm gunna either write "go back to mexico" on their car in sharpie or take their lug nuts off...or both. The "sugar" trick isn't bad, but that's a bit too permanent...I don't want to KILL their car...just hobble it a bit.

Shooting it really sounds fun, though...

I'd go with the first tip or the dual tip, delerious. You get the intake done yet?

08-09-2005, 11:43 PM
yeah, i'm thinking the first tip.. we'll see how it goes when i'm there... i've got all my intake stuff pre-assembled so when i go there tomorrow and pick the car up i can pop the hood and get it all bolted up within 3 minutes :D

anyway... if you do take off the lug nuts, make sure it's visible that you did it so they don't start driving away and have all their tires fly off when they're going down the road..

08-10-2005, 02:44 AM
anyway... if you do take off the lug nuts, make sure it's visible that you did it so they don't start driving away and have all their tires fly off when they're going down the road..

wouldnt that be the point???

anyways, delerious...the dual tips would look the best. the single tip wouldnt fill the space in the bumper leaving it looking dull and un-performance like. the oval might be good...

when the exhaust shop removes the muffler and stuff...have the guy hold up each style of tip in the spot and you stand back and take a look. i personally think the dual tip would look the best. this is why i have a dual tip muffler on my Z31. :D

08-10-2005, 03:08 AM
yeah, what's the artist of that yaggus? i remember seeing the vid and remember laughing my ass off but i don't remember the artist...

I had seen the clip for this ages ago on my mates computer and i larfedmy ass off at it. His computer crashed a few weeks later and he lost everything. I was cruising MR2oc.com and some dude had this as his avatar, so i flogged it :P

Yes the song is Flat Beat and it is by Mr Oizo.

The whole clip can be found here.

Man, I spend like the whole day on my computer and a decent wack of the night and there are next to no new posts on here. I go to bed and when i get up again there are about 20.... Damm time difference...

08-10-2005, 10:00 AM
Dude...that music video is the shit.

anyway... if you do take off the lug nuts, make sure it's visible that you did it so they don't start driving away and have all their tires fly off when they're going down the road.

Yea...that's kinda the point, man. I'd prefer if the all fell off, cartoon style, right in front of my apt so I could see and laugh my ass off, but I don't really care. I was also thinking about putting the peesashit on cinder blocks in the middle of the night and put all the tires and wheels on their roof...not sure yet...

08-10-2005, 08:46 PM
haha that sounds like a good plan man! and I'd go with a dual tip 2, I think they accent the car the best.

08-10-2005, 11:50 PM
yeah whatever you do man, make sure you don't get busted doing it.. wear some gloves so you don't leave fingerprints ;) because you're the first person they'll come looking for when it happens to em..

anyway, got the exhaust done today.. sounds absolutely amazing... i'll get a clip tomorrow along with a multitude of pictures.. i went with an ovalish tip and the way they angled it looks freaking awesome.. you'll see soon enough i suppose.. i'm really pleased with it tho... couldn't stop grinning the entire way home.

08-11-2005, 02:36 AM
Progress? My engine? Can't be.

One last good look at them pretty pistons.
http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5695/picture0159aw.th.jpg (http://img4.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0159aw.jpg)

With the ARP head studs in.
http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/6770/picture0171oc.th.jpg (http://img301.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0171oc.jpg)

Ignore the scratches, it's just the way the light caught them, they are barely visible from any other angle.
http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/9061/picture0202ke.th.jpg (http://img301.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0202ke.jpg)

Front of the heads put back together.
http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/2050/picture0220ej.th.jpg (http://img301.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0220ej.jpg)

Everything torqued down and glued and lubed and cemented and sealed. Ignore the mess on the floor, just some things that will be being used that got spread out them clumped together. Note the black intake valve covers...must have been a JDM thing.
http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/3959/picture0234gb.th.jpg (http://img301.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture0234gb.jpg)

08-11-2005, 03:30 AM
very nice broke...glad to see your making some good progress. there is nothing like a virutally brand new shiny engine to get your heart beating.

08-11-2005, 12:52 PM
yeah whatever you do man, make sure you don't get busted doing it.. wear some gloves so you don't leave fingerprints ;) because you're the first person they'll come looking for when it happens to em..

anyway, got the exhaust done today.. sounds absolutely amazing... i'll get a clip tomorrow along with a multitude of pictures.. i went with an ovalish tip and the way they angled it looks freaking awesome.. you'll see soon enough i suppose.. i'm really pleased with it tho... couldn't stop grinning the entire way home.

so technically, now you're not bone stock!! You lyin' SOB!!! lol, j/k man, I'm really anxious to hear your exhaust,post some clips as soon as you can! What kind did you get btw?? I myself am thinking about getting a certified muffler 3" cat-back exhaust, maybe w/ a high-flow cat, I haven't decided yet.

Broke man, that's a nice lookin' setup you got there, really clean, I like it!

08-11-2005, 07:32 PM
broke buddy, good to see you're FINALLY making some progress on the engine... got the manifolds and turbo's on the way yet:D?

i forget what site i used for hosting video... anyone have any suggestions? anyway, i got it done at just some local muffler shop.. 3" downpipe back mandrel bent to a straight thru muffler... no cat or resonator... and it sounds fucking Amazing... at idle you'd swear it was a nasty carb'd v8 and when you give it some shtick you'd swear some big rig 18 wheeler was driving by the way the turbo howls.... well maybe i'm exaggerating a little, but it's freaking awesome :D

08-11-2005, 10:40 PM
Good to see, Broke...

08-12-2005, 09:28 PM
this had to of been one of the hardest things of my life. i drove 5 hours to go see my grandma in the hospital, and they pulled the oxygen 1 MINUTE before i got there, so all i got to see was her last few breathes, that was one of the, if not THE hardest things i have ever had to watch. and then today, i was one of the paul bearers, so i had to carry my grandma to her grave. i stayed at her house all week, it was so weird to not have her there. and to top it off, i got a speeding ticket for 61 in a 40, just fucking great. now i might have to sell my sway bars that i just ordered. i think im going to go to bed.

08-12-2005, 11:19 PM
wow man, I'm really sorry to hear that, but at least you did get to see her b4 she passed away. I never knew either of my grandmothers, they died b4 I was born, so I mean just think of all the good times you shared with her. Sorry bout that speeding ticket to man, hope everything works out.

08-13-2005, 10:32 PM
things will get better jared, just hang in there and things will start looking up soon..

on another note, exhaust clips/pics will come tomorrow... would have done it today but i was hanging over something fierce...

08-14-2005, 03:51 PM
so wussup bitches
i just got back from 10 days in florida and it was great.
hows everyone doin ?
any progress jason ?

sorry to hear about your loss jared, my condolences.

08-14-2005, 03:53 PM
probe you bastard, i want 10 days in florida.... bring back any crazy stories for us? :D

08-14-2005, 03:54 PM
Well, for tose of you who have paid attention to my little periodic updates, I just finished tearing down my Donor L28E. Everything looks kosher, all the bearings were in place, none of the rings were bad, only the cam seems to have any wear or damage, and that's probably because he never changed the oil in it. But I'm still sending everything off to get magnafluxed, just to be on the safe side.
I just got another job, so build up may go a bit faster than I had originally planned. I may buy a digital camera and start keeping a detailed record of the build-up. I don't plan to go too nuts with the motor, but 250-300 bhp without turbos or nitrous should make for one hell of a fun little S30.
My biggest concern so far is the fact that the 5-speed that came out of the car only had about 1/2 quart of oil in it. But there weren't any metal pieces, so it should still work.

08-14-2005, 04:57 PM
where at in florida did you go? i loved it there when i went a couple months ago. i had a blast, to say the least.

i have made progress but not done yet. i cant seem to find anytime to work on it lately. been working 12's off and on and crazy shifts. its been tough to find time to work on the Z

08-14-2005, 08:47 PM
c'mon jason, if there is no time to work on the Z, make time, probably easier said then done though....

08-14-2005, 10:22 PM
c'mon jason, if there is no time to work on the Z, make time, probably easier said then done though....

yeah, definitely easier said than done. i will find time, hopefully before next weekend...

08-14-2005, 10:43 PM
I hear that... Geez :rolleyes:

I'm starting to think about taking a Vacation in a few months... Just sit around, don't do jack Shit, and just work on the projects we've got going. I need some time off.


08-14-2005, 11:48 PM
Video of the Civic with the Individual Throttle Bodies installed... Oh man am I going to miss Wide Open Throttle with those things on (http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=1820CC21-29CE-42E8-B3FA-89F6C4F41991&p=0) :(


08-15-2005, 12:29 AM
well guys, here's the exhaust vid finally... i'll have to get one of the car in motion later on to actually hear the spool...

http://thumbs.streetfire.net/A15F3218-521C-4E6A-BBE6-1A3A838E68AE.jpg (http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=A15F3218-521C-4E6A-BBE6-1A3A838E68AE)Click here to see Video (http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=A15F3218-521C-4E6A-BBE6-1A3A838E68AE)

08-15-2005, 12:51 AM
that sounds pretty good delerious. and individual throttle bodies on a civic, thats funny wes.

08-15-2005, 01:30 AM
nice ITB's wes...now do that to a Zed you friggin ricer. j/k :lol:

delerious...very nice, i can hear the turbo spool...since very mean and alot deeper than i thought it would. my exhaust on the Z31 N/A is deep but i think that 3" gots me beat. i will have to get a digital video camera one of these days...i think mine is a little louder beings it is the N/A and everything. :lol:

08-15-2005, 03:09 AM
That is a meaty sounding exhaust you have there.... Your right it is almost like a V8 style rumble thats going on. I like, l like...

08-15-2005, 11:26 AM
God Delerious, that's nasty :eek:

Now slap a PTE 60-1 Turbocharger on that thing :evillol:


08-15-2005, 12:26 PM
i was in orlando some of the time.
but alot of the time i spent on cocoa beach surfing. i LOVE surfing.
the worst part about it is i got stuck with a focus rental car....ew it sucked, on my last night i met up with an elise on one of the main drags through orlando and all i had to throw at him was every last rpm that damn focus could put out, needless to say he murdered me. But i thought it was really cool that he actually got on it so it was still prety cool seing that thing weaving traffic at speed. lol

oh yeah and when in florida you cant forget to metion all the eye candy. ohhhh man, there arent Any women that fine in freekin ohio.

08-15-2005, 03:23 PM
well guys, here's the exhaust vid finally... i'll have to get one of the car in motion later on to actually hear the spool...

Holy crap, dude...you weren't kidding when you said it sounded like a muscle car or something at lower RPMs. Sounds good, man. I miss that turbo sound... :rolleyes: My 86T didn't have a radio in it that was even NEARLY worth turning on most of the time, so I'd just leave it off and listen to the turbo...lol. Love that sound.

Well...since everyone else is giving little updates, I guess I will too. My girlfriend traded in her Jeep and got a 2001 Honda Accord. When she traded in the Jeep, I took her 2 12" MTX subs and amp out of it. She said she didn't wanna put them in the Accord cuz amps in a trunk like that usually sounds like shit. So...I put them in my car...lol. First time ever installing subs. Went pretty smooth...wasn't very hard. Thought running the wires would be harder. I was also going to put in a pair of off-brand 3 way speakers that someone gave me, but after taking the door apart, I noticed that I've had a full set of 4 Infinity 2 ways in there since I bought the car and never knew it! Now I have my Alpine CDA-9835 head unit, the 4 Infinity 2 ways and the 2 12" MTX subs pushed by 200-some-odd watts. Tis good shit. Can't make my car fast, so I'll make it loud. lol I damn near blew out the triangle window on the passenger side! The glue that held it in was always in pretty sorry shape (both of them are, actually...the tint shop wouldn't even tint the windows because of how bad it was...someone did a shitty repair job on those windows) anyway, but the subs REALLY didn't help much. I can feel air coming out around the molding from outside the car now!

08-15-2005, 06:17 PM
Anybody need stock NA Z32 wheels+Federal Super Steel Tires or Stock Z32 leather power seat?

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