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SERIOUSLY OT: Keep whoring alive, it's THREAD #5!!!

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11-08-2013, 03:54 PM
Hoping to make some quality bad decisions tonight. Maybe fuck a coworker... hopefully with her friend at the same time.

11-08-2013, 09:11 PM
My job is a joke. I spent half the day looking at movie reviews for shit to add to my netflix queue and the other half recruiting a happy hour group. Not a bad gig if you can survive the stupidity and insanity

My job today:

10:05-- Show up at 5 minutes "late".

10:06-- Go check out/introduce thineself to girl we flew in for interview.

10:15-- Leave, go get RedBull. Scratch that, two RedBulls, 50 cent fee for debit purchases under $5.

10:20-- Talk shit on AF

10:25-- Launch my modeling program (takes about 3 minutes to load)

10:45-- Open model that is 75% complete that is due today.

11:00-- Leave to run errand, drop off a job at one of our vendors a few blocks down, take time walking there and back.

11:24-- Start working on model that's due today.

11:29-- Finish model.

11:30-- Talk shit on AF.

11:31-- Check facebook.

11:34-- Check various jewelry related forums - "work related"

11:40-- Take break. Walk around block to people watch.

11:50-- Render model that's due today.

12:00-- Scrap render, change some settings, rerender.

12:10-- Go find reason to talk to interviewee again.

12:45-- Upload rendering into system.

1:00-- Email sales rep with details on job.

1:15-- Read/answer various emails

1:30-- Asked to do a Check and Clean (Jewelry lingo... checking a customers ring for loose stones, cracks, general problems, then polishing it). Not my job, but I do it anyway because we are short staffed (hince the new lady that we flew in for a couple day trial run).

2:00-- Go to lunch. Walk to ATM, get $20, get Bejing Chicken at Chinese food cart.

2:09-- Talk to new hiree while eating lunch. We know a few people in common, as I know people who work at her current job.

2:30-- Caught up on all modeling jobs, one job that I need to tool path so that I can mill out.

2:45-- Boss comes in (we share an office since I moved up front a few months ago)

2:46-- Productivity increases. Start setting up tool paths.

3:00-- Premilling prep work done, start tool pathing.

3:15-- Waiting on computer to calculate tool paths.

3:25-- Go talk to new hiree.

3:45-- Finish setting up tool paths.

4:00-- Go on break. Get another RedBull.

4:10-- Initiate post processing of tool paths.

4:20-- Giggle because you realize its 4:20.

4:30-- Finish post processing, load program into mill controler.

4:35-- Baby sit mill to remove large excess scrap as its cut away.

4:45-- Go chat up new hiree

5:00-- Leave 30 minutes early, nobody gives a shit.

11-08-2013, 09:18 PM
Hoping to make some quality bad decisions tonight. Maybe fuck a coworker... hopefully with her friend at the same time.

You have my full support.

11-08-2013, 09:33 PM
Damn, far more productive than my day.
Got up and got on the computer. Ate some cheese and crackers, because I was too lazy to go to the store to get some bread. Did some laundry for my grandmother. Played some GTA 4. Ate dinner, and then played some more GTA 4. Went and bought some cigarettes from the gas station. Got back on the computer. Typed this.

Actually, that's pretty much every day for me, unless I help my friend work on a car, or with his vegetable garden.

11-08-2013, 09:42 PM
Damn, far more productive than my day.
Got up and got on the computer. Ate some cheese and crackers, because I was too lazy to go to the store to get some bread. Did some laundry for my grandmother. Played some GTA 4. Ate dinner, and then played some more GTA 4. Went and bought some cigarettes from the gas station. Got back on the computer. Typed this.

Actually, that's pretty much every day for me, unless I help my friend work on a car, or with his vegetable garden.

No J O B?

11-08-2013, 09:48 PM
No J O B?
Nope, I'm a fucking bum. When I get the chance, I work on cars with my friend to make some cash. Too many damn low ballers around here though.

11-08-2013, 09:51 PM
Nope, I'm a fucking bum. When I get the chance, I work on cars with my friend to make some cash. Too many damn low ballers around here though.

Sucks man. Do you have any skills?

11-08-2013, 09:59 PM
Sucks man. Do you have any skills?
I'm decent at working on cars. I'm just not as fast at getting stuff done, as I would have to be if I worked for a legit garage. I over analyze and think things through too much, instead of just doing it. And I have horrible communication skills (because I hate people), so I suck at interviewing for a job.

11-09-2013, 10:18 PM
So once again, I spent almost the entire day playing GTA4. 10PM I decide to go to the gas station and buy some cheap shit beer, to get comfortable for the main event of the UFC event tonight.

I get to the stop sign out of my development, to get on to the main road. My brain was so in-tune to playing the game all day, so I was a second away from just pulling out into on coming traffic and gunning it, because I didn't see any cops. So glad I was sober, otherwise I probably would have done it.

I guess that's why I can sort of relate to idiots who claim that games can make people do stupid shit. But in reality, it's just "messed up" people, who are worse than me that actually do it.

11-11-2013, 01:40 AM
I guess that's why I can sort of relate to idiots who claim that games can make people do stupid shit. But in reality, it's just "messed up" people, who are worse than me that actually do it.

Some idiots dont need to have GTA to do completely idiotic idiot shit. I know this one kid.... call him Accord- no.... Acorn....... or lets call him Kenny Powers

So Kenny Powers drove to the office Friday, mostly so that he could have his sweet ass ride available when it was time to be the bad decision that some chick makes later on. He parks in the parking garage during the day so he can move it into his office's private lot after 5 (only execs get to use it before 5 M-F)

Fast forward to 5:15. Kenny Powers is 60 minutes, 4 whiskey on rocks, and 2 beers deep into happy houring. A certain coworker of Kenny's brought her two (surprisingly) good looking friends to the bar and they are planning to ride with Kenny to the next bar where outrageously strong drinks are served and cocks can become unblocked.


Kenny goes to get his car from the parking garage where he finds it mysteriously dead. The radar detector built into his ride was not left on, so the cause for the battery drain is still unidentified. Regardless, Kenny if fucking fuming at this inconvenience during his pussy-getting venture.

11-11-2013, 01:41 AM
Kenny would hate to see his story confined to a single post

11-11-2013, 01:43 AM
Where was I??


11-11-2013, 01:49 AM
Oh right... the car is dead.

So Kenny has already paid to get his car out of the garage, but has to walk back to the bar and announce that his chariot is temporarily unavailable. Fortunately, the friendly neighborhood bartender has a set of jumper cables, so Kenny can get shit working and get the pussy train back on schedule. There's some heavy intoxication to be had.

Kenny goes back to the garage, and finds somebody to give a jump. In the process, Kenny nearly burns his car to the ground by connecting the pos/neg jumper leads to the wrong side of the battery terminal. That should have been Clue #1 that Kenny was more shitfaced than he realized.

11-11-2013, 01:50 AM

11-11-2013, 02:03 AM
So Kenny has his ride started up again. He pays an extra $11 to get his car out of the parking garage because its been a good half hour since he first paid to get his car out.

Kenny drives down the street to stop in the bar to tell the ladies that the car is once again operational and their vuhjeens may begin to moisten again. He left it running out front of the bar. They have ordered a fresh round while Kenny was away, so he orders a fresh whiskey, pounds half of it, and goes to move his car to the lot next to his office.

While in transit to the parking lot which is a mere 500 feet from the bar, Kenny calls his buddy, lets call him Stevie, who may or may not operate a small pharmaceutical business on the side. Stevie is already at the next planned stop on the pussy path but is prone to go off on side missions for vuhjeen. With this in mind, Kenny says he is gonna run over to the next bar and meet Stevie real quick to fill a prescription (ya know). The ladies waiting back at the first bar say they're on board for some medication to end the evening. So Kenny leaves the private parking lot of his job, and heads toward bar #2 to complete this pharmacy transaction.

11-11-2013, 02:05 AM

11-11-2013, 02:17 AM
So Kenny is less than a block into the pharmacy run when he makes a lane change but seems to have overlooked one pretty important detail.... there's a car there already.

So Kenny muscles his way into the right lane of this main thoroughfare in downtown Chicago -er- Myrtle Beach. Not until he hears a thud and a honk from the rear end of his vehicle. Its at this point that Kenny realizes he may have seriously jeopardized his chances at having the evening end the way he'd hoped.

Now Kenny is sitting at a red light, in front of the car who he just displaced from its spot in traffic using the NASCAR "if it aint rubbin, it aint racin" method. Kenny knows that this is a major buzz kill since there's about a 100% chance that if this other driver wants to call the police that they will smell the fresh Knob Creek on his breath. Unless the cops are abnormally cool about things, then Kenny is gonna be fucked unless he can smooth talk this other driver into a cash settlement on the spot.

11-11-2013, 02:18 AM

11-11-2013, 02:28 AM
So once the light turns green, Kenny proceeds through and puts on his turn signal (cause good driving is now on his mind) to make the next available turn where both drivers can pull off to the side.

The driver of the other car seems to hang back a ways, and doesn't follow Kenny around the corner. This confuses, but pleases Kenny who saw his life flashing before his eyes, thinking of how (a second) DUI would effectively ruin the chances at becoming a successful entrepreneur and legit businessman. His pants were nearly shat.

But what of this other driver??

Were they drunk and scared to stop for fear that Kenny would want to call the police?

Was the other driver on a suspended license?

Was their car stolen?

Did they take Kenny's plate # down to file a police report later? Maybe terrified to approach the car with dark tinted windows?

Had they gotten out of their car on the busy main street while Kenny was driving to the next block? Why didn't they follow? Kenny would have followed the fucktard that swipes the side of his car. The police would be called to remove Kenny foot from their ass.

11-11-2013, 02:30 AM

11-11-2013, 02:36 AM
So Kenny is confused but seemingly free from judgement of this street violation... at least for the moment. He goes on to meet Stevie at the second bar, where he finds out that Stevie was currently cashed out and had to run home to restock the pharmacy.

Kenny returns to the first bar with a still empty prescription and new racing stripe down the side of his car as a result of his roller derby brand of lane changing. The wounds to the car are superficial and can be mended with a wax and buff and a couple dabs of paint around the wheel well.

11-11-2013, 02:38 AM

11-11-2013, 02:48 AM
Kenny parks his wounded vehicle at his office and returns to bar #1 where the group of vuhjeens-er- ladies are still hanging out, talking about shit that doesn't interest Kenny one bit. He informs them that his pharmacy run was fruitless and chooses not to mention the incident that happened along the way. They close their tabs. Kenny closes his. They all walk around the corner to a different bar. In the meantime, Stevie is running home to fill that prescription and will meet Kenny and the vuhjeens at the second bar.

Cut to an hour or so later. Stevie has arrived. Prescriptions are now filled..... but the vuhjeens are talking some bullshit about this other bar, one mentions the boyfriend of the other (a move straight out of Cock Blockers 101). They are beginning to look more like a lost cause, so Kenny calls it a night and takes his sorry ass home.

11-11-2013, 02:50 AM
All things considered, the night ended pretty well for ol Kenny, so he stops to get a celebratory burrito platter before going home to sample his pharmaceutical wares.


11-11-2013, 02:58 AM
So in all of this, there was one positive.... Kenny saw the light and is scared straight. There's still a possibility that the driver of that other car files a report and wants to go to court and press charges (misdemeanor traffic hit and run), which would be kind of appropriate since it would be a massive waste of Kenny's time with all the court procedures. Kenny has spent his fair share of time in court rooms.... not a fan.

So Kenny has given up on combining two of his favorite activities, drinking and driving. You only get so many warnings before you fuck up and have some really horrible shit happen. You'd think a DUI in college or a fender bender in May that cost $1,600 out-of-pocket to repair both cars would have been enough to bring this decision about.


11-11-2013, 03:04 AM
Kenny is through though through thorough tough thought. (alliteration > you)

Kenny Powers will drink and drive no more. Gotta set a better example for the children


11-11-2013, 03:07 PM
Kenny is through though through thorough tough thought. (alliteration > you)

Kenny Powers will drink and drive no more. Gotta set a better example for the children


Thanks for the story time....

11-11-2013, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the story time....

I had something similar happen several years ago, pulling out of a gas station, there is a car in front of me, I look to the left, look to the right, gun it... right into the back of the car in front of me. Granted I only had maybe a 10 feet head start before ramming them, it still knocked out my turn signal night and popped in part of my plastic bumper as well as cave in part of their bumper. They pull out, I follow thinking they are going to pull into the next parking lot, not to in peed traffic trying to leave the gas station. This was also around 3:30 am... I follow... they never pull over... I follow for a mile or so, they never signal to me, wave, pull over... nothing. So I finally turn off... I know they don't have my info because I had no front plates, and they never seen the rear of my car, they clearly know I hit them...

Nothing ever came of it. I figure, at that time of night and in the area I was in, they were up to no good also.

Hopefully the same will be true of you.

11-11-2013, 03:43 PM
Yeah I hope so. Seems to me that anybody who was intent on making a deal out of it would have at least followed be around the corner. Shit, I was directly in front of them.

I know if it were the other way around, assuming I weren't drunk (even though if I were it would be the same and probably worse) I would follow til the sumbitch stopped. Depending on his/her attitude and explanation, shit goes down.

11-11-2013, 03:47 PM
A year or two ago, some guy in a minivan ran into the back of me at a stop light. His foot slipped off the brake onto the gas and he left a scuff and indentation where his license plate screws were.

I got out of the car, looked at it and let him go with a few choice words.... but I definitely had words

11-11-2013, 03:49 PM
A year or two ago, some guy in a minivan ran into the back of me at a stop light. His foot slipped off the brake onto the gas and he left a scuff and indentation where his license plate screws were.

I got out of the car, looked at it and let him go with a few choice words.... but I definitely had words

I just remembered I had someone run into me once at an Office Depot, back when I had my Mazda. I was backing out and they ran right into me, scuffed my back bumper... guy didnt have insurance or had a warrant or something, offered me $100 to let it go (my car was kinda crappy) so I took him up on the offer.

11-11-2013, 04:13 PM
Yeah I was definitely prepared to try and make a cash settlement on the spot as I did the last time. Cost me $600 last time.... well, not on the spot, but after she got an estimate at my shop.

11-11-2013, 05:16 PM
Yeah I was definitely prepared to try and make a cash settlement on the spot as I did the last time. Cost me $600 last time.... well, not on the spot, but after she got an estimate at my shop.


I've never officially been in a wreck. (knock on wood)

11-11-2013, 05:58 PM
Lets see now...

Wreck #1 (2001)
94 Accord 5spd Totaled when lady driving 88 Bonneville pokes out from the alley shortly after a fresh snow. Insurance gave $9500 which led to the purchase of the next wreck

Wreck #2 (2004)
00 Accord 5spd front end smashed when shit kid in Chevy S-10 busts a left turn right across my lane (for absolutely no good reason btw). Insurance covered the repair to the tune of $3500 I believe. The 00 got plenty dinged up by assholes in Tallahassee that don't know how to operate a vehicle, sober or otherwise (a lot of otherwise down there)

The 00 survived long enough for me to sell it (I still miss my baby) and get the subject of the next few fender benders I've had over the last four years.

Bender #1 (2013 April)
Kenny Powers at the wheel, cut around some ass taking 5 years to make a turn, cutting off a car in the process
$600 to fix her car
$1,000 to fix mine

Bender #2 (2013 May)
On a pharmaceutical run, cut it too close on a parked car and scuffed the bumper.
$250 to clean the bumper back up
No, I did not leave a note on the other car as its bumper was already dented and scraped up before I got there. I doubt they noticed.

Bender #3 (2013 Friday)
Kenny Powers last stand

11-11-2013, 06:03 PM
Lets see now...

Wreck #1 (2001)
94 Accord 5spd Totaled when lady driving 88 Bonneville pokes out from the alley shortly after a fresh snow. Insurance gave $9500 which led to the purchase of the next wreck

Wreck #2 (2004)
00 Accord 5spd front end smashed when shit kid in Chevy S-10 busts a left turn right across my lane (for absolutely no good reason btw). Insurance covered the repair to the tune of $3500 I believe. The 00 got plenty dinged up by assholes in Tallahassee that don't know how to operate a vehicle, sober or otherwise (a lot of otherwise down there)

The 00 survived long enough for me to sell it (I still miss my baby) and get the subject of the next few fender benders I've had over the last four years.

Bender #1 (2013 April)
Kenny Powers at the wheel, cut around some ass taking 5 years to make a turn, cutting off a car in the process
$600 to fix her car
$1,000 to fix mine

Bender #2 (2013 May)
On a pharmaceutical run, cut it too close on a parked car and scuffed the bumper.
$250 to clean the bumper back up
No, I did not leave a note on the other car as its bumper was already dented and scraped up before I got there. I doubt they noticed.

Bender #3 (2013 Friday)
Kenny Powers last stand

Whats with you always going places to meet the pharmacist. Don't you have delivery service in Chitown?

11-11-2013, 10:24 PM
Jesus, thank god I live in a small time. I've never even been in a fender bender before.

11-11-2013, 10:27 PM
Jesus, thank god I live in a small time. I've never even been in a fender bender before.

How old are you? Young blood....

11-12-2013, 07:41 AM
Whats with you always going places to meet the pharmacist. Don't you have delivery service in Chitown?

It exists, and my current "guy" does deliver depending on what side of town you're on. In general though, youre most likely meeting your guy (or girl in some cases) at their spot or some other spot.

11-12-2013, 07:42 AM
How old are you? Young blood....

I would bet Spoon is one of the three youngest people in this thread

11-12-2013, 07:43 AM
How old are you? Young blood....

I would bet Spoon is one of the three oldest people in this thread

11-12-2013, 10:03 AM
How old are you? Young blood....

I would bet Spoon is one of the three oldest people in this thread
I actually might be the oldest of the three oldest in this thread. I'll be 33 in February.

11-12-2013, 11:21 AM
It exists, and my current "guy" does deliver depending on what side of town you're on. In general though, youre most likely meeting your guy (or girl in some cases) at their spot or some other spot.

heh, I used to get good from a lesbot. She was black too.

11-12-2013, 11:22 AM
I actually might be the oldest of the three oldest in this thread. I'll be 33 in February.

Holy God Damn, I was expecting like 10 years younger.

11-12-2013, 11:29 AM
Holy God Damn, I was expecting like 10 years younger.

Also, I'm somewhat excited about this show, I haven't watched the Pilot yet, but I like John Goodman and a good stab at political satire. I believe its also the first show to be put out by Amazon.

Remember back in the day when you got some channels with satellite, and different channels on cable? I wander if that's how its going to end up with Netflix and Amazon both producing their own shows now? I don't have Netflix anymore, but I do use Amazon Prime, which has a pretty good selection of streaming TV shows, and they even offer the newest shows- expect you have to pay for them. But its better than waiting 20 years for them to show up on Netflix. I hear YouTube will soon be entering that realm also, by end of year they are launching their paid music subscription service, then I read they plan to offer movies and tv shows much like Netflix also- which I think with Youtube/Googles mighty swing might trump them all in terms of being able to acquire rights to show certain things (becoming a large issue for Netflix). All of this while I'm still paying $140/mo for bumbled mid grade HD DVR cable, and 25meg internet.

Meh, I need to spend less.

Also... I killed a quarter in two days over the weekend, so I decided I should lay off for a while. Apparently what I meant was "lay off until I get off work and buy some more"... because that what happened.

11-12-2013, 11:30 AM
Also, I'm somewhat excited about this show, I haven't watched the Pilot yet, but I like John Goodman and a good stab at political satire. I believe its also the first show to be put out by Amazon.

Remember back in the day when you got some channels with satellite, and different channels on cable? I wander if that's how its going to end up with Netflix and Amazon both producing their own shows now? I don't have Netflix anymore, but I do use Amazon Prime, which has a pretty good selection of streaming TV shows, and they even offer the newest shows- expect you have to pay for them. But its better than waiting 20 years for them to show up on Netflix. I hear YouTube will soon be entering that realm also, by end of year they are launching their paid music subscription service, then I read they plan to offer movies and tv shows much like Netflix also- which I think with Youtube/Googles mighty swing might trump them all in terms of being able to acquire rights to show certain things (becoming a large issue for Netflix). All of this while I'm still paying $140/mo for bumbled mid grade HD DVR cable, and 25meg internet.

Meh, I need to spend less.

Also... I killed a quarter in two days over the weekend, so I decided I should lay off for a while. Apparently what I meant was "lay off until I get off work and buy some more"... because that what happened.

HA! I never even put the link to the show on amazon that sparked all of this.


11-12-2013, 02:23 PM
HA! I never even put the link to the show on amazon that sparked all of this.


I was definitely wondering what the hell you were talking about

11-12-2013, 02:28 PM
Meh, I need to spend less.

Also... I killed a quarter in two days over the weekend, so I decided I should lay off for a while. Apparently what I meant was "lay off until I get off work and buy some more"... because that what happened.

Deezam.... Ive been on a pretty steady 1/8th per week schedule but I have to space out the sessions cause it takes at least two of the small bowls to get me where I wanna be. Stupid tox tolerance

11-12-2013, 02:29 PM
I actually might be the oldest of the three oldest in this thread. I'll be 33 in February.

Shit, I had you pegged for 20's also. Guess that makes me the youngin of this thread

Now change my diaper

11-12-2013, 02:35 PM
Shit, I had you pegged for 20 also. Guess that makes me the youngin of this thread

Now change my diaper

How old are you? 26ish?

11-12-2013, 03:01 PM
HA! I never even put the link to the show on amazon that sparked all of this.


I remember hearing about this show a while back. I like John Goodman. He's on my personal Mt Rushmore of tv dads

Heathcliff Huxtable
Archie Bunker
Dan Conner
Homer Simpson

If you don't know which shows they came from, then you're dead to me

11-12-2013, 03:02 PM
How old are you? 26ish?

Nope, I joined the 30 club a few months back

11-12-2013, 03:03 PM
Nope, I joined the 30 club a few months back

Holy fucking Jesus titties...

I'm the youngest one here 0.0

11-12-2013, 03:05 PM
I remember hearing about this show a while back. I like John Goodman. He's on my personal Mt Rushmore of tv dads

Heathcliff Huxtable
Archie Bunker
Dan Conner
Homer Simpson

If you don't know which shows they came from, then you're dead to me

I don't think I've ever seen an episode of All in the Family, however I am familiar.

11-12-2013, 03:05 PM
When you see this picture, do you see an old man in a suit or the greatest lawyer of all time?


11-12-2013, 03:15 PM
When you see this picture, do you see an old man in a suit or the greatest lawyer of all time?


Well first I see the sheriff... then I see the greatest lawyer of all time.

11-12-2013, 03:26 PM
Well first I see the sheriff... then I see the greatest lawyer of all time.

You have passed the test

11-12-2013, 03:30 PM
Another simple age test:

Which one of these people is "Opie"?




11-12-2013, 03:36 PM
Another simple age test:

Which one of these people is "Opie"?




This is obviously a trick question. Your tactics fail to amuse me....

11-12-2013, 07:25 PM
Deezam.... Ive been on a pretty steady 1/8th per week schedule but I have to space out the sessions cause it takes at least two of the small bowls to get me where I wanna be. Stupid tox tolerance

I commend you, no way could I get by on an eighth a week, since starting again I've had my steady half a week.

11-12-2013, 08:39 PM
I commend you, no way could I get by on an eighth a week, since starting again I've had my steady half a week.

My consumption limitations have more to do with budget and living quarters than it does personal restraint.

Although now that I never have to share when at home, I can stretch it a lot further. For a gram to last a weekend unburnt was unheard of at my old apartment when I had heads all around.

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