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  1. 99 saturnSL1 cranks but won’t turnover randomly.
  2. Brake line(s) ruptured
  3. painting fender
  4. oil
  5. oxidation
  6. smell of gas?
  7. I need a wiper arm 2002 SL2
  8. SL2. Better Steering Angle?
  9. anyone tried a Blade filter? plus some issues
  10. 1995 Saturn sc2
  11. 1997 Saturn SL full door removal help?
  12. Popping noise
  13. 1997 sl2 idle going crazy when stopped
  14. SL1 will not start
  15. 94 Twin Cam Temp Sensor Lt Goes On and Off
  16. Need help 97 saturn sl2
  17. Fuel issues
  18. Need expert advice
  19. 2000 SL2 Stabilizer bar needed; can anyone help?!
  20. Sean
  21. 93 sc sohc freeze plugs. Where would they be?
  22. Please... PLEASE... someone help me...
  23. spoiler
  24. 1998 Saturn SL SOHC block with DOHC head?
  25. 98 saturn sl speedometer or odometer doesn't work
  26. 99 Saturn wont crank
  27. Some thing broke or come loose
  28. 2002 Saturn SL1 Won't Start
  29. Dies intermittantly while driving "SOLVED"
  30. Wish me luck! Trans problem.
  31. saturn code reader
  32. 98 saturn sc2 problems runing
  33. 1999 Saturn SL2 starting issues
  34. Multiswitch?
  35. Thinking of buying 2001 Saturn SL2
  36. 98 saturn running ruch
  37. Grounded Starter
  38. transmission issue?
  39. Car stalls/won't start/wait 15 min, starts. CPS #P0336
  40. Changeing Parts 2000-2002
  41. 94twincam trans/shift problem w reversing
  42. 02 Sl stalls at light, engine lights flash, then restarts
  43. Stumped - Transmission and a rainstorm
  44. Saturn 2002 SL sometimes will not start
  45. Please Help
  46. Won't start after bearing replacement
  47. Brake pedal lowers RPMs
  48. high idle SATURN SC1 2001
  49. 2002 SL2 DOHC Proactive Maintenance
  50. Cleaned EGR, now engine Shaking
  51. 1999 saturn SC1 Transmission shift problems
  52. saturn wont start
  53. Catalytic convertor
  54. Ls2 timing
  55. 98 Saturn SL 2 DOHC stalls soon after driving
  56. 2000 Saturn SC2 Power window works sometimes
  57. 98 SL2 1.9 DOHC REALLY high idle at startup
  58. Muffler bracket replacement
  59. steering fault
  60. 1994 satarn sw2 blinkers wont work
  61. EGR Valve Dissabled for 4+ years
  62. 95 Saturn SC1 won't start no power to radio or door locks
  63. 2000 sl2 need help please
  64. SL1 Washer Pump
  65. Saturn will crank, no dashboard lights
  66. 2002 SL electrical died today
  67. head gasket, valves or rings?
  68. 02 SC2 possible head gasket?
  69. 99 Saturn SL1 Squeaking sound
  70. 97 Saturn SL No 1st or 2nd gear from Manual Transmission
  71. 2000 sl oil consumption/tranny
  72. 2000 SC2 accelerates on own and high idle
  73. 1997 SC1 engine transfer
  74. Cargo netting attachment fell off
  75. 97SC1 Will Not COLD start
  76. HID low beams in 02 SL
  77. 94 SL2 (twin cam) died in heavy traffic
  78. Is there a sensor for....
  79. High idle on 2000 SL1
  80. 98 Saturn SL1 - Turns over but doesnt Start
  81. Issue with hard shift
  82. 2001 SL1 Aftermarket
  83. High pitch squeel then died
  84. '97 SL1 Dies Randomly
  85. 1994 saturn sl1 1.9l s.o.h.c
  86. What is speedometer calibrated to?
  87. CV Joint Replacement
  88. replacement a/c parts
  89. Saturn Headlights Question!
  90. Manual Transmission Problem
  91. 1993 Saturn Sl1
  92. Dash lights flickering on a '00 SL-2; won't start...
  93. Compound for holding on parts related to cargo netting
  94. Misfire cylinder 1
  95. Begun engine removal
  96. 97 SL2 Problem with cold start
  97. 2000 Saturn SC2 computer won't reset
  98. 2000 Saturn SC2 Keyless Remote
  99. 92 Power window motor
  100. Problems! Problems! Problems!
  101. 1998 SL2 Won't start after Garmin use
  102. Ignition Lock Cylinder
  103. new here and have some saturn questions
  104. water pump
  105. 2000 saturn hard shift
  106. Saturn Rings
  107. 99 sc2 p0410 wont go away and poor acceleration
  108. OBDII code issues
  109. 1st and reverse only, 5 speed Manual 97 SL
  110. SC2 Saturn Wont Start - Help!
  111. 1999 Saturn SL2 Noise from right side wheelwheel to right
  112. sqeaking sound
  113. 97 SL2 won't shift into first or second
  114. Need help identifying part.
  115. '97 SC2 transmitter board needed
  116. Mechanic says battery has low voltage
  117. '98 SL2 w/ 199,000 mi. Wont Start. One click when key turned to Start
  118. Emergency Brake Handle slipping, won't hold
  119. 2001 SL won't start irradic
  120. whats needed to remove front seats
  121. 2002 Saturn SC2 No Fire after engine dies
  122. Jet engine noise
  123. 1997 Saturn sc 2 coupe wierd starting/shifting problem
  124. 93 Saturn sl2
  125. White smoke "on load"
  126. 1998 SL2 "Sputter"
  127. my 1998 sc2 saturn wnt start... it will crank til the battery goes dead but it doesnt get any fire from the coil backs. i need help...
  128. 97 Saturn SC1
  129. Failed Inspection, Computer can't connect
  130. Fixer-upper 95 SL thoughts anyone?
  131. Where To Buy?
  132. Rear wheel bearings- how to tell which side is going?
  133. 2001 Saturn SL Engine Bucking, Unreponsive Gas Pedal, Erratic Idle
  134. I need to up date my stereo
  135. 99 SL2 Clutch wearing out
  136. Stereo Help!
  137. 99, Saturn SL1, sound while driving
  138. lose of power 0n my 93 sl2
  139. 2000 SW2 wheel bearing
  140. SC2 was rained on... now no Radio/Odometer
  141. 1999 Saturn SL- DOHC Cruise Control?
  142. A/C compressor noise
  143. 1999 Saturn SL2 just started making clunk type sound
  144. Oil aound spark plug
  145. 99,Saturn SL1, Day lights are off
  146. 1999 Saturn SC2 motor.
  147. Saturn SC2 Won't Start
  148. 1999 SC2 Psgr Window
  149. 98 saturn sl stalling at lights, blowing white smoke
  150. IAT circuit problems
  151. warning bell wont turn off?
  152. 98 Smoked Side Marker LIghts
  153. My Saturn SL2 Won't Turn On After Changing the Battery
  154. highway vibration
  155. 2001 SL1 manual transmission shifting problem after braking
  156. 1991 saturn
  157. Meters freezing
  158. put a 2002 motor in my 94 sc1 1.9 sohc
  159. '00 SL2 bearing/hub replacement?
  160. 1994 SW Clutch trouble
  161. 1995 SL1 acceleration hesitation
  162. 99 SC2 Heater Core
  163. 97 SC 1 trouble code
  164. My SW-2 cooling systems troubles, need advice...?
  165. adding cruise control
  166. 1999 SL2, dohc Oil burn issue
  167. 99 SL 1 performance brakes?
  168. general question about the 95 sl2 with 2.2 motor
  169. car wont start
  170. Trouble starting
  171. 96 SL2-possible wiring harness prob?
  172. Another head swap thread...
  173. SL1 won't turn over
  174. Any collision experts?
  175. Lug nut caps won't come off a flat!!! -Saturn SC 1
  176. 2002 Saturn SL Brake Lights don't work
  177. 97 Saturn sc2 Hood interchange
  178. 96 SL2 manual dowload.
  179. 2000 Saturn SC2 running horrible!!
  180. 99,Saturn SL1,1 shoe pad wearing
  181. 98 sw2
  182. 97' SL "rumbling" idle sohc
  183. Looking for a better engine.
  184. Car overheats when in heavy traffic
  185. P0442 and now P0440
  186. 93 SL2 Intermittant engine miss
  187. 01 SL "buzzing" noise coming from PS pump?
  188. 02 Saturn 1.9 DOHC Coupe Unknowns??
  189. Selling conditions on DriverSide
  190. 1997 wippers
  191. engine trouble
  192. Drove car w/o oil I think
  193. Wideband 02 upgrade
  194. Manuel transmission troubles
  195. 94 SC2 "Service Engine Soon"
  196. 97 SL2 Automatic Trans, will not shift into overdrive
  197. Car wont start - manual
  198. SW2 runs rough
  199. 1998 Saturn SL2 no crank
  200. 98 sl1 code p0327
  201. Coolant Leak
  202. poor shifting manual
  203. REM wire touched my ground wire.. how can i fix the issue?
  204. Sw2 looses electrical power and stalls
  205. 1999 SL1 Rear Defroster Not Working
  206. 1999 SL2 won't start
  207. Front Wheel Hub Bearing 2001 Sl2
  208. Stalling
  209. need more horses
  210. 99 saturn sl goes wide open
  211. 95-SL Door Locks gone wild
  212. 98 sc2 bogging/ not running right
  213. 2000 sc1 rpms keep sticking
  214. 99 SATURN SC2 1.9 DOHC Ideal Oil Pressure??
  215. 1998 saturn SL2 idle speed changes low, high, back to low
  216. Loss of Brake pedal when backing up
  217. 98 1.9 dohc engine pics needed please
  218. 97 SL2 Not getting power
  219. Fuel Line Disconnected!!!???
  220. 97 SW2 won't idel
  221. 97 sl1 starting
  222. 96 sl shifting trouble.
  223. 96 sl shifting trouble.
  224. 96 sl shifting trouble.
  225. What is Engine Trouble code 53?
  226. 98 SC1 fuel gauge
  227. '98 sc2 Low coolant light/Coolant overflow blow
  228. 97 Saturn won't accelerate
  229. 92 SL2 or 94 Cavalier?
  230. My 1994 SL won't turn over
  231. translate to a standard plug
  232. 99 SL1 Transmission sound
  233. 92 sc1 hard start runs after warm
  234. Sc1
  235. saturn heads
  236. motors swaps for power and play room
  237. 2000 SL1 Random Misfire PO300B
  238. My Sick SC1
  239. Head gasket. Question
  240. Code P0405 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor A Circuit Low
  241. 2002 SL1 error codes P0128 and P0341
  242. Code P0118 Temperature Circuit High Output
  243. Ignition Coil Wont Fire
  244. 1999 saturn sc2 3dr idles low wont start unless gased down to 3000 rpm for
  245. 95 sc2 interference engine?
  246. 99 SL2 Speedometer 20mph faster than car
  247. Electrical Issue for 1997 Saturn SW2
  248. 01 SC1 Bad Wheel Bearing?
  249. 96 SC1 EGR Valve sticking?
  250. Catalytic Converter and Smog