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- 99 saturnSL1 cranks but won’t turnover randomly.
- Brake line(s) ruptured
- painting fender
- oil
- oxidation
- smell of gas?
- I need a wiper arm 2002 SL2
- SL2. Better Steering Angle?
- anyone tried a Blade filter? plus some issues
- 1995 Saturn sc2
- 1997 Saturn SL full door removal help?
- Popping noise
- 1997 sl2 idle going crazy when stopped
- SL1 will not start
- 94 Twin Cam Temp Sensor Lt Goes On and Off
- Need help 97 saturn sl2
- Fuel issues
- Need expert advice
- 2000 SL2 Stabilizer bar needed; can anyone help?!
- Sean
- 93 sc sohc freeze plugs. Where would they be?
- Please... PLEASE... someone help me...
- spoiler
- 1998 Saturn SL SOHC block with DOHC head?
- 98 saturn sl speedometer or odometer doesn't work
- 99 Saturn wont crank
- Some thing broke or come loose
- 2002 Saturn SL1 Won't Start
- Dies intermittantly while driving "SOLVED"
- Wish me luck! Trans problem.
- saturn code reader
- 98 saturn sc2 problems runing
- 1999 Saturn SL2 starting issues
- Multiswitch?
- Thinking of buying 2001 Saturn SL2
- 98 saturn running ruch
- Grounded Starter
- transmission issue?
- Car stalls/won't start/wait 15 min, starts. CPS #P0336
- Changeing Parts 2000-2002
- 94twincam trans/shift problem w reversing
- 02 Sl stalls at light, engine lights flash, then restarts
- Stumped - Transmission and a rainstorm
- Saturn 2002 SL sometimes will not start
- Please Help
- Won't start after bearing replacement
- Brake pedal lowers RPMs
- high idle SATURN SC1 2001
- 2002 SL2 DOHC Proactive Maintenance
- Cleaned EGR, now engine Shaking
- 1999 saturn SC1 Transmission shift problems
- saturn wont start
- Catalytic convertor
- Ls2 timing
- 98 Saturn SL 2 DOHC stalls soon after driving
- 2000 Saturn SC2 Power window works sometimes
- 98 SL2 1.9 DOHC REALLY high idle at startup
- Muffler bracket replacement
- steering fault
- 1994 satarn sw2 blinkers wont work
- EGR Valve Dissabled for 4+ years
- 95 Saturn SC1 won't start no power to radio or door locks
- 2000 sl2 need help please
- SL1 Washer Pump
- Saturn will crank, no dashboard lights
- 2002 SL electrical died today
- head gasket, valves or rings?
- 02 SC2 possible head gasket?
- 99 Saturn SL1 Squeaking sound
- 97 Saturn SL No 1st or 2nd gear from Manual Transmission
- 2000 sl oil consumption/tranny
- 2000 SC2 accelerates on own and high idle
- 1997 SC1 engine transfer
- Cargo netting attachment fell off
- 97SC1 Will Not COLD start
- HID low beams in 02 SL
- 94 SL2 (twin cam) died in heavy traffic
- Is there a sensor for....
- High idle on 2000 SL1
- 98 Saturn SL1 - Turns over but doesnt Start
- Issue with hard shift
- 2001 SL1 Aftermarket
- High pitch squeel then died
- '97 SL1 Dies Randomly
- 1994 saturn sl1 1.9l s.o.h.c
- What is speedometer calibrated to?
- CV Joint Replacement
- replacement a/c parts
- Saturn Headlights Question!
- Manual Transmission Problem
- 1993 Saturn Sl1
- Dash lights flickering on a '00 SL-2; won't start...
- Compound for holding on parts related to cargo netting
- Misfire cylinder 1
- Begun engine removal
- 97 SL2 Problem with cold start
- 2000 Saturn SC2 computer won't reset
- 2000 Saturn SC2 Keyless Remote
- 92 Power window motor
- Problems! Problems! Problems!
- 1998 SL2 Won't start after Garmin use
- Ignition Lock Cylinder
- new here and have some saturn questions
- water pump
- 2000 saturn hard shift
- Saturn Rings
- 99 sc2 p0410 wont go away and poor acceleration
- OBDII code issues
- 1st and reverse only, 5 speed Manual 97 SL
- SC2 Saturn Wont Start - Help!
- 1999 Saturn SL2 Noise from right side wheelwheel to right
- sqeaking sound
- 97 SL2 won't shift into first or second
- Need help identifying part.
- '97 SC2 transmitter board needed
- Mechanic says battery has low voltage
- '98 SL2 w/ 199,000 mi. Wont Start. One click when key turned to Start
- Emergency Brake Handle slipping, won't hold
- 2001 SL won't start irradic
- whats needed to remove front seats
- 2002 Saturn SC2 No Fire after engine dies
- Jet engine noise
- 1997 Saturn sc 2 coupe wierd starting/shifting problem
- 93 Saturn sl2
- White smoke "on load"
- 1998 SL2 "Sputter"
- my 1998 sc2 saturn wnt start... it will crank til the battery goes dead but it doesnt get any fire from the coil backs. i need help...
- 97 Saturn SC1
- Failed Inspection, Computer can't connect
- Fixer-upper 95 SL thoughts anyone?
- Where To Buy?
- Rear wheel bearings- how to tell which side is going?
- 2001 Saturn SL Engine Bucking, Unreponsive Gas Pedal, Erratic Idle
- I need to up date my stereo
- 99 SL2 Clutch wearing out
- Stereo Help!
- 99, Saturn SL1, sound while driving
- lose of power 0n my 93 sl2
- 2000 SW2 wheel bearing
- SC2 was rained on... now no Radio/Odometer
- 1999 Saturn SL- DOHC Cruise Control?
- A/C compressor noise
- 1999 Saturn SL2 just started making clunk type sound
- Oil aound spark plug
- 99,Saturn SL1, Day lights are off
- 1999 Saturn SC2 motor.
- Saturn SC2 Won't Start
- 1999 SC2 Psgr Window
- 98 saturn sl stalling at lights, blowing white smoke
- IAT circuit problems
- warning bell wont turn off?
- 98 Smoked Side Marker LIghts
- My Saturn SL2 Won't Turn On After Changing the Battery
- highway vibration
- 2001 SL1 manual transmission shifting problem after braking
- 1991 saturn
- Meters freezing
- put a 2002 motor in my 94 sc1 1.9 sohc
- '00 SL2 bearing/hub replacement?
- 1994 SW Clutch trouble
- 1995 SL1 acceleration hesitation
- 99 SC2 Heater Core
- 97 SC 1 trouble code
- My SW-2 cooling systems troubles, need advice...?
- adding cruise control
- 1999 SL2, dohc Oil burn issue
- 99 SL 1 performance brakes?
- general question about the 95 sl2 with 2.2 motor
- car wont start
- Trouble starting
- 96 SL2-possible wiring harness prob?
- Another head swap thread...
- SL1 won't turn over
- Any collision experts?
- Lug nut caps won't come off a flat!!! -Saturn SC 1
- 2002 Saturn SL Brake Lights don't work
- 97 Saturn sc2 Hood interchange
- 96 SL2 manual dowload.
- 2000 Saturn SC2 running horrible!!
- 99,Saturn SL1,1 shoe pad wearing
- 98 sw2
- 97' SL "rumbling" idle sohc
- Looking for a better engine.
- Car overheats when in heavy traffic
- P0442 and now P0440
- 93 SL2 Intermittant engine miss
- 01 SL "buzzing" noise coming from PS pump?
- 02 Saturn 1.9 DOHC Coupe Unknowns??
- Selling conditions on DriverSide
- 1997 wippers
- engine trouble
- Drove car w/o oil I think
- Wideband 02 upgrade
- Manuel transmission troubles
- 94 SC2 "Service Engine Soon"
- 97 SL2 Automatic Trans, will not shift into overdrive
- Car wont start - manual
- SW2 runs rough
- 1998 Saturn SL2 no crank
- 98 sl1 code p0327
- Coolant Leak
- poor shifting manual
- REM wire touched my ground wire.. how can i fix the issue?
- Sw2 looses electrical power and stalls
- 1999 SL1 Rear Defroster Not Working
- 1999 SL2 won't start
- Front Wheel Hub Bearing 2001 Sl2
- Stalling
- need more horses
- 99 saturn sl goes wide open
- 95-SL Door Locks gone wild
- 98 sc2 bogging/ not running right
- 2000 sc1 rpms keep sticking
- 99 SATURN SC2 1.9 DOHC Ideal Oil Pressure??
- 1998 saturn SL2 idle speed changes low, high, back to low
- Loss of Brake pedal when backing up
- 98 1.9 dohc engine pics needed please
- 97 SL2 Not getting power
- Fuel Line Disconnected!!!???
- 97 SW2 won't idel
- 97 sl1 starting
- 96 sl shifting trouble.
- 96 sl shifting trouble.
- 96 sl shifting trouble.
- What is Engine Trouble code 53?
- 98 SC1 fuel gauge
- '98 sc2 Low coolant light/Coolant overflow blow
- 97 Saturn won't accelerate
- 92 SL2 or 94 Cavalier?
- My 1994 SL won't turn over
- translate to a standard plug
- 99 SL1 Transmission sound
- 92 sc1 hard start runs after warm
- Sc1
- saturn heads
- motors swaps for power and play room
- 2000 SL1 Random Misfire PO300B
- My Sick SC1
- Head gasket. Question
- Code P0405 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor A Circuit Low
- 2002 SL1 error codes P0128 and P0341
- Code P0118 Temperature Circuit High Output
- Ignition Coil Wont Fire
- 1999 saturn sc2 3dr idles low wont start unless gased down to 3000 rpm for
- 95 sc2 interference engine?
- 99 SL2 Speedometer 20mph faster than car
- Electrical Issue for 1997 Saturn SW2
- 01 SC1 Bad Wheel Bearing?
- 96 SC1 EGR Valve sticking?
- Catalytic Converter and Smog
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