View Full Version : Sable
- 2003 Sable Common problems?
- Starter issue- headlights bright, no clickclickclick of starter(HELP)
- 2002 Sable shows code P1451
- 05 Mercury Sable airbag code 42
- Help!!
- 2002 Mercury Sable LS
- Locate Engine Block Coolant drain Plugs on '97 Vulcan Engine 3.0L?
- 2000 Mercury Sable Cranks But Won't Start
- 2002 Mercury Sable: Understanding AC from inside the cabin
- 2001 Mercury Sable Trans Issue??
- Power steering problem
- 1990 SABLE with climate control
- 1990 Mercury Sable LS
- 2004 Sable DOHC Tranny does not engage gear
- High idle 24v V6
- Over heating 96 Mercury Sable DS
- 2000 Sable, new engine issue
- 2000 Sable ABS issue
- Brake Shake
- Transmission
- Sad day
- Shakes for a Second but does not Stall - 1997 Sable
- 2001 Mercury Sable LS Premium Part Identification and Install
- 2001 Mercury Sable LS Premium Part Identification and Install
- 2000 Mercury Sable LS Transmission
- 1997 - Heat but not Hot at Maximum Setting
- "Compression check" by Pulling Spark Plug Wires?
- Starter Switch Fail (or something)
- Random injector pulse cylinder 5
- 2002 Mercury Sable
- ac blender door actuator sable 2000
- How to fill/bleed cooling system?
- 2003 transaxle light
- 96 mercury sable Just died???
- Rattle Valve Train Noise at Start-Up
- is this normal?
- 2002 Sable with 3.0 Duratec DOHC Thermostat
- Please Help... Radio & climate control unit are not working.
- Sable '04 DOHC unable to accelerate, runs rough, stumbles
- Hit pothole now my brake caliper grinds against wheel?
- lug nut torqueing question
- 94 mercury sable rough idle
- How to set TDC? test cmp sensor? thanks
- AC Compressor Running?
- Had service engine soon light read. What does the troubleshooting mean?
- All antifreeze leaked from car? What do I do to fix?
- Unsure of washer location
- CKP Sensor, broken mounting tab
- 94 mercury sable wont crank, relay box keeps clicking and fuel pump keeps humming
- 2000 Sable rough idle fix
- 2002 sable with 3.0 dohc - alternator
- 02 sable...replace license plate bulb
- 2005 Intermitant Start Problem
- 2000 Sable rear brake line question
- Water pump leaking around nipple
- 2001 Mercury Sable Cruise Control Problem
- lights don't work in auto position?
- 03 Sable making a "creaking" noise
- 08 Sable yes or no.....
- 2003 Mercury Sable Cold Engine Misfire
- 2000 Sable LS Auto light problem
- How to lock your '97 Sable and disable your alarm
- I need help 1996 Mercury Sable!!!
- Cylinder 4 misfire, TPS low voltage
- 2000 Sable keyless entry question
- 2004 sable electrial problems
- 2004 sable sometimes wont start in the morning
- 1998 Sable no electric Windows or Interior Lights
- Misfiring Cylinder 4 on 2002 Merc Sable
- 2000 sable LS miss while idling in drive
- 1999 sable blinker lights
- 1996 mecury sable
- 1996 sable
- oil leaking
- Help! I need my car back! Weird electrical problem 03 Sable.
- 98 Mercury Sable with no heat
- Temp gauge jumps between the N and A in Normal
- 97 sable wagon uses up starters in 2 months
- 2000 Sable DPFE Sensor
- 05 Sable - Duratec 3.0 DOHC / Water Pump Belt
- 98 sable start-up
- Heat is not working in my 2001 Mercury Sable LS
- 02 Mercury Sable water pump
- Odd wear on inside front drivers side tire
- 99 sable cruise light flashes
- Auto Head Lamp Problem
- 89 Sable AC Compressor Runs But Won't Cool
- sway bar links
- The Sable Saga Continues.
- 98 Sable Bucks when A/C is on
- A.C. blowing cold. Then warm. then cold again 99 Sable
- 2001 Sable Cylinder #2 and #6 misfire
- Misfiring on #1 cyl.
- Dead on the highway
- 98 sable not charging
- '96 Mercury Sable host of problems
- How to find the Keyless Entry Code for 1986-2007 Sable/Taurus
- 97 camshaft position sensor
- 98 sable not charging
- 1994 mercury sable makes loud clicking noise while in park and nuetral also it wont move in drive or reverse
- Keyless Entry Code?
- 2004 Sable Oil Drain Plug Size??
- 1998 Sable Wagon computer problem?
- 3.0 Duratech DOHC Bucking Problem
- O2 sensor locations for 2002 Mercury Sable
- 2002 Mercury Sable engine pulsates.
- Unknown vacuum part - Mercury Sable 99
- 94 Sable no dash lights or tail lights
- 1999 sable fans not coming on long enough, PCM, CCRM. cooling
- 1999 Mercury Sable Transmission Issue
- 2000 Sable Radio Antenna Issue
- '97 Sable Wgn runs rough, dies...
- Leaking brake line
- 08 Sable rear camber
- Check eng lite + code P0761
- 99 Sable, wont start (Bad Gas). Please help. Quick fix
- 1992 mercury sable
- 97 sable stalls in heat
- Auto door lock relay on 1996 Sable
- '99 Sable GS ABS Light
- '99 Sable GS ABS Light
- AC Compressor Bypass on 96 mercury sable
- pcv valve and Mitchell
- AC Compressor/Power Steering/Battery Light
- Lost keys
- brakes not acting right??
- 96 Mercury Sable shiftin or non excisting shifting!
- 1990 Sable with more then 1 prob
- 99 mercury sable still having egr!!
- 1990 Mercury Sable power window problems
- 1996 Sable 3.0 ohc v6 overheating
- 2002 Mercury Sable bucks sometimes at idle
- Bumping Sound
- Low Coolant Light On but Plenty of Coolant
- 2005 Mercury Sable V6 accelerates on its own!
- 2002 Mercury Sable Electrical Problem?
- Performance Chip
- no heat
- 2002 Mercury Sable GS- Water in sparetire area
- 97 Sable Catalytic Converter Removal
- 01 sable digital climate control
- 96 Sable Steering Gear
- '97 Sable wagon intermittant problem
- 2001 sable
- 99 Sable Interior lights won't go off
- Starting problems
- water in passenger cabin
- '97 Sable Wagon Stalls, No Speedo, shifting badly
- Chirpping noise
- Cylinder #6 misfire
- Transmission problem
- 1999 Mercury Sable intermittently wont start
- 1997 Sable dropping resister.
- My Mercury Stalls only in gear!?!?
- 1992 Mercury Sable tail light lens
- My 99 Mercury Sable is on the side of the road....Any ideas??!!
- Cluster back lights quit working. ???? 01 Sable
- 95 sable unstable idle
- Trans problem, late shift from 2nd to 3rd
- 2003 Sable blend door actuator not working
- 97 sable
- 2000 dohc pcv
- 2000 Sable bucking between 20-40 mph.
- speedometer inoperative
- 98 sable aftermarket radio
- Dying 93 sable
- CD player swap
- No start 1999 Sable 3.0 2valve engine
- 1994 FORD MERCURY SABLE, won't give diagnostic codes
- 93 Sable rear speaker replacement
- 95 Sable Starter Bolt removal
- Running to lean
- Jumping Speedometer
- 93 mercury sable: starter makes grinding noise!
- 93' sable: interior fan wont turn off?
- Dorman Coolant reservoir tanks
- Occasional Bump
- 2000 sable rear disc conversion?
- Pinkish Colored Power Steering Fluid
- is the dealership scamming me?
- 2002 sable engine hesitates at 35 mph
- 1999 Sable Loose Column Shifter
- 99 Sable trans/speedometer
- 1997 Mercury Sable engine pull
- 1990 Sable blower motor
- Keyless Entry Module
- CD player installation?
- remote fob programing
- 99 sable rear drum brakes problem
- Brake pedal goes to floor
- 2003 Sable bank 2 lean condition
- 96 Sable Attempting to turn over
- May purchase '97 Sable after sitting
- retiring my sable
- sable needs help.
- Power steering pump swap
- 2003 sable stalls when stopped
- 2003 mercury sable transmission trouble
- 2003 Sable - Brake issues, caliber, rotor, backing plate?
- Need advice on parts pricing
- Radio 98 Sable
- No Dome Lights/Door Lights/Hazzards
- pully
- '02 Sable - ignition pop sound
- 01 sable bucking-engine miss?
- 97 trans
- Fuel Pump replacement for 01 sable Vulcan
- 2001 sable tranny lurching
- Weird No Start geniuses Please Help..
- Heater core removal
- Engine Miss
- Exhaust leak?
- 97 engine and trans swap
- 1992 Sable randomly dies while driving
- 97 Sable 6 cyl SOHC water pump help please
- 1997 Sable Power Steering locking up
- remiote for my sable ?
- remote key fob
- remote key fob
- 99 Sable not wanting to start
- 2000 Sable LS Premium rough idle, hesitation,
- 2000 Sable LS Premium rough idle, hesitation,
- 2000 Sable LS Premium rough idle, hesitation,
- 2002 Sable: Heater Core & Flush
- Replace 1996 Mercury Sable Air bag module
- Replace 1996 Air bag module
- rattle
- 94 Sable SLS Wagon Transmission Slippage
- 95 Sable Wagon Stalling
- Idle problem
- Dash not lighting up
- 96 Sable 87k miles, odometer & trip meter sticking
- 1999 Sable Cruise not working
- 1996 mercury sable coolant fans
- Heater/AC problem
- Sable not shifting/speedo not working
- 96 Sable No Directionals or Hazard Flasher
- 96 Power Steering leak when parked
- 96 Power Steering leak when parked
- Mercury Sable Lock Picking 94-98
- 1996 Sable wagon trans interchange
- 95 sable troubles
- 1998 Mercury Sable
- Blower relay
- Blower relay
- Help Me PLZ
- new troubles, stalling and rubber smell
- 1999 sable HELP
- 99 Sable 1 cyl not firing
- 2002 Mercury Sable, Windows will not go up or down anymore
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