View Full Version : Car Modeling
- BMOM June Online modeling contest - open for voting!
- 41 willys
- F1-2000 for father's day
- Beginner that needs help and confidence.
- Question about Scale Auto Style body kits
- New Fujimi maranello WHEN?
- S2000 body colour and interior choices?
- First HLJ order!
- How should I Go About This???
- My skyline collection
- Omaha, NE - HobbyTown Model Contest Sept 24
- pro mod contest
- TS-13 + Future = not good
- Which Modal Master Metalizer to use...?
- wonderfully built Ferrari 1/24 kits
- 1/16 jeep
- 55 Nomad paint
- Supra Club anyone
- Satin Black..??
- Tamiya 911GT3 and Boxster
- Does my Car come in model form?
- Celsior suspension question
- Paint Booth in Hong Kong
- Making rubber mold on painted parts??
- Light Fog on my Paint? ::Question::
- Where can i buy Metallic candyapple red
- Help with Pearl coat over yellow.
- Monogram 1/36 Scarab
- 1/8 R/C Porsche
- Proud member of the 1/12 owner's club! (Ferrari F40)
- Lotus???
- D-1 License & RE-Amemiya's drift 7
- Merc. C-Class 93 DTM pics
- the perfect sized muffler
- Hillclimb event took place today!
- FMU question
- New VIP Wheels!
- Miami Vice Cars
- Tamiya 360 Modena help
- Is this the BEST CLEAR COAT over decals?
- were to buy putty cus i dont want to order off the internet
- I'm back!
- carbon fibre?
- revell Eclipse
- Clear coat advise
- tommy kaira decals
- Engine detail?, how big a deal is it for you?
- Break out the styrene and dremel! Ferrari Enzo FXX
- hydralics help!
- [Bad News] Tamiya R34 Z-Tune
- Le Mans Contest
- Pocher is returning
- funny car style cages
- Just a question
- Fujimi Gallardo
- How is Polar Lights Quality??
- Wheels wanted..
- Xanavi R34 - appling decals
- painting/airbrushing interiors
- AMT Nascar queries.....
- Mr. Color 186 Super Clear UV Cut
- Revell ProMods
- any1 now of a website like scale auto style
- Holy Crap!!!!
- Looking for these wheels (Tenzo RS5)
- perry's resin!!!!
- italeri diablo
- For Ferrari fans and if you have money......
- new tamiya peugeot pics
- impreza wrc 05
- LF: 5th Generation Prelude, MS Miata, E46 M3
- Congrats to RallyRaider's wins at the Melb. Model Expo
- Tamiya tire decal question
- New Models
- For Le Mans race car lover...
- Heads up warning
- polish/ clear
- BOV question?
- Oklahoma IMPS event ~! R6 Convention
- Clear Coating
- Something Cool You all might like to see
- The first step...
- Is the rosso 512tr rare?
- paint question
- Color Options???
- Buying kits this way - Does this harm the industry?
- Possible ebay scam..!!
- Hard to finding 2000 and up car&truck
- anybody know ?
- Review on SR Garage 2004 Meets (Singapore)
- How do u get rit of Orange Peal!?
- Carbon hood
- How to hookup a turbo
- Question about the Tamiya Miata
- Need to know how to make Hood molds
- mini cooper
- Intercooler: Alternative way to build it
- Vallejo paints
- house of kolor paints
- Tamiya GT-R carbon fiber
- Scribing a perfect line? arggh
- Boyds in a bottle
- Rachet-style shifter. Someone point me in the right direction.
-!! (please?)
- Revell VIper Srt10
- Willmo & Jswillmon's Pics
- Scale Wiki Gallery
- Racing Resin Engines!
- Post pics of your LHS
- Pickup Trucks
- how do you use alclad 2 ?
- pre painted bodies?
- Airbrush not working!?
- model car shows....?
- Pics from ACME model club June 2005 meeting
- Does one exist?
- Where to find 1/12 seatbelt/harness?
- Sms?
- Need S2000 Engine
- Looking for reference pics for this Skyline model
- Easiest way to strip paint?
- Dust in silver paint
- Italeri Ferrari 348 TS Spyder
- Signature Sizes And Other Problems...
- Rims?
- Squadron Green Putty
- Carbon Fiber Decal applying Trouble
- Got My Order From HLJ
- Any body ever buy from Best1Hobby?
- To all you scratchbuilders out there...
- Different types of Tamiya spraypaint
- My new (and first) spraybooth
- acrylic paint dries strange
- S2000 body kit
- DUPLI-COLOR paints? any advice
- Crash, bash, mash....
- Scale coachworks Jagermeister Porsche 935K3?
- Studio 27 : Lancer WRC 05 2005 Monte-Carlo Transkit
- carbon fibre decals in Belgium
- Carbon fibre decal shortage?
- DIY Spoon,Mugen,etc. Decals
- HOW TO: Replicate Cast Iron or Aluminium Pieces
- any more?
- any one got
- Fujimi Ferrari discontinued?
- BMOM June online modeling contest - invitation!
- tamiya laquer, primer shortage?
- xstuning wheels what happend to them?
- HELP NEEDED: Choosing color
- HELP i need some advice on my new projects 59 cadillac and 55 nomad
- Please advise.. Iwata HP-CS or Tamiya HG Spray Work(#74503)
- Tamiya paints and lacquer?
- a kit for bmw?
- Hot rides galore
- any parts for sale
- 3 resin questions
- toyota vios/ toyota corolla altis kits?
- 7th Annual Frankfurt Model Car Show
- Another resin question:
- TIP:Tamiya Tire Decals
- Ferrari 330 P4
- The perils of working too mutch.......
- Made out like a bandit
- BMOM May online modeling contest - winners!
- Tip for debonding super glue.
- new to modeling
- Cleaning the Paint Booth?
- Bmw Z3
- Skyline C-West Body Kit: How much
- Good polishing abrasives
- Reference Kei Office D1 Silvia anyone?
- Anyone done this kit?
- testing. 1 2 testing 1 2.....first airbush paint test
- AHHH The Painting is the worse part.
- Montaton (Build it Marathon)
- acu stion
- thinning. airbrush needs.
- An evolution in scale modeling web site: ScaleWiki launched!
- Le Mans Model Competition Rules and Schedule
- resin casting ????
- scratchbuilding Skyline engine
- Resin release substiture?
- How-to: Decanting Tamiya ”TS spraycans
- Hobby Lobby Sale!
- Crazy ebay - again..!!
- Built a diy spray booth...leave comments please and thank you!!
- Nova rocker panel trim?
- LeMans Miniature Gulf GT40 Mirage?
- POCHER 1/8 FERRARI F40 on Ebay!!!
- Subaru Impreza Wrc Monte Carlo 05
- musce machines , 41 willys coupe
- Online Shop
- Foto Frisket film
- revell/italier 993 turbo
- revell golf with tuner option
- painting chevy rally wheels?
- Your opinion needed about new parts (it will count)
- Dupli-Color clear over Tamiya color
- Rx-7 R1?
- Hey look what I got
- revell tuners carbon fiber sheets
- Advice on priming resin kits please?
- Need Help......styrene
- The aoshima Chikichiki racing cars, where you guys get yours from?
- model master metalizer
- Different Tamiya Supra ?
- Garage Cast
- squeezy bottles?
- Tamiya TMAX pictures?
- Automotive Paint questions
- Resin Paint Help.....
- Alps Printer??
- Lamborghini Polizia
- Star Wars + F1 fans =
- perry's Resin...blower belt and pulley
- 1991 civic?
- Custom decal options
- BMOM May online modeling contest - open for voting!
- new Iwata Revolution -CR
- 2005 Shizuoka Hobby Show
- airbrush and compressor accesories
- Tamiya Paint Consistancy
- Alcad in a can?!!?
- How do you muffle air compressor noise?
- Tamiya metal primer. What´s it good for?
- Police Diorama?
- Howdy!
- Fujimi porsche 959 1/16 Enthusiast ?!
- Iwata Revolution CR paint flow
- sanding/polishing with toothpaste?
- How to: build a reasonable sanding tool
- Citadel paints not sticking?
- clearcoat time for dupli-colour?
- Revell Escort Mk 2
- PCB Etchant Question
- Moderators, what happened to the Maranello thread???
- Fujimi BMW 535i: can it be built stock?
- Meguiar's scratch X
- Panel lines and clear
- Tire lettering template
- Reference photos of '03 Xanavi GTR
- Wax and Compound Brands
- Tamiya's MP4/6 - what aftermarket addons to consider?
- Unable to contact with
- What primer for gloss red??
- microscale micro mask
- primer through the airbrush?
- Looking for us source...
- Aztek A470 Needle cleanup
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