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> PT Cruiser | PT Cruiser Convertible
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PT Cruiser | PT Cruiser Convertible
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2001 PT Cruiser with SuperCharger stuttering when switching gears
Car Stero Adapter
2008 Model
Water Leak
Error code p0882, p0700, p1603
Cruiser starting issue
Window Malfunction
Cylinder 3 Misfiring
03 cruiser radio power problem
PT Cruiser 2008, weird clunking noise about over half time i accelerate.
06 PT instruments reboot while driving
2005 PT Cruiser new fan motor not working
Unknown problem-Dealer cant find issue
Car not starting need help!!
Steering problems 2004 pt cruiser
Whining noise 2003
2006 PT Cruiser SCM
tips for replacing an alt. on a 2006 cruiser
Pt crusier 2001 overheating
Keyless Remote Problems
05 PT Cruiser Touring Ed Temp Gauge issue
Look at this head, opinions pls.
PT Cruiser won't turn over or run
PT Cruiser Will Not Start
2001 pt cruiser solenoid pack is leaking
Power window regulator w/smart glass module
2002 PT Cruiser Limited Codes: P0700 & P0743
Trunk Lid Pops Open
EGR Code
Airbag Light
2006 PT Crusier radio problems
2002 PT Cruiser ignition lock cylinder removal
2001 PT Cruiser Keyless remote
02 PT Cruiser with Tranny Codes
03 Classic, replaced radiator & now a/c is out.
2006 PT Cruiser; left front TS missing
2003 PT Cruiser Touring Edition
check engine code P340
Drivers side window and convertable top
Can you put tire chains on a PT Cruiser?
03 PT Popping Noises
PO340 Error Code
Steering column ground
03 pt cruiser shut down while driving
Occassional rough idle?
'01 PT Cruiser, Thermostat Knob won't turn past certain point...
07pt runs rough sometimes
2003 PT Cruiser Timing Belt Tip ...
headlight issue 2006 pt cruiser
Front end problem
Bad 01 cruiser engine. Will 98 stratus 2.4 fit?
Well, I bought a 2009 Dodge Nitro???
'02 PT Cruiser Manual trans- won't go into gear
Paid Consumer Research Study - Car Owners
PT Cruiser Electric Fan problem
06 Cruiser changing trans fluid question
Having trouble with windows/cd player
Blown Motor
I am still an Canadian/American
I am still an Canadian/American
PT 02 Airbag system reset
Crysler Canada came through, and yes a Dodge again
camshaft position sensor
06 PT Cruiser stop lights going out
06 Airbag light warning for 5 minutes
Radiator Fan out?
PT Cruiser - unusual odor
PT Cruiser Lug Nut
oil sender leak
LA Body Shop & Bumper Cover "Wrinkle"
Power Steering Pump Diagram & Relief Valve
Chryslers Silent recall
kool-vue muffler?
what's wrong with my PT?!
Well, It happened again. Number seven power steering burst
Right Front Wheel Spin
Engine light and P2096 code on 2002 PT Cruiser
Battery Problems
01 Pt Cruiser power steering issue
PT leaking coolant
Instrument Cluster
shifting problem
losing RPM's when starting PT cruiser
PT CRUISER Stalls and throws code
01 timing belt help.
parts for my 2002 pt cruiser
2006 PT Cruiser A/C issues
Replace 05 timing belt
Key Replacements
'03 PT Cruiser bolt identification
Airbag light, Cruise Control, Horn not working
PT and 5.7
2004 Turbo - ? on not wanting to shift to start
New Wheels Question
the best mileage correction tools for American cars in the world
Crysler Mechanic Help, from yale 329
pt cruiser has annoying squeak on left side of motor
Engine Squeek
PT Cruiser Turbo Power Steering hosees bursting
Does the PT Cruiser have uconnect WiFi?
05 PT Cruiser Convertible Top Issue
02 pt turbo blowing smoke
MORE Airbag Trouble
sluggish takeoff and engine light
04 PT turbo
Air Bag Light
Transmission Problem?
keep old car or go for '07 PT conv.?
better mpg topless?
01 PT Cruiser Running Hot/Overheating
Control for A/C and Heater
PT Cruiser Convt. vs. Sebring Convt.
Parking brake sticking?
check engine light
P.T. Cruiser 2004
front wheel bearings
Gurgling In Heater Core
2001 PT power steering failure
A/C lost it's charge
turbo upgrade?
2001 PT Timing Belt/chain replacement??
Dome Light Dumb Question
Automatic shifter hard to move
Just put on the Lambo doors! Anyone have these?
02 Foglights
Replace control arm bushing?
Got the car Back and guess what
Well It's Back to the shop. for THE 05 PT
Defrost vent, top center of dash, removable??
I Give up with all trust for Dealerships
Listen up NOW, Im 55 and a dam careful Driver.
Electrical Problem??
2005 pt turbo, Dealer Turns nasty
can't Post Help
Key Fob
Clutch Noise
bad gas or what????
Show Your PT Pride!
car won't start,...then try a few hours later...runs beautifully..????
What happen to my Cruiser?
Ejecting CD from CD playeHow do you do it?
2001 Limited Ed. Won't Start.
Cursed PT Cruiser...?
Headlight help
ABS & Traction control turn off on highway
Car Cut Off
Selling My 2006 PT Cruiser
pt turn key alarm will not allow start of car
2007 New PT Convertible - in town 12.5 - 15 mpg ??
uses oil then stops
Rear Wiper Only Works At Times
dash lights
Radio problem in PT Cruiser
timing help
'02 Cruiser front end clunk
01, fog lights
Oil in Air Filter Box
what tires can i fit
2004 PT Cruiser Problem
No Brake lights
Timing Belt Replacement
Air Bag Light Problem
Sterring whell shimmy
03 Cruiser has no power
Bule dot tail lights
engine jerking
Clutch upgrade
Why is there so many PT Cruisers on dealer's used lots?
Would you recommend a cruiser?
2006 PT Cruiser
2003 PT Remote and Key
Anyone Lower a Cruiser yet?
2007 AC quits?
Starter problems for my PT cRUISER
Not a neon, but I own one
No Brake Lights
Help. Kitten stuck in my dashboard!
Steering noises...
2002 PT Power Window Switch
how long will they run?
Pt Engine Problem
Which one?
Battery Removal
Seat Belt 2002 Pt Cruiser
2005 PT convertible sirius ready?
irregular motor revving
2002 PT Cruiser; OBDll code P0551
Can anyone tell me how to get to the spark plugs?
Loaded '05 PT Cruiser Conv. 4sale in Ohio
for sale
Fuel Injector flow rate?
Should I Buy A PT Cruiser Drop Top?
Should I Buy A PT Cruiser
Busted lower radiator hose.
How's $420 for spark plugs and an oil change sound?
Engine idiot light, rough idle
service manual
temp gauge failing
Crap, Need Wiring Diagram Today !!
Head gasket problems? and Turbos?
keyless entry programing
Fan Relay
looking at buying a used PT cruiser. Help!?
exhaust system upgrade?
Does anyone ever answer your questions here anymore?
Any one had problems with lock solenoid?
2 Questions: Gear shifting sound and gas mileage
idot light for oil keeps coming on.
2005 pt gt sedan pcm recoded sticker
Lost Brake Boost
wrecked my pt cruiser
Transmission fell out
how much slower is the pt turbo with an auto?
Srt-4 Pt?
2003 PT Turbo Questions
battery corrosion problems
Upper Dash Pad removal
help with selecting first car
PT Cruiser with manual transmission
More Power, How?
electrical prob 2001 PT
Oil Capacity 2003 2.4 Liter?
PT Turbo vs. Subaru WRX
A/C Freon Discharges while at Idle???
Leaking tires
01 pt tcm problem
New here...
Pt Big Brake Upgrade Group Buy!
thinking about buying a 2005 Pt touring
Passenger power seat
Remote start
Window Tinting on Side Rear Windows
2003-Poor Mileage, Whirring Noise from Steering
2001 accident waiting to happen ( steering)
timing mark
2002 PT Cruiser
Miles Per Gallon
PTCrusier washer bottle
Mopar Oil Filters - Good or Bad?
Cruiser Parts
could b close
Poor POOR Pt lol
Can't shut engine off with the key.
Performance Parts
Need Information
Cruiser Window Tints anf UK Police
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