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05 PT Cruiser Convertible Top Issue

11-08-2008, 11:10 AM
Can't put the top down in the summer in the desert or you'll die, but fall is the time. Last year, the top wouldn't go down correctly and ended up "higher" in the back, like it caught on something. A tech fixed it quickly saying it was the "velcro".

Well, this year it did it again. I've looked inside the edges of the top and the velcro fastener/straps appear to be ok. Whatever problem this is causes the top to fold differently than it is supposed to and it doesn't go down into the well like it should. It causes field of vision problems being that high as I can't use the rear view mirror, and it doesn't look great either.

Any ideas on what causes the top to not compact as much as it should and go down into the well?

Thanks in advance.

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