View Full Version : Impala | Impala SS
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- Car turns off when sensor is moved
- Stalling and lost of power
- 2014 Impala rear end noise
- 09 impala engine harness
- Fuel Stabilizer
- 2007 IMPALA SS not shutting off
- Engine shaking and noise
- 07 Impala LT 3.4 engine hot/ac off
- Metal inside?
- 2010 impala stall/idle problem
- 2004 Impala 3.4L 4t65e whine in passing gear
- 2011 Impala power steering issue
- ABS problem
- Throttle body cleaning 2010 impala
- 2012 impala gear shift
- Questions on 1965-1976 full-sized cars
- 2008 LT 3.9l Active Fuel Management
- 2014 Impala 3.6l LT Tranny
- 2014 Impala stabiity and ABS lites
- 05 chevy impala tranny
- HELP>> starting issues!
- 2008 LT 3.9L Evap charcoal canister
- 2014 Impala Limited P0496 & P0442
- 2008 Impala 3.9l fuel tank roll over valve
- l36 to l32 top swap
- 2008 impala LT 3.9L engine
- A/C Compressor engaged all the time
- B body 1996 Impala cold start growl
- 2007 Impala power seat stuck, can't remove to fix
- 2004 Impala Cranks But Won’t Start
- Water Sound Behind Dash
- 2007 Impala LT climate control panel replacement?
- 2011 Impala ~80k: Rear Bumper Cover Damage
- 2004 Chevy Impala
- 2006 Chevy Impala SS 5.3L
- 2004 Impala Police Package fans Not Working
- Coolant leak 02 3.8
- '04 Impala running rich
- Unable to Shift Out of Park
- AC bypass pulley
- 64 Impala SS- What part is this please?
- Headlight Bracket
- 2007 Impala LT valve cover grommets?
- 2007 impala temperature control circuit
- 3.9l Engine Oil Leak
- 2001 Impala 3.4L Weird Shifting
- Clunking noise
- Headlights problem
- aluminum 409 block
- Wheel bearing issue, replaced & came back
- 2011 Impala. Dash clicking noise.
- 2001 Impala no start. Not fuel pump, MAF, or TPS HELP!
- 03 Impala, crank but no start.
- 04 Impala brake hammering
- 1977 Impala Wagon - Need Body
- Drive 1500 miles on 20's or settle for 18's
- 2012 impala 100,000 mile tune up
- [2005 Chevy Impala] Key won't Turn - Lock Cylinder? Stuck at a Chinese Restaurant.
- 2013 LTZ - Lumbar Support Opinions
- 2004 impala 3.4 water pump replacement
- 2007 impala part identification
- 2011 Impala bleed coolant
- 2003 6 cylinder Impala running rough
- 06 3.9 Starting Issues
- Rear suspension clunk on deep bumps
- Buying 2011-2012 Impala
- 2003 Impala
- Remote entry
- Transverse 4WD
- Floorpan Modifications
- 2014 Chevy Impala Service StabiliTrak
- misfire, ignition, MAF sensor?
- Shake in car going crusing speed on highway
- 2005 impala 4t65e transmission
- purge solenoid
- chevy impala intermediate no start
- 67 Impala fuel tank sending unit?
- 2002 Impala no low speed cooling fans
- INSIDE GARAGE: '67 Chevy Impala
- Key Fob
- Grinding noise when turning
- Help
- 04 Impala sounds like crickets with a cold inside my car?
- 2016 Impala Limited worth buying?
- 2007 Impala LT power steering fluid type??
- 2006 Chevrolet Impala issue
- 2007 Impala 3.5L P0641
- TECH II Help Security light flashing
- bypass blower motor relay?
- 2000 Impala 3.4L question
- is my ecm bad?
- Aftermarket Headlamp Assemblies that fit properly and don't leak
- Temp and gas gauge issues
- Impala 2012 stuck CD mechanism.
- Climate Control lights.
- 2007 3.9L DTC P0335 and 0336
- 2002 Impala 3.4L 189.6k: Passenger Wiper Arm Doesn't Move
- 2008 Impala Charging and Battery
- 2000 impala turns over but won't start
- Impala Dies while driving.
- Transmission issues...AGAIN
- 2004 3.4L GM Deck Height
- Gunked up radiator
- 2004 Impala LS Disable Passlock without factory radio?
- Temp problem with one side of car
- 2004 Impala 4t65e
- 2007 Impala SS Electrical Problems
- 2013 impala 3.6 l 78,000+ miles sway bar condition
- Impala wipers park in "delay" position
- Play in steering 03 Impala
- raising ride height on a 2000 impala
- Delayed heater and overhead info center
- Impala Headlights
- No power yellow wire to shifter solenoid
- can I disable the traction control
- 03 impala 3.8 cat issue
- ignition problem
- 2006 Impala 3.5 stalled, got towed in
- 2002 impala pass lock/battery light flashing/weird black switch under below steering wheel underdash
- RF right front is that........?
- Dead Radio 2012 Impala
- Transmission Filler tube Gasket
- Computer Issues
- Clunking noise in left front wheel
- 02 Impala 3.4L 185.4k: Directional (“Blinker”) Light Fix
- Clunk in the front end.
- 2004 Impala lights does the physical switch auto turn off?
- 04 impala engine, need part identified
- Crossover tube
- 03 Impala 3.8L cranks but won't start when engine is warm
- Changed the idler pulley elbows on my 00 3.8
- How much are these ’62 Impala SS hubcaps worth?
- 2008 Impala Engine Oil Leak
- 01 Impala 3.4 Insturment Panel
- Changed the Ignition switch
- Front End Noise
- 2002 impala battery drain
- 2003 Chevy impala vacuum in the valve covers
- 2003 Chevy impala vacuum in the valve covers
- 04 Impala 3.4 cooling issue
- PINOUTS for 07 9c1/10 9c1
- 02 Imp Alighnment difficulty?
- need to wire a headlight reminder buzzer
- Pig Tail missing on the right front ABS wire
- 2006 3.9 instrument cluster lights not working?
- Low Coolant Level
- impala gas tank noise
- impala gas tank noise
- 02 Impala 3.4L 185k: Front Cover Gasket
- 2010 impala front / rear strut assm
- 2004 impala New radio installed and lost my system ding...
- Cooling fans
- 04 Impala Battery Drain - RT IP #3 fuse is the problem
- Is there a tool to find a battery short?
- 2014 Impala 2LT electrical problem
- Did I need to keep those plastic grommets? $60?
- Heater
- 2001 Impala tail lights go out
- Wheel Mods
- ignition switch and cylinder
- Temp problem with Impala
- '02 Impala 3.4L, 185k: Running HOT !
- Heater only functions while driving
- 2009 no crank
- Extremely low sound on OEM head unit
- 2000 Impala P0102 problem (3.4L)
- 2010 Complete Coolant Hose, Belt R/R
- 2010 Impala dual heat problems
- No accelerator response, progressively worse.
- 02 Impala control arm bushing
- Rocker arm bolt stripped:::...options
- 2006 no right rear brake light or turn signal
- 2001 Impala LED conversion
- No low beam but high and driving lights work on 05 Impala
- Low air pressure light on Reset?
- PO446 code two weeks after new fuel pump
- GM Ignition Recall
- Interesting occurance
- 06 Impala LT Torque Specs Page?
- 2004 Impala LS getting a gas smell
- 2005 3.8L No high beams
- 06 Impala muffler
- Pointers on a no crank problem please
- light problem
- Recall 14350
- fuel injector seal rings (caps)
- 2001 fuel rail removal
- Shop built pressure bleeder question
- wheel alighnment math ? I.E. Toe in
- Anyone use Autoenginuity Proline for ABS Bleeds on Impalas?
- Jet Stage 1 Chip?
- Is my car flex fuel and dual exhaust?
- Downstream O2 Sensor
- Catalytic Converter
- 2001 Odd front end noise
- inner thermal bypass pipe
- 2008 Impala LT 3.5 Flex Fuel Power Steering Pump
- How to crank over engine and not fire up
- 02 chevy impala
- 2001 Impala Screech Noise at Idle
- 2004 Impala Only starts on Starting Fluid, but runs fine after
- Low brake pedal ?
- headlight switch
- 2007 Impala door/warning chime will not shut off
- New master cylinder in 06 Impala goes to the floor
- 2003 impala broken spark plug rear
- Hard starting 2005 Impala
- 07 Impala cooling fans and temp gauge
- 2000 Impala LS Vent Solenoid I.D.
- a/c - heater actuator door clicking
- Sur mode button 2004 impala
- Radio volume
- 06 Impala Tighten Fuel Cap
- 04 Impala Door Adjustment
- 2005 Impala No Brake Lights - Yes Center Light
- 2002 Insturment cluster
- heater hose leak coolant
- '03, 3.4 impala spark plug wire diagram?
- 2009 impala cant fill gas tank
- 2002 3.4 non/abs wobble at first from speed
- 01 Impala 3.4 Camshaft sensor removal ?
- Idenifying brake lines from ABS modulator 01 Impala 3.4
- Wiring Diagrams
- 2002 Chevy Impala starting issue
- 2008 with power steering noises??
- Whats wrong now
- 01 Impala key wont turn steering wont lock
- Canada vehicles any difference?
- Fuel Gauge Pinned, Sending Unit Good
- 13 Impala Headlight Adjustment
- A/C is not cold anymore....
- 2001 impala starts fine won't take fuel
- Erratic speedo on 2005 Impala fix
- Right hand turn, noise
- 2008 Hard transmission shifts
- 2004 Impala, key fit problem when turning ignition
- Heated and non heated side mirrors same wiring?
- 01 Impala long crank after sitting 5+ minutes
- 2005 Impala Instrument Cluster
- Overheating Issue and purging the radiator
- Service Repair Manual in pdf?
- 2003 Impala 3.8L- Loud whine when making left turn
- 07 rough idle and tack jumps
- 04 impala 3.8L no power to fuel pump
- 2005 Impala 3.8 stalls
- Impala will not start :-(
- 2005 Impala 3800 Upper Radiator Hose Flat
- My 01 Chevy Impala Making Humming Noise
- Coolant Temp
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