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chevy impala intermediate no start

09-02-2016, 12:27 PM
Ok Mother-in-law brings her car over to Autozone because of CEL they got no codes.
So she comes to me and asks if I could get codes from a relay or the ignition switch I tell her no.
So she tells me her CEL is on they got no codes and sometimes it acts like it won't start.
I try to start the car a few times and I confirmed what she said So I tell her to let me put my scan tool (Autel ds708) on it to see what it tells me.
So I do and get no codes I go to start the car and it won't start and disconnects the scanner.

any ideas?? Thank you in advance

P.S I also started the car by turning the key to crank and immediately let the key go.
I forgot It's a 2008 Chevy Impala 3.5L

09-02-2016, 12:59 PM
Sounds like it could be the ignition switch,, not the key cylinder, but ign. switch itself. Make sure you have good battery cable connections, of course.

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