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  1. gas smell from 2002 Mitsubishi Montero
  2. coil good but getting intermittent spark - delica
  3. 1986 mitsubishi montero
  4. Spark Plug Wire Routing
  5. 2001 Mitsubishi Montero Sport having issues. Please help before I put a Jihad on it.
  6. 1999 Montero 3.5L Timing Belt SVC now won't start,
  7. Timing with light?
  8. 2002 montero leaking water in valley! Help
  9. 2003 Montero Sport brake/tail light
  10. 03 Montero Limited 3.8L start-up tapping & misfires/stalls while driving
  11. Help!!
  12. 1996 Montero 4wd questions
  13. 2002 mitsubishi L200 TD airbag module
  14. 2002 Mitsubishi Montero XLS rushing water onto floorboard
  15. Mitsubishi Motors Starts Production Of Pajero Sport Midsize SUV
  16. A/C compressor clutch won't engage
  17. Montero sport radio problems
  18. Replace Exterior Door Handle,Passenger Side-98 Montero Sport
  19. pulsating lights
  20. Front wheels not engaging (fully) when switching to 4WD
  21. Manual brake indication light always on
  22. Big Daddy Got Punched :-(
  23. Mmsc
  24. Montero XLS 2001 ABS Grinding/Screeching Problem
  25. Moon Roof Window Motor
  26. problem mounting nerf bars
  27. 02 mits montero 4wd xls "tranny probs?"
  28. engine swap
  29. any recommendations on spark plugs for Montero?
  30. pajero timing chain and many buttons
  31. need a user manual pajero exceed 1997 auto
  32. Service Engine Soon light turn on (Montero 2002)
  33. Transmission Noise at Slow Speeds/While Slowing Down- 04 Pajero
  34. Montero 2002 Alarm module
  35. Montero General Info???
  36. Smell gear lube after using 4wd
  37. 2001 montero_back driver wheel part...need advice
  38. Montero Sport Roof Rail
  39. Montero Head Lamp ?
  40. 97 Monty SR 3.5 no fuel
  41. Auxilary power sockets.... fuse location?
  42. Need help with color of Montero
  43. Serivice Engine Soon? P0510? HELP PLEASE!
  44. Changing A/C compressor on 00 Montero LS
  45. 2001 montero runs hot
  46. Owners Manuel
  47. 2000 Montero Stalling after dead battery
  48. 2000 factory roof rack questions... Do you have simple answer?
  49. 93 montereo no spark
  50. 90 Montero burnt engine control computer
  51. HELP? where is the map sensor located on a 97 montero???
  52. Tire Upgrade for 97 Montero
  53. Headlights
  54. 1st gen monty parts?
  55. Transmission - Hard Shift ????
  56. 2002 Montero - 60/40 2nd Row Split Seat ?
  57. dashboard pics
  58. 2000 Montero transmission prob
  59. Does anyone know to find info on How to repair 1994 Pajero Clutch
  60. 2000 MonteSport... How to change fwd turn light?
  61. 1995 pajero owners manual
  62. blinkers not working
  63. wiring diagram ??
  64. 1987 Dodge Raider Shuts off after 5-6 minutes
  65. 95 Shogun cutting out problem
  66. High Pressure fuel pump filter
  67. No petrol to carbaretor
  68. Noise at start up
  69. radio removal montero
  70. 02 Montero Sport LMTD AWD / o2 Sensor?
  71. 4wd light
  72. Mont sport horn won't stop, had to pull fuse
  73. 1999 Pajero IO Questions
  74. Montero 3.0 DOHC leaking coolant
  75. slow acceleration at startup
  76. 1998 Montero Sport radio removal
  77. replaced alternator now it won't idle?
  78. Montero 4wd light????
  79. Custom Payment?
  80. Turn signal problem.98 sport
  81. MDS vs MAP
  82. Pajero io multicommunication system
  83. Timing belt question
  84. pajero atf hot light
  85. subwoofer replacement
  86. Anyone know how to change power antenna unit 2002 Montero Sport?
  87. Brake Light stays on
  88. 98 montero has no spark
  89. 2000 mitsubishi motero sport
  90. cam timing 3.2 Di d Pajero 2001
  91. Code For Sterio
  92. 2000 montero sport trany ?
  93. Changing Rear Brake Pads on a 2001 Montero Sport
  94. Radio code for Montero sport 2000
  95. smoking Montero
  96. Difference between headlamps 92-7 to 98-00 Montero
  97. 1998 Montero Sport Speedometer Problem
  98. Battery & Brake Warning Lights
  99. Back Door Panels
  100. power loss
  101. Parts
  102. need info parts general knowledge for my 94
  103. code help P0120
  104. Changing break pads on Pajero 1995
  105. 1998 montero sport
  106. 98 Montero compass reset
  107. The next 2008 motero sport (triton g-wagon)
  108. Diesel conversion for 94 3.0?
  109. Diesel conversion for 94 3.0?
  110. looking to buy Montero Sport
  111. Pajero 3.5 SWB 1999model ABS light problem
  112. Pajero 99 3.5 emmision problem
  113. Tune Up?
  114. Pajero IO, MMCS just a blank screen help!!!!
  115. 97' Pajero 2.5TDi. Aircon prob.nEEd Help pls
  116. 89 Montero~ New owner ~ Having issues with rust & finding parts
  117. Montero Sport outside mirrors fuse
  118. Ex-Japan 2000 Pajero io, blank screen
  119. 94 Montero won't start / blown fuse
  120. Replaced alternator now what? bad idle sensor?
  121. 2000 montero jerking..
  122. p0455
  123. 99 montero sport fuse box
  124. Montero Sport - Canadian Specifications
  125. What side 02 sensor on 2000 Montero sport
  126. Does a Mitsubishi Montero have 3 catalytic converters?
  127. starter on Mitsibishi Montero sport
  128. does anyone know that name of this part?
  129. 95 torque convert wont seperate from flywheel
  130. Steering box fluid checking.
  131. dual mass flywheel
  132. Timing marks/questions, 1994 3.0L montero
  133. Electric seat problems
  134. Repair Manual Book For 98 Mits Montero
  135. Pajero Engine Valve Clearance
  136. Montero 96 Auto Trans
  137. 95 Montero SR w/3.5L ABS light always on
  138. Looking to put in a manual transmission
  139. Pajero transmission
  140. Shogun Wheels
  141. shogun auto 2.8 1993
  142. 2001 montero sport xls
  143. Windshield Wipers
  144. Montero Question
  145. Pajero Shogun ABS problems
  146. 1998 montero sport
  147. 1998 montero sport
  148. gen 1 monty hitch??
  149. Brake Problems
  150. mitsubishi shogun
  151. 2000 Montero Sport wheel problem
  152. 2006 Montero review
  153. 2000 Montero Sport
  154. 2000 Montero Sport Cruise Light
  155. A/C now it works now it doen't
  156. pajero io gdi
  157. 2000 MS Fuel filter
  158. Whining coming from ABS pump (2001 Montero)
  159. Turn signal brain teaser
  160. 2006 Sierra Challenge prerun pictures (large)
  161. Front Brake pads on 98 montero sport
  162. 02 Montero Antenna
  163. timing marks 97 montero sport
  164. factory offset 2001 montero limited??
  165. 98 montero warning lights
  166. 6 Cypress CA is on July 29! (large flyer pic)
  167. Brake Light/Turn Signal Problem
  168. glow plug problem
  169. Rotor/drum removal (E-brake shoe disengage) '01 Montero
  170. Where can I buy a Multi Communications System Data Disk (Pajero)
  171. Tempermental Shogun
  172. Radio code Mistubishi Montero Sport LS JULY 1998
  173. Shogun door mirror.
  174. 3L v6 panjero any1 know cylinder head settings
  175. radio code free!!!!!!!!!!
  176. looking for a part number
  177. 2002 Montero Sport with All-Wheel drive not starting
  178. 1997 Montero SR Spark Plug
  179. 1988 Montero
  180. Thining about buying new montero
  181. DIESEL 2.5 TURBO I/C TIMING BELT REPLACEMENT, shogun, montero, pajero
  182. Radio Code Wizard - Not! (I'm toast.....)
  183. Parking Break Montero
  184. 95 Montero Dash Light called A/T
  185. 2002 Montero Vibration / Rumbling
  186. Replacing an alternator on a pajero(the cables)
  187. O Rings
  188. 1995 montero
  189. 03 montero v6 questions
  190. Rumbling/Low Rattle Under Hood
  191. my 99 montero/sport
  192. my 99 montero/sport
  193. IRS or SRS?????? Please help..............
  194. Pajero 3.2 Gdi 2000 Swb Engine Block Warning Light, Engine block warning + power loss
  195. Part time Power Door Locks
  196. Montero 2001 4WD Dash Light HELP
  197. Will starting in 2nd gear all the time kill my Montero?
  198. 2000 Montero Sport interior outlets cause horn to sound
  199. Installing 99 Montero Sport HEADLIGHT
  200. engine mounting
  201. 1999 Montero 4WD system
  202. high RPMs between 1st and 2nd Gear then Rough Shifting
  203. It was delivered this weekend
  204. Steps/Nerf Bars - Good ones?
  205. Pajero stalling
  206. timing chain diagram '84 nb pajero
  207. 4wd shifting
  208. swap diamante dbl overhead cam 3.5 to 95 3.5 montero
  209. 98 montero radio code need HELP me pl !!!!!!!!!!!!
  210. help me anyone. I need to unlock my volkswagen premium audio
  211. Performance modifications
  212. Winter blues?
  213. 98 Montero sport springs torque info needed
  214. 1997 Montero Sport Radio Code
  215. E-Brake light in 98 Mont. Sport
  216. 1998 Montero Sport smokes
  217. Need a part for 1995 Montero...any help?
  218. 98 sport springs
  219. i need some advice
  220. Please need radio code!!!!!
  221. Finding Lock Control Module to Program remote
  222. 98 Montero Sport check engine lt
  223. 98 montero, bad ABS sensor assembly
  224. Changing spark plugs looks too difficult
  225. Is it the alternator
  226. '99 montero seatbelt question
  227. 1998 Montero, resetting computer. How?
  228. I have a GREAT LOOKING '90 Montero for sale
  229. Air conditioning recharge port 98 Mont. Sport
  230. 1997 Montero Sport Radio Code
  231. Immobilizer malfunction code,what's dat?
  232. 90 3.0 L Won't Idle
  233. help - need radio code for 2K Montero sport
  234. Ethanol Fuel
  235. Oil Pressure Warning Light when A/C on (Shogun)
  236. What does this dash light mean??
  237. if you own a Montero Sport
  238. adding indash cd to MS Limited?
  239. Transmission change problem
  240. Battery group size/CCA rating requirement
  241. How to remove radio to get serial # on 97 Montero LS
  242. accessory plug shorted out
  243. emissions
  244. montero 2000 blower
  245. has anyone
  246. bad smelling montero
  247. Montero Trans
  248. montero 2000 sport
  249. Unsure on which manual to purchase
  250. Pajero auto transmission problems