View Full Version : LS/LW
- 2002 L200 > Fuel Pump & ECU
- 01 Saturn l300
- 00 lw2 no heat problem
- 2001 L100 over heating after thermostat change
- Car tries to start on its own.
- Worth Fixing Air Conditioning?
- Won't start after bearing replacement
- Sl2 timing
- 00' saturn wagon 3.0 liter a/c and belt problem.
- Remove alternator
- 99 saturn ls2
- LW300 tapping noise
- Help!!!
- 2002 l300
- 2001 Saturn LS200 Brake fluid leak and fuel smell
- 2000 saturn ls project
- 96 saturn i did something really stupid help please :(
- 99 Saturn Rear Defogger not working.
- Error code 302 Misfire
- ABS fuse blows up
- L300 rear end collision
- 2000 LS Shutters 50-70mph
- How to replace water pump?
- 2002 Saturn L 300 heater core replacement
- 2001 LS 200 wiper motor blows the fuse
- Shifter Linkage
- no reverse gear
- Fuel Pump Module
- driver's side window won't go up 2000 LS power windows
- 2002 L200 spark plug location/change
- 2002 L100 Smells like Gas
- service engine soon light
- L300 Issues - Do you share my frustration? .....
- L200 Steering Issues
- 2001 Saturn L200 fuel gauge below E, DTC U1000
- L300 Ignition Switch
- A/C Puzzle
- 1995 SL Idle Problem
- slips b4 shifting into 3rd?
- 2002 LS200: Transmission Leak
- 2004 L300 saturn v6
- key won't turn in ignition
- Carfax 2003 L300
- 2000 ls 2
- screaching noise on left turn
- 2000 SATURN LS2 Crankshaft Position Sensor
- 2000 ls V6 ticking
- dead battery
- 2003 L300 Thermostat
- '03 L200 & Remote Start System?
- wierd RPM issue with a 3.0 Fuel pump?
- 2001 L300 trunk issue
- 2003 L200 won't start and stuck in park
- Driver's Side Front Window Problem, please help!!!
- 98 Saturn Clutch Replacement
- Saturn transmission question on L300 wagon
- 2003 L200 with water on the carpet
- Steering wheel won't unlock
- 2000 ls2 saturn starts when it wants
- 2002 saturn L100
- Po300 code - what's next?
- L200 inner fender question
- 2003 L200 radio not working after battery change
- 2000 Ls
- Clutch on L100 sucks!
- 2000 ls1. wiper problem
- Saturn ls2 2002 key fob program, how do i?
- Power Door Locks
- How do I clean my throttle body?
- Vibration when I accelerate
- engine codes for a L300
- car shakes at high speeds after tire rotation
- 200 ls1..where is crash sensor in front?
- starting 95sl after sitting
- '94 SL Motor question
- LS 200 heater core removal
- P0402 Excessive EGR output
- 2002 LW100, ran out of gas, won't start now?
- engine replacement
- Questions on Charging L300 Battery
- Questions on Charging L300 Battery
- Questions on Charging L300 Battery
- 2000 Saturn LS2 quits after start -have codes
- 2000 ls1
- 2002 L300 DTC Code B2960
- 03 L200, how do you get drums off?
- 2000 LS2 Tranmission (not) Shifting @ high RPM
- 2000 Saturn L2 Brake
- Dash Gas and Speed Backlights out.
- 1998 saturn
- intermittent wiper problem
- 1996 sl1 stalling
- Wiper Motor transmission
- 2000 Sl200
- Who's responsible for the repair cost?
- battery-alternator
- Saturn LS
- Traction Control
- L200 automatic door locks (pls help its my b-day!)
- 2003 Saturn high pitch noise
- 2000 LS, Trany shutters.
- Help! L200 Won't Stay Running..
- Error Code P1441
- power Loss
- 2003 L200 Hard Shifting
- L300 Purchased today...
- 2000 L Series Wrench & Security Light On - Help!
- 2001 LS1 hesitation on throttle and check engine light.
- charging system
- mysterious fluid leak
- '01 saturn l300 completly DEAD. Help...
- Saturn L300 - Check Oil Light
- oil shell
- hard shifting
- Air Conditioning Help
- 01 L200 cigarette lighter
- Help, already had engine replaced!
- V6 3.0L Miss in cyl 3
- reverse lights not working!!!
- Battery Replacement
- Front Coil Springs
- 97 saturn wont shift into second
- Transmission solenoids?
- throwing codes
- shifter cable
- Is a Saturn a Great buy?
- 2001 L series keyless remote programming
- 2000 Saturn L Alarm Malfunction
- 1993 Sl
- keyless entry
- please help
- seat belt track
- DOHC swap
- Get rid of my 99 LS1?
- Remote Start in 2001 L-Series
- 95 sl2 headlight will not work
- 1997 Saturn won't start
- 1997 Saturn 2 door/Ignition won't turn over
- 92 Saturn SL2
- p0171 and p0174 codes
- Dome Lights
- Code P0172, Fixed
- setting the clock on 1999 3 door ls
- 3.0 V6 tune up
- Code P0172 Back On
- Code P0172 Bank 1 Running Rich
- 2001 L300 Ignition problem...key won't turn
- flashing dash and headlights
- 1999 LW200 Timing belt
- 91 LS2 Strange Noise--Please Help
- Saturn LS2 V6 fuel problem
- A few problems
- How do I pull a Saturn 2000 LW 1 battery?
- Wiper chatter
- IMPORTANT: Battery Terminal Failure, Risk of Fire/Explosion
- Car Stereo Probs
- Water Pump Leaks
- 92 saturn sc unknown part
- A/C Condensation on Pass Floor.
- thump when decelerating- 2000 LS2 w/79k
- car wont stay running
- Recall notice - Taillights
- Random Power Off
- CA: Looking for a 03-05 L-Series sedan, testfit $75.
- AC repairs...ouch
- timing chain broke, sell or fix??
- L200 2003 Water Passenger Compartment
- Tricked Out/Custom Saturns
- wipers down
- Smoking??
- air intake module
- No Instrument Lights or Chime
- starter problem with L200, maybe?
- Lighing Mods
- 93-Check engine code 25
- LS Steering Wheel and Ignition Stuck
- Perhaps all related, But I am perplexed.
- Keyless entry program, how to
- won't start after changing gears
- 2000 LS1 won't start
- Power Windows NOT WORKING
- 99 SL2 Clutch click
- 2002 L100 automatic transmission light throttle shift shudder
- 96/95 engine swap
- L200 Tail Lights Not Working
- O2 sensors for 2000 Saturn LS2
- SL1 code P0137 work for a 2000 L-series?
- Changing oil/ steering problems
- hestitation & speedo erratic
- L200 transmission?
- suject
- stuck in park
- saturn sl2 wont start, keyless entry doesnt work
- Remote system locked steering
- FS: 5 - Saturn OEM Oil Filters for the 2.2L 4 cyl - L Series
- '00 SL2 Power locks don't unlock when key is removed from ignition
- L200 Steering
- airvolume intake sensor
- Smoke from steering wheel
- Changing Oil On Saturn LS2
- rear defroster
- Sunroof drains
- Emblem/Plaquard??
- tires cupping and noisy
- Squeaking
- idling to fast
- 2000 LS2 v6 dies after warm up
- 1997 Sl2 Dohc
- Crankshaft postion sensor
- Problem with fuse blowing
- 1996 Saturn sl2
- Remote Start
- Opinion please....
- 2001 L series squeaky brakes?
- Keyless Remote
- SL2 Idle problem
- where do i get body kits & eng. parts for more hp
- Need remote programming instructions for L100 / L200 / L300
- ls 200 wiper replacement
- Take over my Lease... Saturn '03 L200 $260.55/Month
- Service engine Code P1404?
- all oil has leaked into the coolant tank... head gasket?!?!
- 1.9L oil leak
- engine vibration when stop light
- saturn L series HID look headlights?
- idle too fast
- Keyless Entry
- Gauges occassionally die - 2000 LS1
- Catalytic Converter
- 2003 L200 Tighter Suspension
- L200 Power Mods
- 2003 Saturn L200
- Ls-1 Question
- I need programming for remote 03 saturn lw200
- Shake when Accelerating
- The 2003 L-series
- IT isn't working for saturn
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