View Full Version : Windstar
- 1996 Windstar Service Manual and parts
- Rear View Camera Windstar
- Rear sliding door lock mechanism(s) getting stuck
- Maximum coolant temperature tolerated by windstar 2000
- AF Search Feature Not Working
- Radiator Removal and Replacement
- would this work to bipass rear heat?
- Transmission Pan Gasket Leak?
- intermittent P0301
- leak from bundle of hose behind fuel filter
- Heater Hoses
- Headlight switch
- is it normal or bad alternator??
- coil on plug ignition system....
- Inline fuse location / altenator to positive batt lead
- Bought new Acedelco 135 amp alternator squeak, was it remanufactured??
- Cannot locate IAT on 1999 Windstar, 3.8L
- Gear to cooler hose teflon O ring
- What to keep
- Half million mile milestone.
- Changed key lock cylinder, ignition switch more problems
- replacement vacuum elbow '98 Windstar 3.8L
- Mercon V vs LV
- Passenger sliding door cable position sensor ?
- Safing sensor locations needed
- Coolant "Y" Pipe & Bypass Pipe woes continue
- drums con't to drag after panic stop
- Windstar hard to start when warm
- Pop Noise When Turning
- Power Steering return line cooler
- ABS triggers when almost stopped
- 3.8 exhaust damper 5g209
- Lights flickering at idle.
- Sound Deadening the Windstar
- Need the Help and Advice of the Group
- My Key Is Stuck in the Ignition Switch
- It may be time to let the Windstar go
- 2002 Windstar - Aux heater/ac no control
- P0104, p0107
- Lean Bank 1 and normal Bank 2 low MPG 9 in city
- Ford Windstar won't start in warm weather
- Slight miss at idle...'99 Windy 3.8L
- Help, EGR tube broken
- 98 Windy: VSS and/or TRS when transmission is warmed up
- no rear heat
- ash tray light
- power steering
- tune up
- Windstar 2000 alternator
- egr valve
- Rough Idle? Also Buzzing Alternator question?
- 2003 Windstar LX 3.8L - 1 or 2 Charcoal Canister's?
- 2003 windstar rear axle beam assembly
- Bad idle when cold
- Idle air motor
- speedometer
- rock auto
- Struts and shocks
- Struts and shocks
- power sliding door problem
- Odd misfire - EGR Ports
- '98 Ford Windstar stalled when switching from reverse to drive
- 99 Windstar dead. Anybody want it or parts?
- Anybody need 98Winny FSM's? -FREE-
- a new problem instrument cluster
- re: more problems with the instrument cluster
- re: a problem with the diagnostic port
- 2000 Windstar pinging P0401 and P1450
- a problem instruments bouncing around
- 3.8 windstar replacement
- 2000 3.8 Windstar, no OD when hot
- 98 Windstar 3.0 crank but no start
- Vacuum loss on acceleration
- 99 Rack and pinion inspection
- Ford windstar 2003 Parking Aid Speaker Location???
- Help of a different sort: Transmission failure out of town - would like to see her live on
- oxygen sensor replace didnt fix idle
- No fuel
- Front Engine Mount
- Dtc p0302
- Torque Converter Clutch code P0741
- 1996 Ford Windstar GL
- Polaroid PBC-A56J wireless camera
- Rear I-Beam Bushings.
- 96 Windstar 3.8l speedometer cable disconnect.
- 1996 GL 3.8L Idle/stall/rpm issues
- 2001 Windstar issues
- DTC P1309 windstar 2000 and occasional stuttering
- Freeze Frame DATA P1306
- Washer fluid tank removal question.
- 1998 Windstar 3.8l cranks, no start.
- 2003 Windstar ABS problems
- [help] 2000 windstar passenger door won't open from outside
- 2002 Windstar with 130k miles - what should I do about the transmission fluid?
- Drivers sliding door won't unlock
- recalls
- no brake lights
- 2002 Ford Windstar P0460
- Questions on Timing Cover Gasket Job
- windstar 2000 Driver side axle
- Successful fix: Dancing gauges; bouncing needles; crazy dash
- 95 Windstar AX4S transmission ATF fluid flow
- Has anyone put Monterey roll restrictor on Windstar?
- Addco 932 rear sway bar for sale?
- 2003 ford windstar 18 trouble codes, running rough, trans issue etc.
- How to disconnect wiring harness from auto-dimming rear view mirror?
- Ebscohost
- Speedometer cable disconnect from instrument cluster
- 2003 ford windstar drivers side manual sliding door
- 2002 Ford Windstar Stalls out with A/C
- Rear Aux Unit - Bad expansion valve?
- Fuel cover door not latching
- Air Conditioning Line Problems on Right Side Front
- Miss fire on #1 and #3
- Problem with my Windstar
- Windstar 98 tranny problem
- Windstar 98 tranny problem
- Fuel Filter NOT a 10 Minute Job...
- Resonator and Pipe Replacement
- grease found in rear drum, wheel bearing?
- engine knock
- 2003 ford Windstar Rough Idle/Stall
- Front wheel bearing
- Compatible CV drivelines windstar 2000
- Transmissiion oil leaking between the engine and transmission
- Subframe Re-alignment
- Suspension Parts Suggestions
- Rebuilt transmission now have issues????
- 2002 Windstar Sport Rough idle and smell of gasoline
- help ,getting in gear?
- 2000 Windstar 3.8 cooling fan malfunction
- Dash Panel
- Rubber squeaking sound when breaking
- Trouble with Headlights
- driver's door hinge?
- 2000 windstar cluster problems or vss problem
- Acceleration, hard shifting, low RPM issues
- fuse #23 what on this circuit 2003 windstar
- 2003 Ford Windstar Issues
- alternator stall van while driving.
- AC ripple alternator how much
- 2001 Parking assist speaker
- need help
- Hard shifting & no speedometer
- Mystery battery drain
- 2003 lower intake torque spec
- Housing for headlight retaining clips
- Tires
- Auto dimming center rearview mirror
- '99 Windstar alternator amperage ratings
- Head gaskets or heads damaged??
- Thumping noise in engine
- Rocker arm torque in 2 stages?
- Unknown Cover
- Axle recall of the axle recall
- 2003 Windstar heater core fail
- everything acting erratically
- Complete Courtesy Light Failure '02 Windstar
- parking light flash
- Trans fluid in coolant res. Replacing radiator
- 2001 Windstar Sport
- Noise under hood and battery issue?
- Transmission Hell
- 2002 elctrical help
- What am I missing?
- 1999 Windstar - Codes 0171/0443/1401 + Misfires & Tranny
- 2002 Ford Windstar battery noise
- 2000 3.8L - replaced intake isolator bolts - runs bad
- Changed MAF Sensor, now horn & CC don't work - 2002 Windstar
- camshaft synchronizer bar (1998 ford windstar)
- No Vacuum
- 2003 Ford Windstar A/C
- 2003 Ford Windstar erratic instument cluster & ac fans
- Drop in revs causes engine to stall (details within)
- Air Bag Light on DASH and fuse blown
- Anyone ever checked TC_Slip using Torque Ap in a Windstar
- Rattle in rear near passenger side wheel well
- 2001 Tail Lights!
- 2001 Windstar Rear Auxiliary unity not blowing air
- 2000 Windstar Headlights on with key out
- AC Problem
- 1997 Windstar GL 3.8L Intermittent Misfire on 2
- windstar gears
- 2001 Ford Windstar stalls randomly under acceleration
- 98 Windstar I hooked the battery backwards
- Radio static
- WIndstar 2000 intermittent dysfunction cruise and horn
- 2002 Ford Windstar LX Bank 1 Sensor 2
- Emergency roadsite treatment of blown headgasket??
- Help with Starter UPPER BOLT REMOVAL
- 2001 Ford Windstar (valve job)
- 96 Windstar, Major Electrical Issue w/ Rear Hatch Lock, Need Some Help
- 2002 Windstar A/C Problem in Front
- 99 windstar transmission problems
- 2000 Windstar 15A battery drain and alternator hum
- Gas smell from gas tank 99 windstar
- 2000 3.8 oil in coolant
- all codes list
- Tie Rod Problem
- Brake Light On 2003 LX 3.8L Despite Replacing Recalled Speed Deactivation Switch
- 2002 Ford Windstar LX P0430
- Isolator bolt grommet question
- 2002 Ford Windstar LX
- Electrical issue-dead battery
- 2001 ford windstar dies when you put it in gear
- Oil dipstick tube
- Front end noise
- 03 instrument cluster
- Is it okay to drive without thermostat?
- 2002 ford windstar electrical nightmare
- Should I buy?
- Light Out Dash Indicator
- Windstar electrical components staying on
- About Engine Mount Noise--1999 Windstar 3.8
- Lower Control Arm 2002 Windstar
- ABS Light
- Ford Windstar Freestar IMRC Failures P2004-P2007 Repair
- Slight squeak from front 1999 Windstar 3.8
- Is my Engine Toast?
- runs poorly / misfires, during and after torrential downpour
- 1998 Windstar no 2nd or 3rd gear upshift
- 2002 Windstar 3.8L changed spark plug wires
- 2002 Windstar 3.8L code P0306 (solved - coil)
- air temp control issues!
- 2003 Windstar Odometer
- Loud Howling on right side
- scrapping our old Windstar -- what to take off of it for re-sale first?
- alldatadiy discount code
- major coolant leak after lower intake gasket replacement
- Not reversing
- Sensor Reset
- 2000 Windstar - Random horn on
- Alternator, Battery Drain, Smart Charge
- 2001 Windstar rough idle after warm up
- 2 teflon seals at steering rack
- Fuel Pump Replacement
- recall #00s42 FEM reconfiguring
- crankshaft bolt thread direction?
- 98 Windstar rough idle and stumble.
- windstar light problems
- Key in ignition chime switch problem
- Dash Instruments Posessed
- Windstar 3.8L 1999: 13.8 mpg!
- Location of DRL module on 01 windstar
- 01 windstar rear windows won't open when cold
- 2000 3.9 NEW parts no longer needed
- well, I think I"m outta here..
- 2001 windstar stumbles above 3000rpm
- Suspected Water Leak
- And now..the dreaded PCM failure..
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