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  1. Super nice 1986 Hyundai Excel GL
  2. transmission problem?
  3. Corrosion on Battery terminal
  4. 94 Excel - burning 4 qts between changes, no drips
  5. Newbie from Trinidad
  6. Window wipers issue
  7. Pump on 1991
  8. help excel sprint 1993
  9. Lost key problem
  10. Hyundai excel cylinder lock
  11. Excel Performance help!
  12. Help Plz i (99 excel)
  13. find information about Hyundai vehicles
  14. Help please
  15. Tranny swap -4 spd to a 5 speed?
  16. Info Please: Ring Replacement "88
  17. Help please 1990 excel...
  18. need to no how to charge a/c in hyundai excel
  19. Hyundai Excel 99 works with Scangauge ?
  20. Intermittent Indicator Problem
  21. Help
  22. Poor idle, not as much power as it had before.
  23. Issue with replacing door handle
  24. i need 94 excel head
  25. NO Power at ALL!?
  26. Hyundai computer OBD codes?
  27. Body Kits 98 excel glx twin cam
  28. can someone PLEASE HELP
  29. rough idling
  30. Race Smoking
  31. 91 excel codes and issue
  32. please i need help
  33. 94 excel hard on fuel
  34. Full instrumentation fitment to 99 excel
  35. Just Installed A Turbo In My 1992 Excel Need Advise
  36. 1992 excel replacing stereo.
  37. unlock radio codes exsel 1992
  38. why doesn't my heater work?
  39. Excel conversion?
  40. Lightbulb weak
  41. to buy the Exel or not 1994
  42. vin number help
  43. 1990 Hyundai Excel - Severe Acceleration Hesitation
  44. 1989 Excel Stalling
  45. Engines turns over but does not start
  46. Help; Hyundai Excel No Dash Lights
  47. Idles, but falls flat on throttle
  48. Hyundai Excel GLX 98 Model
  49. advice about my hyundai excel gls car
  50. Electrical Problem
  51. 1996 excel mirror installation
  52. Irritating problem EXCEL 1.3 1995
  53. HELP! Need serious help with auto tranny troubles
  54. Hyundai Excel Illumination Wire
  55. Clear Tail Lights
  56. I am selling a 1992 Hyundai Excel
  57. 94 excel headlights
  58. 1990 excel rough idle-rich mix-wont cruise
  59. 1990 excel wheels
  60. I ran out of gas, now the car won't start
  61. Mitsubishi Galant gearbox to Hyundai pony
  62. Judder in Reverse & slips out of 2nd
  63. are the valves going to be bent?
  64. 1993 - Timing Gear
  65. Poor idling 89 Excel
  66. new owner questions
  67. SOHC to DOHC??
  68. Check out this
  69. head gasket replacement
  70. Excel Door Trim Removal
  71. Hyundai Excel 98 aftermarket parts
  72. Any bodykits for 93 Excel?
  73. Hyundai Excel 1992
  74. 89 Excel poor gas mileage
  75. help????
  76. 1989 excel
  77. what's under the hood of an 1989 Excel Glsi
  78. selling 1993 excel
  79. whay can be done to a hyundai pony?
  80. bolt size
  81. How do I install a taco?
  82. taco
  83. 3 engine performance mods for stock 98 Hyundai Excel to get the most bang 4 my buck?
  84. ecu control relay
  85. Excel throthle problem
  86. Buy or Don't Buy
  87. Cold start 94 excel
  88. major car trouble! mechanics cant fix!!
  89. hyundai ecu
  90. Looking for help on motor swap for 1987 Hyundai Excel??
  91. To all you Hyundai drivers
  92. Come on!!??
  93. excel help
  94. lowering a 87 excel
  95. Starter on 88 Excel
  96. new board
  97. help! gas pedal has no power
  98. How do I get the whole inside door panel off a 98 excel
  99. Urgent Help Needed - Hyundai Excel 98 Model
  100. Excel engine??
  101. I just wanna listen 2 my CDs!
  102. WTB radiator for 94 excel
  103. Hyundai finally have something decent?
  104. 1992-1994 Excel HeadLights for SALE
  105. Tell Me What You Think Of Me Car
  106. turbo kits
  107. Overfueling?
  108. Strange ticking noise getting worst
  109. Screw U Hyundai Haters
  110. ??????
  111. Write Off!!
  112. Devastated!!!!
  113. Hyundai's Rule!!!
  114. turbo excel question
  115. Screw you Hyundai haters
  116. redline
  117. Sucks!