View Full Version : Nonspecific
- Help identifying thief's car
- advice/opinions wanted on possible purchase of 2003 VUE
- '98 SC1 Starts Cold, Won't Start Warm
- reprogramming computer to accept new key
- NJ Subaru Tuner Event
- 2001 S Series Wiper Pump fuse
- plastic intake manifold repair
- 2004 L-300 P0420 Cat issue
- trouble starting saturn
- ev1 display???
- Manual Transmission Problem
- Compound for holding on parts related to cargo netting
- Crankshaft Journals bigger than they're supposed to be?
- 2000 Saturn LS1 thermostat location
- Saturn Oil Filter
- Brake wear when towing
- Are Saturn cars still being made?
- Shifter handle
- Help with make/model identification
- AC Trouble Shooting Question
- Blowing lots of smoke
- saturn wont start
- 2001 L200 Rear Control Arm Bushings
- 3L engine?
- casssette deck "clean" code
- Trunk Release
- Saturn's future ?
- performance chips
- 1998 saturn sl-1 idling poorly in gear
- 2000 Saturn SL1 idles high
- New(ish) Astra???
- 05 Saturn Ion Radio help, Questions.
- 2002 SC2 Saturn Heater Core
- Car turns off after Start 99 saturn sc2
- Outlook MPGs???
- Saturn SL1; acceleration problem, gauges died
- 94 Sl1 Electricl
- 2000 LS sedan
- What glue to use to attach outside mirror?
- saturn 1998: what does red triangle indicator on dashboard mean?
- engine swap
- 91 into a 97?
- body work
- Painting Myself
- body panels
- 1998 Sl2 Saturn Security System Programing
- 2003 Saturn L200
- 99 Saturn 1.9 Dobocam
- 93 sc2 e-brake sensor
- Program Remotes
- 2000 Saturn SL Problem
- 98 saturn sc1
- 2003 saturn 3 door leak.
- '95 - Average miles until problems
- p0440 code saturn
- Computer Troubles
- 97 Sc1 Codes
- Problem: Fan, oil light & hot temp
- Power Problems
- How do Amps work?
- engine swap
- 2007 Outlook
- 95 Saturn SL problem
- 1999 Sl1
- Electronic Control Module?
- I replaced ECTS ... Now what?
- resting oil change light
- oil changing
- Damn Car
- L-200 would you buy it again ??
- Saturn engine light
- Saturn L200 mass airflow sensor??
- 1999 saturn coupe gear shifter
- No Reverse, Dunno what car
- tramsx
- best oil for your satty
- New 8-passenger crossover suv: the Outlook
- Hyrdaulic clutch problem
- 2000 saturn sl2 problems
- 1.9 plastic valve cover leaking
- props to saturn
- Generator problem?
- Saturn Pix to Your Phone
- saturn l300
- Is a used Saturn a good reliable buy?
- SL1- Code U1300
- oil light
- Car wont start
- sunroofs
- not blowing hot enough air
- 96 Saturn SL1 Stalling Issues DTC P0133, P1599
- 1996 SL1 Hesitation in Lower RPM (under 2500)
- FS: Parting Out 92 SC2. Blue Green Body. Blue Grey Interior
- 93 saturn alternator/serpentine belt
- Honda motors in Saturns???
- Saturn Clutch go bang bang pleut!
- Ignition switch problem
- 97 Saturn Horn Replacement
- more saturn
- Saturn starts, quits
- Interference Engine?
- your saturn is HEMI
- 95 civic electrical
- Fuel Tanks
- 98 Saturn w/0340 OBD II code
- 2001 L300 Ignition problem...key won't turn
- looking for info
- 3 trouble codes. Need Help...
- saturn disc brake rotors & tires
- 2007 Saturn Outlook Sneak Peak
- Fresh Start
- 05 Relay
- Advice?
- saturn SC2 engine swap...?
- chassis lube
- Ode To A Fallen Saturn
- Minor brake concerns
- Haynes Repair Manual For Sale
- Haynes Repair Manual For Sale
- urban legend or truth?
- Saturn Kills on Freeway
- Is this true??
- gas mileage
- sohc or dohc
- idle 1997 dohc 1.9
- turn signals
- 1.9 DOHC flexplate inspection
- Groan.
- auto to manual
- Swap engine into Saturn S1
- 99 Saturn SL1,Fuel filter replacement
- Lighting Mods
- fuel pump
- Hot Air
- Changing Shifter
- windsheld wipers keep blowing fuse PLEASE HELP
- The future of Saturn
- Help with dash light (don't no what it is)
- Saturn Computer Problem
- 98 Saturn SL Won't Start- New Battery
- tranny
- trannie
- Can we sell our Saturn on this forum?
- Petition for ecu tuning capibilities!!
- 2002 sl1 1.9 soch (gurgeling noise from engine/trans)
- Just bought a 93 SC 2 Twin Cam
- quad coupe vs redline
- "no-haggle" policy at Saturn dealerships
- product recommendation
- saturn club
- Radio Anti theft code
- dent resistant=plastic
- Looking for Indianapolis 2004 Ion owners for interview!!
- saturn worth 500 bucks?
- engine mounts on 1998 SL2
- Headlight problem
- '00 LS2 Power locks don't unlock when key is removed from the ignition
- '96 SL2 - Leaking sun/moon roof
- where's the RKE module ?
- Keyless Entry Info for 2003 Saturn ION...
- Alternator ?, please please help
- Battery Light on
- looking for alloy ion wheels
- North NJ Mechanic Recommendation
- Buying a Saturn...
- ion cd player troubles
- Whats Up
- help..
- FS: 17X7.5 Neeper rims Univ. 4 LUG
- ion 3 interior
- Another 02 Sensor Problem
- build a cold air intake?
- 95 SL2 Idle jumping around
- V8 RWD Conversion - HANG ON!
- O2 Sensor Problem!!!
- just bought new Saturn, any tips, warnings, advice, comments, criticisms?
- 4 sale 93 sl1
- Difficulty shifting into gear, manual 5 speed
- Gear Oil Weight?
- 1994 Saturn sl Fan Motor Wont come on
- 95 saturn, 5 speed, tranny click when shifting???
- Steering Wheel change for '00+
- saturn specs
- Heating problem SL1
- Curve Production
- Saturn Curve supercharged coupe has refined flair
- saturn radio
- Saturn speed control devices??
- Why isn't there a forum for the Ion?
- What can i do to get rid of the govener on my Saturn?
- Saturn ion fuel injectors problem
- Ion Manual 5 Speed, any problems?
- What do you think of new 04 Ion
- ION Redline
- quik questions
- Block Drain Plug location?
- help me PLEASE! Twin Cam thrown Rod
- Twin Cam perks
- Red Line
- Check it's like this.....
- how to reset change oil on 2000 SL
- Saturns In Japan??????
- FS: 1993 Saturn SL2
- Steering Wheel Shake
- Im thinking of buying, but?
- saturn question
- Car Emissions
- 2000 L-Series Remote Keyless Entry
- Saturn doesn't get a minivan until 2006?
- V-6?
- speakers
- 3.0 dohc V-6 engine (vue,L-300)
- What is exactly Saturn ?
- Driveability
- New Sports car in saturn's future?
- OBD II P0341 Scan Code
- Valve Cover Torque Settings
- auotmatic trans to manual
- car not starting
- 5-speed Automatic Transmission
- 93 Saturn SC - Hesitating initial acceleration - Need Help
- Winshield Wipers won't turn off
- A Saturn from Saturn
- Vue !!!!
- Saturn SUV
- Saturn ION
- I'm proud to be an american
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