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Old 05-09-2008, 05:44 AM   #35
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Re: PICC and hydro assist fuel cell

Originally Posted by KiwiBacon
Eng-tips obviously had prior warning of me, because every registration attempt hit errors. 3 different browsers, 4 different computers, 7 different email addresses. That was about 2 years ago.
Myself being an automotive engineer I registered there a few years back. I asked a question that was evidently unbecoming of an engineer or implied that I wasn't in the business so I was ditched. I have had to re-register TWICE because they are very concerned about keeping only the finest minds there, and weeding out the college kids wanting help with their homework. So far I haven't been ditched again

Its a great site and despite my background there are some terms there even I didn't understand

Great site. If nothing else, people can search for an answer and usually find it.
Dragging people kicking and screaming into the enlightenment.
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