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passenger brake doesn't work! Help please!

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02-15-2005, 07:14 AM
sweat convertable man ! damn man....the motor looks just like the d16a1....but carbed...i have a sedan....but still...im really confused....:(???

02-15-2005, 01:13 PM
But your motor looks like the one in the convertable, right?

If this is the case, there is no way that your stock tranny and intake manifold will bolt up to the D16A1 without major modification to both parts. Unless the motors imported to your area are different(?), but the EDM motors are essentially the same as JDM or USDM D16A1 motors.

Anyway, go for it!
Even if you have to swap the tranny and modify/construct an intake, it will be worth the effort.

02-19-2005, 10:32 PM
So, I wonder when drew's coming back from Vegas. :)

i'm back and i had a nice surprise when i returned. a guy from oregon emailed me while i was gone with a late model EL/EK header for sale. gonna get a proper header in my car. even if it is a PaceSetter.

02-20-2005, 12:16 AM
i'm back and i had a nice surprise when i returned. a guy from oregon emailed me while i was gone with a late model EL/EK header for sale. gonna get a proper header in my car. even if it is a PaceSetter.

Get it ceramic coated and it will last forever!

Well, that is until the welds break...
It is a PaceSetter after all.

But that's a good score!
I'm sure a header for your car is nearly impossible to find.

After all your traveling around are you still planning on making a trip to my area on the 20th?

02-20-2005, 04:28 AM
that oregon trip got canceled due to lack of people willing to make the trek. i would have had to have canceled as well if it was a go. i'm sure i will be down at some point in the next while tho.

i'm thinking of getting the header wrapped to help cool down the engine bay, after all it's not a crossflow head so the header is right under the carbs. any suggestions or woes from anyone?

02-23-2005, 09:48 PM
i'm thinking of getting the header wrapped to help cool down the engine bay, after all it's not a crossflow head so the header is right under the carbs. any suggestions or woes from anyone?

Make sure the header has a good coat of hi-temp paint on them before you wrap them. A friend of mine bought a car with wrapped headers and found that they were completely rusted under the wrap. This was probably due to poor preperation of cheap headers.

03-11-2005, 01:30 AM
check it out, we can beat 77


but can we beat 8200? (http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=4&daysprune=30&pagenumber=1&perpage=25&sortorder=desc&sortfield=replycount) :D 500+ of which are mine, a funny picture goes to the person who can guess what my username is over there :)

03-11-2005, 01:56 AM
Can't we just let this post die!

03-11-2005, 01:56 AM

03-11-2005, 02:04 AM
You gotta be handyandy!
If not, beat that guy up and take his name!

69 DUDE!

03-11-2005, 02:09 AM
I didn't know you unicycled!

I used to ride mine all over town when I was a kid. Right before my wedding I tried out my nephews unicycle, and yeah, I still got it! (said while polishing fingernails on coillar)

It's just like riding a bike...
errrrruuhhh unicycle, I mean.

03-11-2005, 02:15 AM
sweet, next time i'm down (march 19/20 for my cousin's wedding) you must bring it out. i'll give you a call or PM next week

oh, and BROCKFISHER05 is wrong. close however, he's also from the Vancouver area i believe

03-11-2005, 02:16 AM
HA, HA, changed it before you could post!

03-11-2005, 02:17 AM
check out the trunk

03-11-2005, 02:19 AM

but you're correct.

03-11-2005, 02:23 AM
Yeah I took a second look at the user names after I poster Brockfisher. I picked that one because it was the first one I saw in your area, and I didn't feel like sifting through 8,000+ posts lookin' for ya'.

03-11-2005, 02:29 AM
sweet, next time i'm down (march 19/20 for my cousin's wedding) you must bring it out.

Unfortunately I don't have it anymore, you'll have to bring yours.

03-11-2005, 04:40 AM
i should hook you up with my uncle in seattle. he has about 20 or 30 in his garage including a 40" big wheel and a few giraffes. i'll see if i think to throw it in the trunk before i leave

03-11-2005, 03:14 PM
Yeah! We beat 77!

03-11-2005, 07:20 PM
now on to 8K!

03-13-2005, 02:13 AM
what was the 77 goal for?

03-13-2005, 02:19 AM
This thread now has the highest number of replies in the '71-'87 Civic/CRX forum.

Funny, this isn't even a real topic!
It started out as something silly for us to talk about, but has since turned into a monster!

Well, we'll see where it goes from here.

03-13-2005, 02:23 AM
i know, i like the way that this one started out... with the whole "my brake doesn't work" thing :) but anywho...this is becoming a whoring topic, and i'm all about high post counts for the least amount of work...so if you REALLY want, i can get my post count up, and try to make this hit 8k (i know, i'm horrible with puncuation)

03-13-2005, 02:29 AM
If you've got that kind of time, GO FOR IT!

And hey, don't worry about the punctuation...
It's way better than SOME people!

Right Andrew?

03-13-2005, 02:34 AM

03-13-2005, 02:34 AM
i should... (shit, have to wait 30 seconds between posts) be in bed though, i have to be up in like 5 hours :)

03-13-2005, 02:37 AM
stupid freaking post timers so people dont double pots... i hate those damn things... *sigh* so yeah... i COULD sit here and do it, but i dont really think i'm going to... and yeah... my punctuation is alot better then some peoples.

some peoples would look like this and thered be absolutely no way to tell what is what heck i feel like hitting the spacebar is bad sotheneverythingwouldlooklikethisanditwouldreallys uckforallofyouthathavetoreadthis but thats enough of that so does anyone know how annoying it is to try to type like this man it sucks

03-13-2005, 02:37 AM
oh yeah, what's the default posts per page setting?

03-13-2005, 02:38 AM
What's rofl?

03-13-2005, 09:22 AM
rofl=rolling on the floor laughing :)

03-13-2005, 05:13 PM
Hey Stinky,

Keep in mind that this forum is not so much about how many posts you have, but more about sharing knowlege. Part of the reason that many of us have a high post count is because we've been here for a while and have tried to help many people with their car problems. Then there's people like me that can't seem to stop starting off topic threads that seem to get alot of responses!

03-13-2005, 07:14 PM
man, this is getting to be as bad as Most Replys (and yous i know it's spelled wrong) have to spend 10 minutes catching up every day.

03-13-2005, 10:57 PM
yeah, i realize that this forum isn't about post counts :) i was just having fun last night (i was a bit tired)

03-14-2005, 02:37 AM
well i don't think we'll beat 350 posts in one night like we did last Dec. we've come close since but never beat that i don't think. we coined the term turboposting to describe that night...

03-14-2005, 03:39 AM
How did you manage to do that?

Maybe we should set a date and time when we can all be on at once, just to see if we can beat your top score.

03-14-2005, 04:00 AM
Oh Yeah! Good news!
(for me)

The current owner of the '69 BMW 2800CS (previously mentioned somewhere in this thread) says I can take the car any time.

I worked out a trade for the car, and since the owner is a friend of mine that happens to need some cabinets built for his kitchen remodel, I told him I'd build some cabinets in trade for his old car. This works out great for both of us since I get a $4,000 car for about $2,500 worth of cabinet work, and he gets a remodeled kitchen (which increases the value of his house) for a car he doesn't drive anymore! Anyway, the cabinets are done and I'm just about finished with the installation, so the car is mine! YEEHAW!

This means: ROAD TRIP!

03-14-2005, 04:38 PM
Road trip... I miss those days... If you decided to head somewhere in my general direction, it would be a reasonable excuse to test out old RexSi's endurance... Oh well.. Back to work. :D

03-14-2005, 11:37 PM
Think you could make it to Vegas?

03-15-2005, 05:41 PM
I have family in Vegas... But I don't know... It would depend on the dates and such... A two day drive just to get there is tough. 8)

03-22-2005, 12:56 AM
Looks like the regulars are all here right now....


03-22-2005, 01:03 AM

American Chopper just started too!

Hey, for me this is EXCITEMENT!

03-22-2005, 01:03 AM

03-22-2005, 01:05 AM
Oops, we lost Figori.

03-22-2005, 01:05 AM
"what" what?

03-22-2005, 01:10 AM
i got the best gas mileage yet with this motor on the way home yesterday. 25MPG! probably would have been better if i wasn't going 85+ the entire way

03-22-2005, 01:12 AM
Did you have a good tail wind?

03-22-2005, 01:19 AM
i don't think so. there was a side wind in some of the open areas but nothing that i really noticed. but it is possible, i found myself at 90 and 95 quite often without trying.

03-22-2005, 01:26 AM
Sorry for the delay...

But they're destroying Mikey's Nissan on TV!

I love American Chopper...

You shoulda' seen all the crap that fell out of it when they flipped it over!

03-22-2005, 01:30 AM
AF doesn't have a chat room do they(?).

03-22-2005, 01:31 AM
what network is that on, Discovery isn't playing it up here. it's American Biker Build off right now.

03-22-2005, 01:33 AM
AF doesn't have a chat room do they(?).
nah, just an off topic forum :eek7:

03-22-2005, 01:40 AM
EEEeeewww, Blood!

One of the guys caught his hand in a drill press!

It's on Discovery, but Biker Buildoff is interesting too.

I'm more fascinated by the fabrication aspect of these shows than anything else, but American Chopper is interesting because it's a "man-opera" and because (as I've mentioned before) Paul Sr. is EXACTLY like my dad.

03-22-2005, 01:51 AM
See ya'.
Gotta get up early.

03-22-2005, 03:21 PM
My problem is that I don't surf just this forum... I surf the 88-91 forum from time to time... They are more active. :P Anyways... I find that when I hit 85+ in my Rex, that I can only get about 200-215 miles to a tank........ I think either my fuel filter is messed, or my o2 sensor is whack. I don't have a consistant fuel delivery... Almost like V-tec is kicking in or something... And I don't have V-tec...

03-24-2005, 03:20 AM
OK that settles it!

We have to schedule a time and date when we can all be on at once! Say, Friday the 25th at 9:00 PST?

All in favor say "Aye".

03-24-2005, 10:23 AM
In the evening? Hmm... That would be, what, 10 CST? Or is it 11.... I can't remember anymore... Used to live in AZ. I love MST. No DST or STD's... *eyeshifts* Anyways...

03-28-2005, 01:22 PM
Welp, guys......... If you noticed the Moderator's needed post... I filled out the form... *crosses his fingers* Maybe we'll get someone around here that actually drives a 1st - 3rd Gen... But, anyways... Just thought I'd throw that up here...

03-28-2005, 10:20 PM
well my header came on thursday afternoon. on saturday i wrapped it, made a flange for the flex pipe and some other misc things. today i installed it. the wrap does it's job quite well, the engine bay temp is much lower. the old header leaked a lot from various places so there was quite a bit noise coming from up front i also redid most everything on the front half of the exhaust so there are no more leaks. i figured that this would make things quieter but it's not, now it sounds like a fart can at about 3k coming from the tail pipe. i don't know what to do now.

03-29-2005, 01:49 PM
...now it sounds like a fart can at about 3k coming from the tail pipe. i don't know what to do now.

Put some of this in the tank...


It should reduce the noises coming from your tail pipe.

03-29-2005, 01:53 PM
Just wanted to let you guys know that there is a red '87 CRX SI in my local junk yard. The front is smashed (so forget about the header panel and fenders) and the side skirts are cracked, but other than that everything else is there. If anyone needs parts, let me know.

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