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Introduction to MotorWerks Magazine

01-27-2016, 05:40 AM
I would like to introduce you to MotorWerks Magazine, the Internet's best BMW and MINI/Mini magazine. https://issuu.com/motorwerksmagazine Choose any issue to read and follow to be updated when a new issue comes online. Enjoy!

01-27-2016, 11:22 AM
First, you rehash a thread almost 10 years old on which the last activity was almost 7 years ago, and it was a post from a moderator essentially telling people to stop being jackasses and posting on old threads, and now this.:shakehead:
This message board is not here to be jammed up by ads or feeble attempts at marketing. Post something interesting, ask for help with your car troubles, try to help someone with their car troubles, or get lost!

01-27-2016, 05:09 PM
Thanks for the welcome to the forum Mike! You really know how to welcome a newbie. I'll admit I missed the post from the moderator but I was simply answering the question the OP asked. As for feeble attempts at marketing this was simply a post in OTHER magazines to let people know about the magazine. Do you accuse the name brand magazine that are options in this section of marketing. No, you had time on your hands and simply wanted to be a smartass and hassle the newbie. Forums are supposed to be used to inform people of things, that was simply what I was doing. If I was wrong I would expect a moderator to inform me of that fact.

01-27-2016, 08:45 PM
Bullshit... I know what spam smells like.

01-27-2016, 11:39 PM
The Forum is no longer hard over on posting to old threads. However, we are still hard over on unauthorized advertising and spam.

As part of the registration process for this Forum you should have reviewed the Forum Guidelines and checked the box that you agreed with them. Assuming that you didn't actually read those guidelines, here's the link - http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/guidelines.html. Please pay particular attention to section 5 regarding Advertising and Spam.

If you have any questions on the Guidelines, please feel free to contact any of the Forum moderators.


01-28-2016, 12:05 AM
Okay Rod explain this to me, one of your moderators set up sections for all these name magazine and one for OTHERS. That is okay but one post in the OTHER magazine section by a non moderator is considered spam. All of these other magazines are getting exposure and from what I can see that is good or bad. My intention was ONE post, thats it. Your guard dog tells me to go do something useful and help someone with their car. That was my intention by allowing people to see articles that may help them. The first post he referred to was an OP looking for a MINI resource, I never saw a similar response to mine when somebody mentioned NAM. Whats with that? Rules for some and not others. So how do I get my magazine listed with its own section? Is it a case of paying for it as I doubt all those listed are doing so, especially when there are posts saying their magazine sucks. I would suggest sitting down having a beer and thinking this thru sensibly, not listening to bully boy and take it for what it was. A one time post introducing another resource to the forum, one that some of your readers might want to use. Thanks for your time!

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