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Old 10-04-2009, 01:55 AM   #1
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Angry 97 BMW 316i - overheating saga in need of some advice

I have an 97 BMW 316i which has had a few overheating problems since purchase (Approx 11mnths ago). Most times I've just taken it to mechanical mates who do a quick fix on the obvious issues (as I don't know much about cars and hate getting ripped off by the professionals). The first time the guy ran liquid engine sealent (maybe seal-up?)through the system to seal up any leaks temporarily. It ran ok for about another 3months then started to overheat again, idle funny while stationary and had poor acceleration on take-off. Was also hard to start when it had been sitting for ages (like overnight)and would take about 6 times before the engine would click over and start!!! After taking it back to my mate the second time he said it was f****d, but had still fixed what he could. I then took it to a BMW specialist to determine the exact problems. They fixed the PCV valve, vaccum pipe, temp switch, connection on block?? and replaced coolant & transmission fluid. They also noted possible transmission damage due to low fluid, leaky headgasket that could fail at any stage, and that the thermostat had been removed and bolted to the engine. For a few months the car was running the best it had ever had until just recently (while driving)there was a whole lot of dodgy engine noises (like stuff was falling off)and it overheated like crazy. I took it to another mate who found the water pump had completely blown up!!! He replaced the belts and installed a new water pump (but forgot to put the fan attached to the water pump back on - is this the fan clutch??) I drove it for a couple of hours before it overheated again. I decided to assume the head was blown and have neglected it!!! I can't afford to fix it if it does have a blown head, but don't want to loose out on all the money I've put into it.....Can you please help? Any advice, suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated
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Old 10-05-2009, 12:16 PM   #2
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Re: 97 BMW 316i - overheating saga in need of some advice

I hate to say this, but the car might be a lost cause unless you are willing to spend a lot of money. It sounds like you need a good, reliable mechanic too. Putting "stop leak" in a radiator to fix leaks is never a good idea. Although it may stop leaks, it also can clog channels in the head gaskets, and other cooling parts.

If the car is overheating, it can be caused by many things. Some easy and cheap to fix, others difficult and expensive.
  • If the car is leaking coolant, replace the leaking part. Check hoses, radiator cap, and overflow tank.
  • Is the thermostat working properly? Can be checked, but sometimes it's just easier to replace it since they aren't expensive. (Ooops, I forgot, this is a BMW. Even their thermostats are expensive. :-) )
  • Is the water pump broken? From your description, it sounds like the bearings failed, and it has been replaced. Usually when the water pump goes, it sounds like marbles bouncing around near the engine.
  • Is the fan working properly? I'm not sure if this car uses an electric or belt-driven fan. If electric, sometimes the sensor that turns on the fan needs to be replaced if the fan is not working.
  • Is the head gasket leaking? Check the compression. Is it low? If so, it could be a leaking head gasket. Also, does your oil level increase over time? If yes, The head gasket is leaking coolant into the oil. Is the car exhaust blowing out white smoke that smells like almonds/nuts? If so, the head gasket is leaking, you are burning coolant, and it is being pushed out the exhaust.
  • Is the block cracked? If so, I think it's time to junk it. Too bad cash for clunker's is over.

Sadly, if a car has been repeatedly overheating, the chances for for more serious damage (i.e. leaking head gasket and/or broken block) increase.

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