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Old 08-03-2003, 12:22 AM   #1
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where to work to afford a murcielago?

Hey can anyone help me out here and point me in the right direction to be able to afford a murcielago and money for aftermarket parts too? and maybe eventually have a small "fleet" (3) of vehicles (suv/h2, luxury car, exotic)? I'd really like to own 1 of these in the future along w/ a few others, but where to work? If anyone can help me out in anyway, I'd really appreciate it and thank you in advance!
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Old 08-03-2003, 05:16 AM   #2
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What are your skills? Hard to recommend a job when I don't know what you do.
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Old 08-04-2003, 12:18 AM   #3
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-professional athlete
-professional and famous musician
-actor/actress (popular and famous)
-entrepreneur (own ur own business and be successful)
-invent something unique (electricity, the "car" lol)
-work at mcdonalds and gamble your life away and hope for the best j/k

Good Luck! Hope you get ur rides u want!
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Old 08-04-2003, 01:19 AM   #4
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Work for yourself. ie have your own business
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Old 08-04-2003, 01:34 AM   #5
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Not that it matters, a few weeks ago I saw a middle class man auction a murcielago on ebay which he won from some drawing. He sold it cuz he couldnt afford the insurance (wonder how much that is) and needed the money for his kids' college funds. He auctioned it for around $100,000 () i think cuz he didnt know what the car was or its value
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Old 08-12-2003, 04:46 PM   #6
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I think the idea behind owning a high priced super car is that if you have a job you can't afford it unless its a top executive job. People with 30-50K salaries usually can't afford cars that cost as much as some houses.

Generally if you have to ask how much a Murcailego sells for you probably can't afford it. Buying it is one thing, maintenance is another whole new expense. Insurance would be sky high, probably around 10K just to register it, and 5K+ repair bills for only the minor things. Oh yeah I heard tune ups cost over $5000 too.

Supercars seem to be more of a status symbol because of their extreme cost to purchase and operate then for use as actual transportation.
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Old 08-14-2003, 07:39 AM   #7
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status symbol they may be, but if i earned 80k a year, i'd have no qualms with plowing 25k of that straight in to a murcielago, and i would use it for everything!! Down the shops? Lambo it is, McD's drive through, Lambo it is, you get the idea!
Should I get a black Murcielago, or a yellow one, or even silver, or all three.

Perhaps when I can afford the tyres is is the time to start thinking about this....
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Old 08-15-2003, 02:55 PM   #8
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your question was already postet some time ago.

you could use the search function.

i´ll look later. maybe i find it for you!
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Old 08-16-2003, 09:01 PM   #9
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Re: where to work to afford a murcielago?

Originally Posted by jazzygm
status symbol they may be, but if i earned 80k a year, i'd have no qualms with plowing 25k of that straight in to a murcielago, and i would use it for everything!! Down the shops? Lambo it is, McD's drive through, Lambo it is, you get the idea!
No offense man, but if you made 80k a year you would not own a murci. and if you did, there would be no way that you could drive it everyday (unless somehow your parents still let you live with them without charging you rent)
lets see here....
assuming you meant 80k after taxation takes they're share...

80k - 10k (insurance) = 70k
70k - 5k (normal maintenance) = 65k
65k - 5k (estimate on annual gas bill) = 60k
60k - 20k (downpayment) = 40k
40k - 4.5k/month (60 month lease term)

all this adds up to you being broke before having any kind of spending money for food and fun. *

basically you better shoot for a 200k/yr slaray or dont even bother with a murci.

if you want an older lambo on the other hand they can be as cheap as 100k.

*all prices have no reall background. they are estimates that i came up with. real figures would be much different, probably more.

Why can't everyone just drive a supercar. Then we would all have peace. Maybe not.
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Old 08-17-2003, 12:33 AM   #10
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Argh, enough of these threads already.

Peopel from near and far have asked this question at least a dozen times, and really there is no answer, nor would anybody be qualified to answer such a question. Yes their are owners on here, and yes they probably make a lot fo money, but asking them what they did won't help you.

There is no set job that guarantees the purchase of an exotic or concrete salary levels that define wether or not you could financially own one. There are however jobs that can permit the purchase of such cars and there is a minimum rung on the Corporate ladder that is the admission to ownership.

Anybody who really had any intention of owning such a fine machine woudl nto ask such a question. Call me arrogant or whatever you will, but honestly, nobody is going to hire you at whatever level for whatever position because you are determined to own a fast car. You need many things, skills, common sense, intelligence, determination and even luck. If you have one of these, great. If you have all of them then you shoudl be on your way.

if you took nothing fromt hat last bit, know this. if you really want to be well off enough to own a Murci, make it the last thought in your head. Sure we love them but the love of a car is not enough to compel someone to become a CEO or President. You need to do whatever you can maximizing all of your resources to become a money making machine, forget you life, forget your family, you will need to become your job. You may regret it later on, maybe not, it isn't the best advice, but seriously people you cannot expect the answers to these questions to be found in these forums awaiting, you need to take the intiative, find out what makes money and do it a lot.

Another bit of what I've seen so far, it takes a long time, a lot of hard work and patience. I've yet to see a Murcielago owner who hasen't given any one of those for the life they enjoy now.

ec437 on grammar;
Originally Posted by ec437
Originally Posted by 2strokebloke
Any car built by "Dr. Technology" is probably not worth $5000
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Old 10-19-2003, 02:24 AM   #11
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Re: where to work to afford a murcielago?

Originally Posted by wantXotics
Hey can anyone help me out here and point me in the right direction to be able to afford a murcielago and money for aftermarket parts too? and maybe eventually have a small "fleet" (3) of vehicles (suv/h2, luxury car, exotic)? I'd really like to own 1 of these in the future along w/ a few others, but where to work? If anyone can help me out in anyway, I'd really appreciate it and thank you in advance!

I'm 17, I was asking the same question. Through reseach, and others's opinions I came to a conclusion..


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Old 10-19-2003, 11:04 PM   #12
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This is a topic I have spoken about from time to time in my life. I will speak without my usual filter. Meaning, I usually don’t talk about my money. But since we are speaking about the topic of building wealth I will break that rule. To speak about money is uncomfortable because to do so I must unabashedly speak about myself and my success. So if this comes off as egotistical, well, that is the danger of speaking about ones self.

Oh, and remember, this is all just my opinion.

Why I Am Speaking About This:
I like young people, (no weirdo comments please). I employ many young people. I am a 38 year old young person myself. Young people have the energy and enthusiasm that is a necessary component of fueling a successful start-up business. There are a dozen or so of them who I have made millionaires. Or maybe I should say there are a dozen or so who have made me wealthy. This forum is made up of young dreamers as much as anything else. I am a dreamer and I owe my financial success in life to young dreamers.

What Are My Qualifications To Speak About This?
Most people would call me rich. That’s funny to me because in the world of the super rich I'm not even a blip on the radar. (There is ALWAYS richer - that is one of the lessons, but I digress) Just so you can put it in perspective... I can crash Murcielagos without thinking about it. I can crash yachts but it hurts. I can’t afford to crash jets. My dad was a teacher so I never had money growing up. I dropped out of college after two years. I have built more than one successful company from the ground up. (I got married three years ago)

So Enough With Chit Chat; What's The Secret Formula?
Not so quick. Before I empower you all to make millions and ruin your life in the process... I have a few things to say first:

Before you attempt to become rich get your priorities straight.
Ask yourself this question:

You are walking along a secluded beach and find a magic lamp (a very old bottle). Upon opening the lamp up a genie comes out and offers up this proposition...
"Behold I am the great and mighty god Alicomba. You have freed me from a thousand years in captivity. I will reward you for your deed. I have two great gifts to offer. You may choose one of these, and only one, as a gift for your kindness. The first gift I can offer you is a fabulous chest of gold worth 100 million dollars. As an alternative I can guarantee you a life of great happiness as long as you remain poor. You must choose now. You have 10 seconds. . ."

Ok... If you are not sure which to pick you need to change your priorities before you attempt to make money. If you hesitated before picking you still need to work on your priorities in life. Maybe you picked the right answer immediately but still have a slight lingering remorse. You too need to work on priorities.

A truly healthy person understands that happiness in life is the ONLY goal. Ironically this is the type of person who is best prepared to make a lot of money. These people understand the relative importance of money within a life of happiness.

Sounds like preachy stuff... well... I can't give you the key to making money without a lesson in responsibility. That would be like handing the keys to a brand new Murciealgo to your 10 year old brother.

OK, finally the key to becoming rich...
Davo was right; you must become your own boss...
If you want to become very rich and that is truly an important goal for you then you must own your own business. Give up any thought of working for others (in the long term). Society trys to teach you to go to school, get a job, buy a house and settle into a risk-free life of relative comfort by working for a good company. This leads to a life a relative captivity. You work from paycheck to paycheck to support the purchase of your house and car (Lexus not Lambo) all while building the value of someone else’s company. NOBODY can become very wealthy through paychecks!! Let me demonstrate...

Say you do extremely well and by the time you are 25 you have work your salary up to $125,000 / year.
After income taxes of 39k
and house payments of 25k
and car, and living, and insurance and everything else
If you save 25k a year you are doing very well.
Let’s see if you maintain that for 10 years you'll have 250K. 20 years 500k. 30 years.. Geeze your in your 50's. When was it that you plan to become rich? You'll certainly have enough to pay off your house.. Well maybe. But that doesn't leave much for retirement.

I know, I know, I left off compounding. But I also left off inflation, changing jobs, buying a Lambo. It evens out. Anyway, I guess the dream of becoming a millionaire got left behind when you decided to get married. And you will get married. Then the kids will come. They will want college. You'll be lucky to pound out a living.

So back to the main point if you are going to get rich it will not be through paychecks unless your 7 feet and you can slam a basketball.

The way you will become rich is to own your own company and have others work for you. This is the only way.

A life of owning your own business is not a risk-free life nor is it a guarantee of wealth. But as for me, I wouldn't have any other way. Besides when I'm on my death-bed looking back at my life I don't want to say.. "I successfully avoided taking chances".

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Old 10-20-2003, 05:18 AM   #13
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Hey Tony,

Good to hear from you. Was kind of wondering where you had disappeard to, been busy???

You make very valid points in your post. I must say that everyone should take that to heart and not just those who originally pondered the question becoming rich or owning a nice car.

How's the car, good I hope!!!
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Old 10-20-2003, 09:48 AM   #14
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Hey Tony, I haven't been here in months I never got the chance and the buisness was on the busy side. But I agree with Tony, you have to start your own buisness, but you also have to appeal to a large crowd.

Take Tony, he owns a video game company, this appeals to teens, pre-teens, young adults and often times older adults. My buisness doesnt appeal to such a large crowd, there-for I dont made near as much money as he does. Another example was when I was watching a show on MTV called 'dissmessed' where a guy who was 25 was driving around in a 355 F1 Spider. Why? Because he had a clothing company, people need clothes, right?

You cant start out huge though. If you borrow all this money to have a floor in a skyscraper in New York, hire 30 employees and then your buisness folds, you got a hell of a problem. Your best bet is to start out small, and build on when the money comes in to do so. I'll give you three example companies that I look up to.

1. Orange County Choppers- The owner Paul Sr. started building bikes in his basement. His son got into it, and they sold a few bikes, and eventually decided to take this public. They built a shop, and hired a few workers, hired a few more workers, built another shop for a spicific purpose and so on and so forth. Now they have a multi-million dollar buisness, their own show on the Discovery Channel, and God-knows how many workers.

2. Rolex- Some guy in the 1800s said "It is possible to make a wrist watch." Back then, a wrist watch was unheard-of, everyone was perfectly content with their pocket watches. This swiss guy started making wrist watches in his home and sold them to people who were willing to think outside the box. News of this wirst watch spread, then other companies companies started making them. Now in 2003, wrist watches are everywhere, and Rolex is still making watches. Also, Rolex is one of if not the most looked-up-to watch makers in the world and their products are sold in thousnds and thousands of jewlery stores world-wide.

3.Armani (Giorgio Armani)- An Italian guy who want by the name of 'Armani' had a passion for designing clothes. He again, started out very small. His prodicts were considered top-of-the-line. People who could afford them, purchesed them. Now Giorgio Armani has about 7 different branches of his company, which includes a furnature company, jewlery line, and a frangrance line. There are companies, but few who compete with his, like Fendi, Dolce&Gabanna, Gucci, and Burberry.

I could go on for hours naming companies like those. Another point is do something you have a passion for, but keep thease tips in mind. Earning enough money to buy a Lamborghini isn't going to come overnight, it can take decades to make that much. If you are patient and really want that Lambo, you can wait. If you ever feel like giving up on those dreams think of the day you can grip the steering wheel of that Murcielago and honestly call it yours, and when you can step into your 10,000 square-foot home.

Last edited by sizzilinS7; 10-20-2003 at 11:57 AM.
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Old 10-20-2003, 01:06 PM   #15
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Re: where to work to afford a murcielago?

Originally Posted by sizzilinS7
1. Orange County Choppers- The owner Paul Sr. started building bikes in his basement. His son got into it, and they sold a few bikes, and eventually decided to take this public. They built a shop, and hired a few workers, hired a few more workers, built another shop for a spicific purpose and so on and so forth. Now they have a multi-million dollar buisness, their own show on the Discovery Channel, and God-knows how many workers.
West Coast Choppers OWNS OCC in all aspects.
But yea, becoming an entreprenuer is the best way.
And its all in taking risks. And owning your own company you also have to conform to the way the world evolves around your company. For instance, my dad started off his business going on 11 years ago selling computer supplies(toner, printers, etc, he didn't sell actual computers just parts). But b/c of the internet and the wholesale prices everything is sold at, he lost a large number of customers. But then there were those who didn't mind paying a little more by knowing exactly who they were dealing with and knew how honest and quickly my dad works to keep their businesses running. But b/c he lost so many customers he had to move into other directions to gain new customers which has again turned out very well. While my dad has not made millions hes done very well for himself and allowed our family to live very comforablely.
This hardest part in starting some businesses is you usually have to sell yourself and unless you have the natural ability its sometimes is very difficult to do. But thats what my dad has done almost all his working life so he developed a skill and made it his niche. He actually started his own business after continually outselling everyone at the companies he worked for and seeing everyone else who did a lot worse getting promoted. B/c I've seen first hand what it takes, it can be a long and difficult road, and still is for my dad(having to work so much)but the rewards can be great.
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