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Old 06-02-2005, 01:07 PM   #46
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Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

So you don't pay a dime, not for the stickers, not for the "vouchers", nothing... And they give you free stuff. That's it. Any links to back up this claim? Like I'm assuming the terms of this agreement are in writing somewhere. May we see them, please?
Hung by a halo or stabbed by horns, sad to say; they're both the same
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Old 06-06-2005, 02:08 PM   #47
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Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

Ya, I figured that was a scam, I sent them some cash I had laying around. I new it was total bs when they couldn't even get some tires. For the fact I drive an '89 Isuzu TF-R(pickup), but it's extenseivly modified(engine, suspension, brakes, body and interior), nothing ricey though, mainaly JDM and performance, but who the hell would sponost a vehical that there is nothing avalable for?

But they are just there to sell you parts.They are one HUGE scam and should be put down for that.
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Old 09-13-2005, 06:38 PM   #48
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Burn Rubber Not Rice

Alright guys so I have been sponsored to drop a ford crate v8 and convert it to rear wheel drive....

Now comes the bullshit about the sponsor..
It's sport compact pro..
Now Stop the tsking and sighs and jeers..
These guys are legit
The previous owner has been ripping people off...
That I can't deny..
That is why he is not around any longer.
The guys at sport compact are very kind respectable and generous..
The contract proceesing fee is legit..
They draw up personal contracts for EVERY PERSON
No car sponsorship is the same...
and the fee IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE!!
Take it from someone who does his own taxes...
1099 at the end of the year
Independent contractors contract
The guys who talk all this shit are people who wanted stock cars sponsored, and they got the sponsorship because these guys wanna help the little people out... The people trying to get their project off the ground. Why hate on people being helpful...
Also the complaints about them not having any parts in the wholesaler catalogues they provide....
If they don't provide it Sport Compact Pro WILL FIND IT!!
I know for a fact that dave from sport compact spent about 4 hours last night looking for an m3 styling kit for one of his sponsored supras...
So how can you talk shit when you haven't spoke to these people personally...
And about the people not being able to get ahold of their sponsor, Think about it... If you had 25 cars you had to find parts for and maintain that they are keeping their end of the bargain.. You would be hard to get ahold of too.

So all in all I am very confident about my sponsorship from sport compact pro.. and if you did have a problem with them look at (better business bureau) and look for yourself, they have been working hard since the previous main shareholder had fucked things up...
And all you naysayers are just fueling the fire...
So you guy's can keep driving your beater 94' integras

I'll call you when I break 6's with my sponsored focus
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Old 09-13-2005, 06:42 PM   #49
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Better Business Bureau of Delaware
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1415 Foulk Road, Suite 202
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Sport Compact Pro
5165 West Woodmill Drive Suite 12
Wilmington, DE 19808

The Better Business Bureau reports on members and non-members. Membership in the BBB is voluntary. Members must meet and maintain BBB standards. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report.

Original Business Start Date: 01/01/97
Type of Entity: Sole Proprietorship
Principal: Tim McClearly, Owner
Phone Number: 302-892-3400
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Membership Status: This company is a member
Date Joined BBB: 03/28/05
Type of Business: Auto Parts & Supplies-New


This company has been a member of the Better Business Bureau since March 2005. This means it supports the Bureau's services to the public and meets our membership standards.


This company participates in BBBOnLine. This company has agreed to use special complaint handling procedures including mediation and arbitration if necessary to resolve disputes.


Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record with the Bureau. Any complaints processed by the Bureau in its three-year reporting period have been resolved. The number and type of complaints are not unusual for a company in this industry.

To have a "Satisfactory Record" with the Bureau, a company must be in business for at least 12 months, properly and promptly address matters referred to it by the Bureau, and be free from an unusual volume or pattern of complaints and law enforcement action involving its marketplace conduct. In addition, the Bureau must have a clear understanding of the company's business and no concerns about its industry.

Complaints against this business concern Credit/Billing, Product Quality, Refund, Selling Practices and Service.

When evaluating complaint information, please consider the company's size and volume of business. The number of complaints filed against the company may not be as important as the type of complaints and how the company handled them.

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Number of complaints processed by the BBB since the firm's BBB file was opened in January of 2004: 16
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in last 12 months: 13

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Credit or Billing Issues: 4
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Additional phone numbers for this company include:
(888) 333-7621.


Additional company management personnel include:
Candice Fusco, Complaint Person.

REPORT DATE: 09/07/2005

COPYRIGHT DATE: 2005 BBB of Delaware

The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources.


As a matter of policy, the Better Business Bureau does not endorse any product, service, or company. BBB reports generally cover a three-year reporting period, and are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. Information contained in this report is believed reliable but not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reports are subject to change at any time.
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Old 09-13-2005, 07:35 PM   #50
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Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

Thanks for the smile ... I needed that.
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Old 09-14-2005, 09:31 PM   #51
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Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

aight, ive heard too much on both sides about this company, can anyone come up with a straight answer???? my friend from ga got her contract and all that, just hasnt sent it in yet. i got a call today from them saying i got accepted for 10 g's. if anyone can show me a pic of a car thats hooked the fuck up with an scp sticker on it, then please do so. i dont know if i think scp is bullshit or not. if i give them $88 and get an $88 discount total on parts, then im not losing shit am i...didnt think so. so just cus they dont give you $10g's, dont call it a scam, its called partial sponsorships, they do exist. now someone give me some real info on them so i can be on my way to fixing my shit up myself or getting shit half off. i want proof of someone getting ripped off or someone getting hooked up, this back and forth, ahh they are a rip off...nah they hooked me up with all this shit, its stupid...evidence people, come on!

ps. did anyone ever think of contacting the numerous well known companies that they claim they are affiliated with? ive e-mailed skunk2 so far to see what they know about scp...they say they got the hook up with all these companies, go to the companies about it.
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Old 09-14-2005, 09:47 PM   #52
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Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

A legitimate sponsor will never ask you for money, for anything ... ever.
Sponsorship: Amateur Motorsports <-- Get the book! - books are now available for shipment
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Old 09-15-2005, 01:51 AM   #53
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Re: Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

man, im aware of what sponsors looking for people that already have a name are like. but these people will pretty much "sponsor" anyone. i dont consider it a sponsorship because youre basically getting a discount on some parts here and there but not payed just to wear their i said, if you get up to $80 discount total..then what do you have to complain about. i was asking if they hold up to their end of the deal, which is to hook you up with shit for cheaper than you can get it most other places. granted, you have to go through them unless they cant find a part for your car by a company they are supposedly affiliated with, you can find your own price and get a discount or some shit..i dunno all the details. all i want out of this "sponsorship" is parts to build a motor up and rims, other than that, i can finish the rest of the car on my own. i think the really big sponsors are fucking bullshit, they look for the elitest "tuners" or w/e who have already hooked their car up all the way. in all honesty, if i were to finish my car, and some company like skunk2 or someone came to me and offered me a sponsorship, besides saying "youre a little late", id tell them to lick my ass. im looking for someone to sponsor my ideas that will garuntee me best of show and with the motor im trying to build, ill have the best of both worlds. sponsors should stop looking for people who already have a name, and pay attention to ANYONE with original ideas who doesnt have a criminal record for imbezling or some shit. the ideas i have to "finish" my car are very unique, as in, never seen it done before ever, but i know its possible. i want to keep my shit clean, but blow people away at the same time. i dont care too much for outrageous conversions that take it too far, but simple conversions that make a positive impact on the way your car is viewed. i know its almost impossible to get someone serious to sponsor someones idea...but dont bash me..spread the word. none of my ideas start out with, i wish i could do....they all start out with, im going to do..

what my real question is i guess, does ANYONE know ANYONE that will listen to someone's ideas (like myself or anyone that feels they have original ideas) and consider sponsoring them so they can turn their ideas into a reality. i dont mean ideas like a lambo door kit or something, im talking about ideas that WILL win best of show. ideas that will make pioneers of the industry back you up. in order to build a show/race car you have to pay attention to what gets the most recognition..which i have done, but added my own twist to. im very active in the lifestyle/scene whatever you wanna call it. im about to go to nopi this coming up weekend which is about 7-8 hours away from where i live. i attend every show that i hear abou that is no more than 4 hours away with the exception of nopi (because its nopi..come on). im done, i may be no one right now..but that could all change, just need to talk to someone who is as enthusiastic about all this as i am. later
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Old 09-28-2005, 08:23 PM   #54
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Cool Everyone Please Read Now

I came across this site by accident and I am glad I did. I have been sitting here reading this forum and I am really surprised of the crap people talk about what they don't know. You can'y provide heresay to someone who needs a serious answer. First let me say that I am sponsored by SCP and a scout meaning I get paid for every successful app that I get sponsored. I actuall applied to SCP twice. The first time I did not send the contract back because I did not want to be under contract for a year. The second time I thought I am going to customize my car anyway, and attend shows so why not. I paid the first time and I did not pay the second time.

Now let me explain the difference between full and partial sponsors. Full sponsors for the most part, pay for everything requiring you to pay for nothing. the only con to this is most of the time, you don't get all the parts you want, you get what they can give you. So its more like there dream right? A partial sponsor helps you throughout your project, pays for some labor and some parts leaving you with the other half or whatever. SCP for example pays a percentage and they work hard to find the parts YOU want. There are certain times that they can find something for free, but you will never know unless you are looking for that item.

The part that most of you don't understand is the fee. The fee is to set you up and it is 100% tax deductible, when they send you packet you will have a slip of paper inside that you keep for your records. It's a donation to the victims of illegal street racing and you get it back so why complain.

You are required to attend 4 shows and wear two decals which can be customized to match your vehicle. (they make them in different colors) but for the most part, if you don't request a color or windshield banner, they will send you either black/white or blue/white.

Check out BBB if you thinks it a scam.

Last, SCP deals with hundreds of applications a day so if you contact them, chances are, they will get to you when they can. That is why they pay scouts do take care of that. If you don't have access to a scout then it will take a while and you have to be patient. It never takes SCP more than 2 days to respond to me because they know who I am and I have about 8 different emails for each inquiry so that the response time is sooner. If 1000 people sent you a email today to the same address, would you read them all?

If you are serious about getting sponsored and want more info, join my group on myspace or email me at and yes your car can be currently stock but you should only be applying if you plan on customizing in that year. does not have to be extreme.
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Old 10-19-2005, 12:47 PM   #55
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Soo... they pay other people to find more sponsorees for them, and then they pay other people to find more... sounds like a triangle... no wait.. pyramid.

As Hyde has said several times, there is NO business model to this. Unfortunately a plethora of teenage kids with big dreams, big eyes, and no life experience choose to ignore reality and advice and fall victim to this.

Why do they have a clean BBB record?

Because you're signing a contact, they're abiding by the information in their contract, so of course the record is clean, disputes can be settled by mutual agreement of both involved parties, OR by proof by either involved parties that no infraction was made against agreed policy/contracts.

My family races in Top Fuel drag racing, actually 6 time world champions in Top Fuel. I can assure you that NO money is paid to sponsors (minus a few fancy dinners, though they usually return the favor). These are REAL sponsors, like WebCam Racing Cams and Redline Oils.

I realize that the kids reading this are likely too ignorant for this to sink in, but hopefully someone will take the time to think before they act. It's sad to think that people could have the truth laid in front of them about this scam and STILL send their money... Just... wow.
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Old 10-19-2005, 02:26 PM   #56
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Exclamation Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

Maybe if you had read my post throughly before responding, you would have noticed that first I am not a kid and 2 I am not just a scout but sponsored by them so I should know what I am talking about. I don't care how many champianships your family has won, that has no importance on this subject, don't post trash about things unless you have tried them. There are many companies that only offer partial sponsorships, for example, I approached a company that makes a moterized spoiler and they said that they would give me one at 50% off and would have to go to 6 shows. I thought not bad but since I have a sponsor, I can just get it through them.

I can't believe how much crap you and other people talk, SCP saves me hundreds on products and the only thing i have to do is attend 4 shows which i do already anyway. Don't screw with peoples minds into thinking that they can get a full sponsorship if they have not already invested thousands into their ride.

Originally Posted by digitalsolo
Soo... they pay other people to find more sponsorees for them, and then they pay other people to find more... sounds like a triangle... no wait.. pyramid.

As Hyde has said several times, there is NO business model to this. Unfortunately a plethora of teenage kids with big dreams, big eyes, and no life experience choose to ignore reality and advice and fall victim to this.

Why do they have a clean BBB record?

Because you're signing a contact, they're abiding by the information in their contract, so of course the record is clean, disputes can be settled by mutual agreement of both involved parties, OR by proof by either involved parties that no infraction was made against agreed policy/contracts.

My family races in Top Fuel drag racing, actually 6 time world champions in Top Fuel. I can assure you that NO money is paid to sponsors (minus a few fancy dinners, though they usually return the favor). These are REAL sponsors, like WebCam Racing Cams and Redline Oils.

I realize that the kids reading this are likely too ignorant for this to sink in, but hopefully someone will take the time to think before they act. It's sad to think that people could have the truth laid in front of them about this scam and STILL send their money... Just... wow.
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Old 10-19-2005, 02:31 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by cr8zblackguy
Maybe if you had read my post throughly before responding, you would have noticed that first I am not a kid and 2 I am not just a scout but sponsored by them so I should know what I am talking about.
Maybe if you participated in this board beyond the 2 posts you have in this one thread and established who you are we could allow some credence to your words ... until then, you are just a troll trolling.

It seems awfully strange that someone so interested in modifying their cars logged onto this board and only posted in this one thread.

Originally Posted by cr8zblackguy
don't post trash about things unless you have tried them.
So I can't trash talk being robbed unless I was robbed?
Sponsorship: Amateur Motorsports <-- Get the book! - books are now available for shipment
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Old 10-19-2005, 02:36 PM   #58
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Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

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Old 10-20-2005, 08:29 PM   #59
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Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

Ok I don't know about any of you, but I know that I understand how this guy feels. I applied with Sport Compact Pro, and thought it was a great idea, at first i was hessatent, but now I know everything is fine, aslo i don't think you have to be a winner in any event, I think what there looking for is the type of car you have and what you have planned for it. I'v only won one show so far and this was after appling with them.

And they approve my sponsorship for $15 grand, go figure eh.

here's a link where you can check out my ride, and this is before i got sponsored
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Old 10-20-2005, 09:01 PM   #60
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Re: Sport Compact Pro Sponsorship

Yeah .... another person who signs on to post in this thread.

Let me give you a free pieces of advice on trolling, if you want to even
remotely be taken seriously invest time in the community, make yourself
known, establish a reputation, give something back and then share your opinions
... otherwise, it's obvious that you just signed on here with an agenda.

Do you really think people are going to value your opinion when you log
onto a message board in obvious support of a business??

I mean really, who signs up onto a message board just to post in this type of a thread?

Are you insulting our intelligence or showing us yours?
Sponsorship: Amateur Motorsports <-- Get the book! - books are now available for shipment

Last edited by JekylandHyde; 02-16-2006 at 10:58 PM.
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