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Old 12-06-2003, 01:56 PM   #46
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This childish bantering went on WAY too long

I didn't vote for Bush, he's a retard, and i wouldn't cry if he got assasinated But the whole thing is simple...if you don't like a country, then stay the fuck out of it.
For once, just once, stfu and let everyone enjoy the thread. Thank you. -crazayjay
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Old 12-06-2003, 03:10 PM   #47
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What bothers me is all the "group think" that goes on. I'm American, therefore I'm an arrogant bully. And a racist. And probably a few other things. It seems that INDIVIDUALS don't exist! Everyone is simply part of this group or that, and can be part of more than one group.

But it's as if no individual has a right, or even the ability, to gather their own information and form their own unique opinion! One is required to subscribe to whatever group is closest to their core values.

What ever happened to critical thinking? Seems to have gone out with the Eisenhower Administration. I'll limit my advice to this: TURN OFF YOUR GODDAMN TELEVISIONS! THERE IS A REASON IT'S REFERRED TO AS PROGRAMMING!

Bah, listen to me. Just another damned American trying to tell the rest of the world what's best.
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Old 12-06-2003, 04:32 PM   #48
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Re: Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by Solomon219
Well, first let me say that I AM circumcised, and it was for religious reasons. My parents are Christians, and they DID have a choice. When I was born the OB/GYN asked their preferance. In recent years though, I've seen a lot of uproar caused by the fact that physicians DIDN'T consult the parents, and went ahead with it. There've been several lawsuits over this, and I believe the parents won (and rightfully so!).

As for the reason it is prevalent in the US is because that the western world is still dominated by Judeo-Christian beliefs. Hence the reason we don't allow gay marriages (while quite a few European countries do; I could name about 13 right now) and the legalization of marijuana, even for medicinal purposes (which certain European countries have adopted for "recreational" purposes, along with harder drugs).

That's the reason it's still practiced. I personally don't believe that these Christian ideals will last too much longer. I feel that we're moving toward a more liberal, perhaps "agnostic" country. I'm a Christian, but I really don't believe this is a bad thing. Our Constution states that we have Freedom of Religion...but doesn't that give you freedom FROM religion as well?!

As an aside, there are quite a few websites out there documenting people who believe that they should have had the choice, not their parents, being as it was their body. They feel a loss. What they've discovered is that they can TECHNICALLY regrow the foreskin. This is involved using weights that you affix to the skin of you penis and it drags the skin down. Doing this often enough, long enough will cause the skin to lengthen, thus drawing down in a "hood". Men who have tried this have expressed an increased sensitivity (a petty debate that has been waged for some time regards the fact that if you are circumsised, you lose a lot of sensation, due to the fact that your exposed "member" is constantly rubbing against rough clothing, and not protected by the foreskin).

If you're interested in more of that you can just Google the topic, there's quite a few resources out there.

Now, as for the reason I originally came back into the thread, I just found this website and thought I'd post it. It's pretty fucked up. It's a "Christian" group who has based all of their ideals upon America's founding fathers.

Think this is a cult?!?
Typical American extremists, huh? (Yeah, I know...this commin' from me )

Boingo, I don't mean any offense to you, so please don't take any, but I noticed that you're from Utah (yeah, you know what's coming). Are you Mormon, by chance? If you are, what is their belief? If not, are you religious?

It's none of my business, if you don't want to answer. I was just curious because of the subject.
I have to disagree with you on your take on Christian ideals not lasting much longer. The percentage of people in America who are Christian is far more than those who aren't. And the constitution was written under Christian pretenses. And the nation was founded under God. Hence, "One nation, under God......". The government is stupid in trying to change so many things that deal with God to conform to what a small minority want changed. People really make a big deal out of the word God. If you don't believe, then good, that is your constitutional right and your born right. B/c not believing is basically a religion. People just need to relax and not get so worked up over such minascule unimportant things. There are a lot more important things to worry about. Just my opinion though, so please, no one take offense.
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Old 12-06-2003, 05:44 PM   #49
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by goat_launcher
But the whole thing is simple...if you don't like a country, then stay the fuck out of it.
Good point. America as a whole seems to hate stay the fuck out of it

Originally Posted by Dan_in_WA
What bothers me is all the "group think" that goes on...
You'll note that in my disclaimer I said I would be referring to the US as a whole and was not singling out individuals, as many of them are great people.

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Old 12-06-2003, 06:48 PM   #50
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- Dan

Did you guys know that only FIVE companies control the entire brodcast network in the US? Not only that, but that they're all financially vested in each other, so that if one's doing poorly, they all are, and if one's making a killing, they all are? Dan's right. If you don't believe in subliminal messaging, you've been brainwashed. (Hope that wasn't over your head)

The reason I said that I don't believe Christian values would hold much longer in this country is because of, well, all the persecution going on right now. This includes persecution AGAINST and BY the church. What I draw my conclusion from is the removal of the ten commandments from schools, the removal of the statue of the ten commandmants from that courthouse, and the law that passed in CA taking the words "under God" out of the pledge of allegiance. These things are all being PASSED! Bush is a Christian, but who's to say the next prez will be? I wasn't saying it's going to happen all at one, but I think we're gradually sliding to a point where we'll be like communist Russia, with NO religion. That might be a bit extreme, but I don't see Christianity going down just to be replaced by Buddhism, Islam, or any other religion. Just my .

Let me know what you think, Tex.

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Old 12-06-2003, 11:52 PM   #51
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Solomon, I studied my permit for 5 minutes just to make sure that my SS number wasnt on it. All the other information can found out as easy as looking at the permit, so I didnt care. Its just my address, but I am going to remove the picture. Thanks for keeping an eye out.

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Old 12-07-2003, 01:57 AM   #52
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there is an easy solution if you dont like the USA then there is a vast majority of the planet you can go live in. You wont enjoy the freedoms you enjoy here though.

AS far as the religious thing goes its freedome OF religion not freedome FROM religion.
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the 5th column will be the death of the american dream.
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Old 12-07-2003, 02:17 AM   #53
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

The reason I said that I don't believe Christian values would hold much longer in this country is because of, well, all the persecution going on right now. This includes persecution AGAINST and BY the church. What I draw my conclusion from is the removal of the ten commandments from schools, the removal of the statue of the ten commandmants from that courthouse, and the law that passed in CA taking the words "under God" out of the pledge of allegiance. These things are all being PASSED! Bush is a Christian, but who's to say the next prez will be? I wasn't saying it's going to happen all at one, but I think we're gradually sliding to a point where we'll be like communist Russia, with NO religion. That might be a bit extreme, but I don't see Christianity going down just to be replaced by Buddhism, Islam, or any other religion. Just my .

Let me know what you think, Tex.

Ok, I see now. There was a communication glitch. I don't know I guess I don't like it b/c it doesn't make sense to me why its such a big deal. Oh well, whatever happens happens. There's not much I can do except to follow my beliefs.
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Old 12-07-2003, 02:20 AM   #54
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Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by Heep
You'll note that in my disclaimer I said I would be referring to the US as a whole and was not singling out individuals, as many of them are great people.
So basically, you hate America the stereotype.
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Old 12-07-2003, 02:24 AM   #55
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by Entreri33
AS far as the religious thing goes its freedome OF religion not freedome FROM religion.
Hey Entreri,
I think you missed what I was saying. Yes, we have freedom of religion, where you're free to pick and choose from the plethora available and not be persecuted for your choice (well, that was the intention).

But this also gives you freedom FROM religion. What I mean is that you don't HAVE to pick one, especially if you don't believe in it. You shouldn't be held accountable to rules that any religion decides to make.

I'm NOT saying that you can break the laws BASED on Christian beliefs (such as thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not steal) but if you want to work on Sundays, or date someone of a different race, or even of the same GENDER, you should be allowed to, because it is what YOU believe, not what someone else tells you to believe.

No-one has the right to punish you just because you don't follow THEIR guidelines, rules, and/or strictures.

My point: In this country you have certain freedoms. One is the freedom of religion. If you don't believe in religion, or certain religions, you have freedom FROM that religion.
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Old 12-07-2003, 02:29 AM   #56
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Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by TexasF355F1
I guess I don't like it b/c it doesn't make sense to me why its such a big deal. Oh well, whatever happens happens. There's not much I can do except to follow my beliefs.
It doesn't make sense to me either, but this is also just my take on it. I HOPE I'm wrong.

But I agree with you that whatever happens, happens, and you have to let yourself be guided by faith.

(And that's faith in whatever you believe, for those easily offended)
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Last edited by Solomon219; 12-07-2003 at 11:40 AM.
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Old 12-07-2003, 04:57 AM   #57
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by Entreri33
You wont enjoy the freedoms you enjoy here though.
Originally Posted by RaeRae1
Blessed are the cracked ones for they are the ones that let in the light.
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Old 12-07-2003, 03:35 PM   #58
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Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by Oz
I don't think he was talking about the America Jr.'s (Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, etc.) which is probably what you were getting at with the BS statement. "Well, in Austrailia I can do everything you can in the US but without all the blah, blah, blah."
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Old 12-07-2003, 04:05 PM   #59
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

America Jr.'s, lol.

I hope Oz doesn't see that....
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Old 12-07-2003, 06:19 PM   #60
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Solomon, I too can trace my family back to the revolutionary war, even to 10,000 BC, when the first people from asia crossed from asia into north america, becoming native americans.

Americans have fought hard to gain their freedom, and we want to help others gain theirs. I am pro-military, but even I dont approve of how my country is involving itself in world affairs. I disagree with the withdrawal of U.S. troops, however. The US started it, and the U.S. will sure as hell finish it. I think we americans can thank George W. for all this shit. I have always wanted to travel through europe, to see france, italy, and spain. But now that is out of the question considering that I would get my ass kicked the minute I stepped into any of those countries. All thanks to Mr. Bush, that bastard.

Why couldnt Al Gore be president? That way all he would be concerned with would be his damn lock-box idea.
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