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Old 08-30-2006, 10:08 PM   #1
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97 Blazer with issues engine issues.

A couple of months ago the blazer quit. I had it towed and they told me that the crankshaft sensor was bad. They also changed the plug wires and the cap and rotor because they said there were sparks flying everywhere. When I picked it up I had a heck of a time starting the engine. Almost like it was flooded. I start getting random misfire codes as well as evap codes. It also smelled like gas. They changed the roll over valve and that fixed that issue but I was still getting random misfire codes. I changed Fuel Pump due to loss of pressure right after turning off the engine. I changed the fuel regulator and now I get 55 to 60 psi on the fuel pressure. I changed the spark plugs. I changed the MAF sensor. I changed the fuel filter and changed the air filter. It seems to run OK but lacks a little power. It recently started throwing crankshaft sensor intermittent failure errors along with the random misfire codes. I had the shop change the sensor 2 more times under warranty and I am still getting that error.

All this points to something wrong with the crankshaft sensor circuit. I was thinking of running new wires from the sensor to whatever the sensor plugs into. I am assuming the sensor plugs into the computer someplace. I am receiving misfire counts on most of the cylinders not just one.

What do you guys think might be the problem? I have read about the ignition switch but I really don't want to throw money at more parts without some testing first. Maybe I could bypass whatever the circuit the ignition switch makes.

I can connect my computer to the blazer and monitor all of the diagnostic data and so far nothing has jumped out.

Anyways, any ideas would be great.
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Old 08-31-2006, 12:37 AM   #2
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Re: 97 Blazer with issues engine issues.

Sounds more like an ECM problem than an ignition switch problem. When my switch went, I got NO codes at all. Same for the ECM, it just died when I parked the truck. I have seen other posters here say they got Tranny error codes when their switch went, but never any mis-firing codes. The misfire is why I'm leaning towards the ECM.

I've had both problems with my '97, and only eliminated the switch after replacing it for a second time, and still had no power.

Check the connectors at the ECM itself, and also a large connector around the center of the fire wall. This one was not making good contact on my truck and eventually blew up the ECM.

I will suggest this though, if your switch is original, replace it now before it does go. It cost less than $100.00 at Autozone, and they carry the same exact switch the dealer will sell you for more than $150.00

Good Luck.
It's my opinion, don't take it personal.
'04 T&C,'01 Blazer ZR2, '97 Blazer, '97 Sunfire, '85 Vette, '79 Civic, 94 FLSTC
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Old 08-31-2006, 01:20 PM   #3
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Re: 97 Blazer with issues engine issues.

When you say "they", is this a dealer or a private shop? Dealers have some pretty high tech diagnostic equipment that can usually pinpoint the problem, while the independent shops have generic scanners that might not get to the root of the problem. Sounds like you've spent a lot of money with no real solution so far. And the 97 was a poor year for S10s in general. Hate to see you having this much trouble. I'd suggest a trip to a reputable dealer - if there is one in your area.
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