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Old 03-08-2012, 09:08 PM   #1
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issues with strada motorsports

Hi All,
I wanted to inquire with others in this forum if they have had this experience with strada motorsports as I have had.

Back in the end of November I placed a rather large order with strada - full payment through pay pal and then nothing for three plus weeks until I finally get an email that the owner is on vacation and wont be back until after the new year. Fair enough - tis the season to be jolly but some of these items were presents for friends . Finally after waiting all of December, I get a response that strada will send out my order mid january but only missing one part - fair enough - trade it out for another and process it - both parties agreed. Simple and easy. Right?

Only half the order came by the end of january. The rest of the order was "could not be fulfilled because of minimum order requirements" even though on the site it said in stock and through several several emails the owner claimed everything was in-stock when he got back from vacation. So now its March.....almost the middle of March and still no finish to my order, no responses to emails requesting what the status of the order or even IF he was going to refund this purchase after this long. So I've gone back to PayPal (sadly it's after 45 days) but they will do their best to push the seller to finish the order or there will be review over the business account. Needless to say, I'm still ripped. I love this hobby, and would gladly pay a hobby shop in the US to keep them in business IF there was honesty. I've had great experiences with M & S Hobbies but's a sock in the nuts.

Reason I am bringing this up? Very simple. While I know this is a very tiny industry its also a very dedicated one where there is a demand and supply. And it's a shame that I can order from companies in China, Japan and Europe and those orders are processed very quickly, owners are honest when there are issues and fast to resolve the issue but a simple shop in America can't even be honest, and then vanishes without fulfilling the order, little communication or resolve. November to March - and only half an order can be fulfilled - give me a bloody break. Honesty is huge if you want to keep a customer base and good value. Truly sad. I can say from now on I will certain be giving my business to better hobby shops than Strada Motorsports. Thanks for listening.
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Old 03-08-2012, 09:32 PM   #2
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Re: issues with strada motorsports


I feel your pain. Dealing with the communication (or lack there of) with Stradasports can be frustrating, but I've always received what I ordered. Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes it takes a year... you never know. I wish Kevin was better about responding to emails and updating the website, but he offers fair prices and inventory it's almost impossible to find other places. So I'll keep shopping there... but I always ask if the products I want are in stock first. (And not order anything I need now.) And I'm okay with that... I just wish I didn't have to learn to do that the hard way.

I hope you get your problem resolved.
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Old 03-08-2012, 09:45 PM   #3
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

One thing to keep in mind is they do not have everything in stsock they show. When you order he orders the part from somebody. I have asked and gotten e-mails when I asked if it is actually in stock Then I ordered and got the parts. Try He does not have quite as much but he does not list anything he does not have in stock. It is the best and most responsive service I have ever used. I made an order online once and the next day I got an e-mail apologizing that he couldn't process for a couple days because he was in Europe on vacation. That's service. I always check there first. He is an Arizona.
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Old 03-08-2012, 11:27 PM   #4
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

Thanks guys. I totally understand what you are saying entirely and actually have earlier emails to strada confirming if the parts were in-stock before the order since the site isn't up to e-commerce standards but via phone it was verbally communicated he had everything in stock except for one part which was fine and switched out the part for another.

Anyways, I too hope it gets resolved or PayPal can get some response where I can't. Ah well.......back to sanding and priming. Thanks again for the advise!
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Old 03-09-2012, 01:09 AM   #5
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

That's too bad. I've only ordered a couple items from them, with some items ordered not being in stock. I wasn't charged for them tho & in stock items were sent. So far I haven't had any bad experiences with anybody...but I still keep my fingers crossed. I do value good communication & will give repeat business for that
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Old 03-09-2012, 01:17 AM   #6
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

I had placed several orders with Strada in the past with out any issues but my last order which was placed on 12 Oct. appears to have gone into a black hole.

He contacted me to say one item was out of stock but was due within a few weeks. Thats the last i've heard and my emails have been going unanswered.

No charges have been made against my card so i can't complain but its disappointing and you don't know where you stand
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Old 03-09-2012, 09:56 AM   #7
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

I've had good luck with Kevin - pretty prompt responses, and he's willing to work with me to either ship what they have and ship the rest later once it arrives, or just hold everything until then. I've never been charged for what hasn't shipped.

Did you use a credit card through PayPal? If so, go that route.
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Old 03-09-2012, 01:38 PM   #8
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

I've always had great service with Kevin. Always lets me know what is and is not in stock, and always ships very promptly !! He does have a job other than this business and i'm sure it keeps him busy. He does take a couple days to answer emails, but I understand he's busy so I can deal with that.
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Old 03-09-2012, 03:40 PM   #9
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

I've had mixed feelings about dealing with Kevin. The inventory is pretty good, as are the prices, but the hassle is the website does not have info about what's in stock and what's not, so you need to check with him first, otherwise your whole order can be delayed or fubared. I'll try mshobbies next time I guess,

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Old 03-09-2012, 08:11 PM   #10
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

Let's be realistic. Stradasports is not his day job, and he probably has family obigations etc.... I have bought a ton of stuff from him over the years. Sometimes gratification is instant, sometimes it is not. We should all feel lucky there is someone that stocks so many obscure items for a miniscule audience.
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Old 03-10-2012, 12:25 PM   #11
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

I agree, it can be frustrating to deal with Kevin. He has always delivered everything that I have ordered, but sometimes it takes a month, and sometimes it is 6 months. It makes me kind of nervous when I'm ordering a Hiro kit that costs $300!
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Old 03-10-2012, 06:15 PM   #12
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

Originally Posted by pawlie View Post
I agree, it can be frustrating to deal with Kevin. He has always delivered everything that I have ordered, but sometimes it takes a month, and sometimes it is 6 months. It makes me kind of nervous when I'm ordering a Hiro kit that costs $300!
I had ordered Hiro kits off him in the past without issue but his lack of communication on this order i have outstanding means I have now lost confidence in him.

I'm in no hurry for my order but the lack of communication means you are left hanging and you can't purchase off another vendor as you have no idea what he is up to.
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Old 03-12-2012, 05:42 PM   #13
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

Pedrop nailed it, and so did Ffreak

Kevin works nights, and he is on a goofy schedule. There are times when you can't get in touch with him, or hear from him for a couple of weeks. Kevin is NO thief, or scammer. He will get you what you ask for, you just have to be patient sometimes.
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Old 03-12-2012, 08:30 PM   #14
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

Originally Posted by 69*Goat View Post
Pedrop nailed it, and so did Ffreak

Kevin works nights, and he is on a goofy schedule. There are times when you can't get in touch with him, or hear from him for a couple of weeks. Kevin is NO thief, or scammer. He will get you what you ask for, you just have to be patient sometimes.
Well live and hope. Its been more than a couple of weeks since i last heard from him. 12 october of last year to be precise. As I previously said, no charge has been made to my card for that order so I'll just be patient.

Not answering any of my emails doesn't instill confidence in his business. I could phone him but the cost of an international call would probably be as much as the order is worth.
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Old 03-12-2012, 09:20 PM   #15
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Re: issues with strada motorsports

Like some of you I've had delays in orders from Kevin but he's always come though in the end. I find that he carries a lot of products that are hard to find anywhere else and because he's dealing with these small producers I'm sure he faces delays as well. He also lists a large variety of products and I can understand if he doesn't always have everything in stock. Anytime I order from small, 'mail order only', firms like his I just take into consideration that selling us hobby supplies is not likely the job that puts food on the table and that it may take a little longer. I'm never ordering something that I've just got to have tomorrow.

I sent him an order a couple of weeks ago, didn't hear back but didn't worry then got an email the other day apologizing for the delay. My order will come, I'm not worried.

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