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Car Modeling Share your passion for car modeling here! Includes sub-forum for "in progress" and "completed" vehicles.
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Old 07-08-2002, 05:57 AM   #1
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Wink Best Model Of The Month - Online modeling contest!

Show your models and win free modeling awards every month!

We are with your 5th year now.

Address of contest is:

What can compete?
Any kind of scale model without exceptions is welcome.

Models and categories!
We have 2 categories. One is Misc category and there goes airplanes, military vehicles, ships, figures, SF, motorcycles. Another one is Cars category and there goes cars only.

How do I submit my picture(s)?
You can E-mail them to me as file attachments. This is by far the easiest way. You can use the body of the E-mail to describe the model. The description can be as long or short as you like. The choice is yours. And finally, please remember to write both your first and last name in the e-mail. If you have photos of web pages, just tell me where is it and I will pick it from there. My e-mail is:

Picture submitting DEADLINE.
Your pictures have to in by midnight GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on the 20th of the current month. Pictures submitted after this date will be transferred to next monthīs contest.

How many models and pictures can I submit?
And how about filetype and size?
You can submit ONLY ONE model, with a maximum of 3 pictures of each model. All non JPEG pictures will be converted to this format. I do this in order to be able to control the size of the picture-file. Iīll try to keep the size below 100 Kilobytes in order to get a fast loading page. Finally, also please try to keep the width of the picture at max. 720 pixels.
PLEASE, please that your files be in that range.

Voting starts on the 21st and ends on the last day of the following month, in both cases at midnight GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
You may vote* for 1 model. The model which gets the highest number of these, will become the "Model Of The Month". PLEASE NOTE!!! You may only vote for 1 model ! Because we have two different categories (cars and miscellaneous) you can give one vote in EACH category.

I have decided to judge the contest with a judging board who will decide the winner of this and all future contests - "WINNER OF CONTEST". If I have award, will award a second prize to the individual who has the most votes from emails "WINNER OF CONTEST BY PEOPLE CHOICES" . I find that I must make these changes to insure a fair contests.

No voting entry will be accepted unless your full name is given. You must provide your full first and last name in mail when voting. It has been our experience that some people use few different e-mail addresses i.e. (from all their family, friends, company, ...) to vote for themselves. FRIENDS ARE WELCOME, BUT NOT VOTING FOR YOURSELF MORE THAN ONCE FROM DIFFERENT E-MAIL ADDRESSES. I will check any suspicious e-mail addresses. We all want fair voting. If you have any suggestions, please send them to me.
Only one vote from one e-mail address will be accepted.

Please don't go around and collect people to vote for you. I think that this is unfair and if I see or heard that somebody do that I will eject him from contest. You can tell people that your model is in contest, but not collecting votes for yourself.

I will answer by 'thank you' mail on every valid vote. If you don't get my answer in 24h, your vote probably isn't accepted. Reasons can be: incomplete vote, different e-mail adress from senders adress, more than one vote from same address,...

Each model will be put on itīs own page. The headline of the page will contain a number. The voting is done by an automated e-mail system. When you click the vote button, I'll send an e-mail containing the number of the model. If you have to vote via regular/manual e-mail (AOL, Web-Tv and various "free e-mail" users like HotMail etc.), then please remember to write which model(s) you're voting for.

*Everybody may vote, including the participators in the contest.
Zeljko Segin - Fast wheels - my pages
My current project - .....

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Old 07-10-2002, 09:23 PM   #2
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Very cool contest! Is each category limited to 10 entires?
Hierarchy of Subaru:
Brat > Coupes > Wagons > Sedans > Baja
(Click to see mine!)
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Old 07-11-2002, 02:55 AM   #3
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There is no max. limit, just min. limit.
If there is no 5 models, contest goes to next month.
Rows are just left from next month so maybe that confused you.
Zeljko Segin - Fast wheels - my pages
My current project - .....

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