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Old 11-23-2004, 04:44 PM   #1
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Bye Bye Camry. bye bye! Bonvoyage

Old and tired 1987 Camry. Well it does have lots of miles and I have posted here about some of my problems but that will be the Last Ever fuel injected car or truck I ever buy. What a hassle. You fix one thing then its another when they get old. And the cost. One O2 sensor, like $65 and thats cheaper that the list price of $85. A sensor for water temp, looks just like a little spark plug with 2 wires attached. Broke that off when trying to adjust the distributor. $55 for that. Then after all that the darn thing is reving for no reason that I can figure out anyway. Engine light keeps coming on and going off. I think its the fuel pump giving out at a tune of about $500 shop rates. I have had it with this newer JUNK. No more. I bought an old carburated Toyota pickup today, and I can do my own tune up, change my plugs, spark plug wires which are separate from the distributor cap (not like my camry), fuel pump on the outside of the engine and it doesnt have all those sensors and gadgets like this camry. The shops and mechanics love those cars even though they have no idea how to fix them. The way I see it is that if you cannot buy a brand new car and get rid of it when the warranty is up, you had better buy an old thing that you can work on yourself or be prepared to pay dearly! JMO
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Old 11-23-2004, 05:14 PM   #2
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Yeah, but it sure beats car payments, Dude

1988 Camry LE
4 cyl Auto

1994 Volvo 940 Turbo
1992 Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel
2006 Mustang GT
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Old 11-23-2004, 05:33 PM   #3
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Re: Bye Bye Camry. bye bye! Bonvoyage

Hi Calvic, I very much agree. I can't afford car payments but I certainly cannot afford the repairs these things cost. I have spent well over $500 on this thing over the last month and then what do I have? Still an old car that I cannot work on and the fuel pump goes. Thats another $5 or so. Then the "ria-stat" goes LOL. Nothing but very costly repairs. Now the old truck I bought, fuel pump is $65 or so and 2 bolts to replace it. Do a tuneup cheap. What I am trying to say is that I will never own an EFI engine again. I need something I can afford and fix myself. As for mileage, the camry has 290,000 Km on the clock and one can expect to do repairs but its absolutely rediculous what you have to pay for any of these "newer" 87 and up vehicles for parts or the repairs.
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Old 11-24-2004, 12:42 PM   #4
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I know what you mean, try buying parts for a Volvo, man they'll break you fast, at least I bought it cheap! Better buy up a few old carb. motors cause there getting to be rare, I look at my old timing light and dwell meter and wish for the good old days when I knew what most of the stuff under a hood did and could fix it.

1988 Camry LE
4 cyl Auto

1994 Volvo 940 Turbo
1992 Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel
2006 Mustang GT
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Old 11-24-2004, 04:48 PM   #5
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Re: Bye Bye Camry. bye bye! Bonvoyage

Exactly JJ,
I am on day 2 of the old Toyota Truck and love it. I was looking over the spark wires, fuel pump. Its a real treat LOL to see those things. I really did like the camry and it did run good for 2 years, then the problems started. I could see no end to calling the tow truck and shop repair bills. As I was planning a trip to town, I was at the same time thinking Am I going to get there OK. Always armed with my cell phone and practically no place to take the car to anyway without getting a severe Shafting. I simply cannot afford an EFI engine in any car or truck I have.
Some people swear by them but when you are limited in your knowledge as I am with these engines, I think I am much better off avoiding them. BTW, my dash lights dont work in the 1986 truck. Well I found the switch under the dash in about 2 minutes. Pulled it off and there it is. I need a switch. They will probably want $5 for that at the autowrecker! I love It! And the nice thing about it is that this switch is not going to affect the vehicles timing, headlights, every electronic curcuit in there and certainly not my computer because I have that right here in my bedroom office!!!!
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Old 11-27-2004, 11:19 AM   #6
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Re: Re: Bye Bye Camry. bye bye! Bonvoyage

[quote=canadianbiz]Exactly JJ,
I am on day 2 of the old Toyota Truck and love it. I was looking over the spark wires, fuel pump. Its a real treat LOL to see those things. I really did like the camry and it did run good for 2 years, then the problems started. I could see no end to calling the tow truck and shop repair bills. As I was planning a trip to town, I was at the same time thinking Am I going to get there OK. Always armed with my cell phone and practically no place to take the car to anyway without getting a severe Shafting. I simply cannot afford an EFI engine in any car or truck I have.
Some people swear by them but when you are limited in your knowledge as I am with these engines, I think I am much better off avoiding them. BTW, my dash lights dont work in the 1986 truck. Well I found the switch under the dash in about 2 minutes. Pulled it off and there it is. I need a switch. They will probably want $5 for that at the autowrecker! I love It! And the nice thing about it is that this switch is not going to affect the vehicles timing, headlights, every electronic curcuit in there and certainly not my computer because I have that right here in my bedroom office!!!! [/Q
sounds good to hear your'e storyman so 1986 toyota pickup truck are all pick up truck on this yr. has the same engine?
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