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Old 12-31-2009, 09:26 AM   #1
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On the occasion of the 61st Anniversary of the International day for Human Rights the

On the occasion of the 61st Anniversary of the International day for Human Rights the Human Rights Commission published a report on King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz’s achievements, stating

On the occasion of the 61st Anniversary of the International day for Human Rights the Human Rights Commission published a report on King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz’s achievements, stating:
The Custodian of the Two Holly Mosques enhances the protection of human rights with a number of initiatives and resolutions, on the national and international level.
Refugees conditions, special needs and victims of Jeddah crisis are all situations are all within the King’s humanity interest.
The Custodian of the Two Holly Mosques is constantly seeking to find quality means for a better human being.
King Abdullah takes on huge international roles to spread the dialogue culture, peace and tolerance.
His reforms directions set the climate for active mechanism to protect human rights.
Human Rights Commission confirmed that the Custodian of the Two Holly Mosques’ humanitarian initiatives led to a major change in the field of human rights preserving development, not only inside the Kingdom but on regional and the international levels in words and deeds.
The HRC report stated that the 61st anniversary of human rights coincided with the initiations of many decisions taken by the King as a result of a number of regional incidents, indicating his foremost care and interest in human rights issues.

The report indicated the King’s directions to build 10.000 accommodating units, complete and furniture them, and hand them out for the refugees of the military operations in Jazan in no longer than one year.
The Human Rights Commission also pointed out in its report, the King’s generous humanitarian gesture towards the orphans with special conditions who are above 18 years of age, to be included in the social security system and profit from all programs and benefits to enable them to settle socially and psychologically and become useful members in their society.
The Custodian of The Two Holly Mosques stood by Jeddah crisis victims through directing a committee to be assembled under the leadership of the governor of Makkah to investigate the truth behind the crisis. The King also instructed that a sum of one million Saudi Riyals to be given to each family who lost a member in the flood.
The report pointed towards the King’s previous gestures such as his immediate order to release one billion and sixty six million SR to refurbish the families, under social security, to meet their needs during the month of Ramadan and the season for Eid.
The HRC specified in its report that the King’s magnified efforts and achievements on both national and international levels are outweighed by his efforts to maintain human rights through his call for dialogue and cooperation between deferent cultures and religions.
The report stressed that electing the Kingdom for two consecutive sessions in the UN Human Rights Council, reflects an international appreciation for the King’s invitation to bridge, through dialogue and cooperation, the cultural gaps between the nations, his concern in founding the principles of equality and justice and his general vision of reform.
The report pointed towards the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques’ actions to sustain peace in the Middle East, face world poverty crisis and improve the living conditions of many developing countries as well as his initiative towards instituting a global humanitarian vision to preserve basic rights, of education, freedom of speech and medication for people.
The HRC report referred to the King’s enterprise to ease the suffering of millions of people around the world who were victimized by wars and military conflicts. The King gave instructions to designate one billion US dollar for the reconstruction of Gaza subsequent to the aggressive Israeli attack, and in an earlier stage to rebuild what the Israeli war machine turned into ruins in Lebanon, as well as aiding a number of Asian countries which suffered the consequences of natural disasters, such as Tsunami and floods.
The report identified the Kingdom’s concern with human rights as a reproduction of what article 62 of the institution which confirms its commitment to maintain those rights, through establishing the first official. yet independent. commission for human rights in 2005,and the national society for human rights of which members 25% are women, to follow up and monitor any violation of human rights in any part of the Kingdom. Both the Commission and the Society received large numbers of complaints against individuals, civil societies and governmental bodies, and were review by the Commission. The report pointed out the role of the Commission and the Society in the assessment of prisons and in sharing in the decision making in many regulations and laws.
The Custodian of the Two Holly Mosques’ approval of receiving a delegation of Human Rights Watch to review the conditions of human rights in the Kingdom, is another indication, the report stated, of his transparency towards enhancing this culture. The same transparency was clear in the report the Kingdom presented to the UN Human Rights Council during its fourth session in Geneva, which reflected the meeting point of the principles with the Islam teachings.
The humanitarian initiations of the Kingdom, according to the HRC report, were crowned with the King’s directions to deport the foreign prisoners to their countries according to guarantees and procedures, not only to ease their sufferings but also as a considerations gesture to their families who cannot visit them in the Kingdom’s penitentiaries. The Kingdom also endorsed human trafficking combating system according to international standards.
The report designated the King’s concern to enhance women’s positive participation in the political, economic and social development process which was translated into appointing the first woman deputy minister and others in the Shoura council and the chambers of commerce.
Many international and regional organizations had valued the new labor system of 2005 which granted women many job opportunities in a variety of fields with no discriminations, and limited the violations of labor rights.
The Commission, in its report, pointed towards the King’s era which is distinguished by designating the largest budget for the Ministry of Education since the establishment of the Kingdom, whereby the number of schools exceeded 147329 for girls. The higher education had also achieved a quality leap as the budget allocated for it was nine billion SR, increasing the number of universities to 25 governmental university and tens of private ones in addition to sending tens of thousands of students of both genders on scholarships.
The opening of the distinguished KAUSAT, King Abdullah University for Science and Technology and Princes Noura Bin Abdul Rahman University, the HRC’s report indicates, is a land marks the King’s care and concern for education.
The report disclosed that the King’s efforts on various levels were greatly valued as he was awarded King Faisal International award for serving Islam and Muslims, and the Lech Walesa award for his humanitarian work and his efforts in encouraging interfaith dialogue, and the World Food Program award for combating hunger in 2008.
The Kingdom, the HRC report indicated, in its direction towards maintaining human rights, accepted recommendations to study joining international treaties concerned with human rights issues, and spreading human rights culture and developing it with consideration to Islamic laws and the Kingdom’s cultural privacy.

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Old 12-31-2009, 09:42 AM   #2
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HRC: Upholding rights principles still a challenge

HRC: Upholding rights principles still a challenge

RIYADH: The Saudi Human Rights Commission (HRC) says upholding human rights principles around the world is still challenging despite legislative developments and a number of new international charters.
On the 61st anniversary of the declaration of human rights, the HRC pointed out that on top of the agenda is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. Despite resolutions by the UN Security Council and the General Assembly to end the occupation and return rights to the Palestinian people, the injustice has lasted since the declaration was signed by the UN General Assembly on Dec. 10 1948.
Justice, the HRC says, cannot be achieved under the continuity of enforced occupation that disrespects all international values and standards. The principle of freedom can only be fulfilled and justice achieved when all nations and people of the world refer to the international declaration of human rights, which is the real power, it adds.
The HRC said the declaration is considered a landmark human achievement and a turning point in terms of international solidarity.
It can be claimed human rights concepts derived originally from the Shariah, which is built on principles to protect the rights of any human being regardless of identity. Those principles, according to HRC, form the springboard on which the Kingdom focuses its efforts at both international and local level to maintain man's life and dignity regardless of race, nationality or religion.
The HRC points out that the Kingdom's membership in the UN Human Rights Council is part of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah's efforts to build bridges of dialogue and cooperation between nations. This forms part of the Kingdom's initiatives toward forming a set of international humanitarian guidelines to protect those rights and stand up against all that threatens them by joining and signing treaties and agreements

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