This is really a huge disappointment about all SAAB fans. I found a website with over 17000 supporters who want to rescue SAAB. The only problem is that I was unable to see any clear idea on how to do this. As far as I know we are talking about 1,000,000,000 Euro. Which means 10,000,000 shares x 100 Euro. How is it possible to sell so many shares? This is a lot of money.
I tried to contact rescue-saab dot com and told them that I have an idea how we can help but there wasn't any reply from them. With this in mind I am asking all SAAB fans and SAAB car owners to contact me so we can discuss further the rescue of SAAB. Actually my idea is very interesting and I truly believe that this is possible. If you have any information about SAAB's case or you are interested in this please, contact me back.