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Old 12-05-2009, 05:25 PM   #1
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Exclamation '95 Sidekick JX wiring problem, park lights

I recently aquired a '95 Suzuki Sidekick JX 4dr 4wd. Has Manual 5-speed and 16v Motor.. It has 219k on the Odometer, but 97k on Suzuki Crate Motor due to faulty oil filter from oil change shop. It runs very well, my problem is the lady I bought it from whom had owned it since it had 2k miles, backed into a trash dumpster and smashed the LR tail light and marker. She said that since that had happened the park lights & head lights hadn't worked. I got another tail light from salvage complete with the bulbs. Had a friend of mine who owns bodyshop pull the damage out of the damaged area and thought I'd be home free. The fuse box looks almost burned where the fuse is supposed to be. And sparks when I try to insert a fuse. I had both low beams and drivers high beam. Bulb is fine on passenger, just doesn't work. I tried it on drivers. Shortly after messing with the headlight bulbs I lost high beams on BOTH sides!!!! So now I have NO parklights & NO high beams!!! Frustrating to say the least. So any ideas on what might be the culprit would be appreciated. This thing does have the Suzuki Alarm System & I'm wondering if it's the issue. So if anyone has a wiring diagram on that so I can uninstal it I'd be greatful and any wiring ideas would put me over the top! This lil rig is for my stepson to learn to drive a manual so I want it repaired right & I'd like to teach him while I'm doing it. So Again everyone, HELP!!!
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alarm , head , lights , tail
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