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Old 12-09-2003, 05:22 PM   #91
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by Dan_in_WA
More blanket statements intended to cover anyone who lives under the US flag. I stand by what I said earlier. You rant against US citizens as a group, and direct it to individual US citizens.

You have no idea about who I am, yet I'm listed under your "Arrogant American" profile in your brain.

Not that I give a fuck. Hate on us all you want, just don't try to deny it - because it's obvious to anyone who reads your posts.

Go ahead and BAN ME. I'll never know, as there is no reason for me to ever come back anyway. Arguing on the 'net is like the Special Olympics.

As to the rest of the board, it's been nice BS'ing with you all!
Dan, nobody is going to ban you, you've done nothing wrong. Now, I realize you were talking specifically to Oz here and may or may not have also been directing your comments towards me. However, I thought I made it quite clear that I was not going to judge any individuals and would be talking about the country in general, at least what I see of it.

Must be interesting for you to see what it's like on the receiving end of stereotypes based on nationality. When I go to the US, people tell me that "I didn't vote for Bush so don't blame the country on me" or "Stop stereotyping me since we're not all like that", but then within 1 or 2 minutes they'll be making "eh?" or "no doot aboot it" (which I've never heard any Canadian say in my life) cracks directed at me! So, Dan, you seem to appreciate that it sucks being stereotyped against...time for you to stand up and tell your country to stop being so hypocritical about it.
Originally Posted by blindside.AMG
the America Jr.'s (Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, etc.)
I have to question if you have first hand experience in any of these countries, as you would realize that we're all very different from America. Britain Jr.'s? Perhaps. However, it's really only the US media that teaches the whole America Jr. concept.
Originally Posted by boingo82
1. Who is Marky?
Marky --->

Mark Brown
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Old 12-09-2003, 07:28 PM   #92
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

agreed. US is in major need of an even major-er overhaul.
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Old 12-10-2003, 02:54 AM   #93
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Well, everyone else has put their opinions in, time for me to I guess.

I think that the U.S. needs to change a whole bunch of shit.

For one thing, freedom of the press is a good thing, it keeps people informed, but freedom of the press to be totally biased and only report half-truths and lies? Nope. It's gotten to the point in this country that I wont even watch a U.S. news channel and only read the local stuff in newspapers. I go online to foreign news agencies for my world news. The U.S. media, ALL of them, are nothing but a bunch of fucking liars who are only out to make a buck and support whatever political upstart of the week they happen to favor. If this means shredding the decency of someone and reporting nothing but scandals and slander, so be it! It's nothing personal, just business.

As for the U.S. interfering in other countries business? We never should have gone to Iraq. Period. Why the hell should the U.S. be 'obligated' to help every goddamn country that has a massacre? I knew Iraq would turn into nothing but a money pit and a source of ridicule from the rest of the world. I don't believe that we should be the worlds police force. That can be the U.N.s fuckin job, so we should pull our troops out of the countries they've been stationed in forever and tell the U.N. to handle any problems that occur. Second, every other country in the U.N. loves to harp about the U.S. not being a 'partisan' country, so it's time to let them pull their own goddamn weight for awhile.

Notice how many other UN nations haven't paid their dues? Why should the U.S. have to fork over a full 1/4 of the U.N. budget as its dues? The U.N. apparently doesn't do anything but hamper us, why pay that much? Why pay at all? So what If we have money, we earned it! Why should we give it away?

As for the ‘terrorist’ shit that’s happening, I’d take a flight over to Israel and have the guys who built their anti-terror network show us how it’s done. Those guys are the best at hunting out terrorists and killing them, not bringing them before a U.N. court to waste time and money and not giving them ‘life’ sentences or hiding them away in Guantanamo bay, K-I-L-L-I-N-G them, as in they fuckin die! Ask the Israelis for help in training and techniques, maybe a bit of brutality would help in that sense, too bad this country’s been nearly emasculated since the hippie movement in the ‘60s.

As for the U.S. economy and the imports situation, folks, lets face it, one of the main reasons that our jobs are being deported is because of unions. The only point of a union nowadays is to get more money for less work. Period. Every time a company renews a labor contract, it’s more money and better benefits, for the same or less work. Start sacrificing a bit of money on the side and don’t go with union jobs, you just might get some results if it costs less and is less of a hassle to hire in this country.

DAMN it feels good to vent a bit! Haven’t felt this good in awhile. Anyways, that’s my asshole/opinion, I know it stinks, so what! So do yours! Later!
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Old 12-10-2003, 04:19 AM   #94
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

You're a keeper! Fucking great value post!
Originally Posted by RaeRae1
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Old 12-10-2003, 10:19 AM   #95
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yeah, this like the biggest thread ever, or what
For once, just once, stfu and let everyone enjoy the thread. Thank you. -crazayjay
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Old 12-10-2003, 02:19 PM   #96
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Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by TexasF355F1
I understand what you are saying as I read it from the point of view as someone outside of America. The only thing I question though, is if so many countries seem to hate us, then why is it when they're in need of some sort of economic help they come knocking on our door? We're in a lose lose situation. If we deny help we're scrutinized, and if we help we don't get reimburrsed and are still hated. You mentioned not involving ourselves with the way other countries are run. We wouldn't have if Saddam wasn't such an a-hole dictator. He's not a leader, he's a man in search of power and gets his jolly's off by torturing and killing people who dont do what he expects. He practically brainwashed a large sum of the people by his use of force. No one deserves to be tortured and or killed for something as unjust as not supporting the government.

Jimster, the reason those terrorists made it on the planes was before any sort of higher security was attempted to be put in place(they may have vary well still have gotten away with it even so). And even whats in place doesn't really work in anyway except by luck. Largely in part b/c they do it randomly. My mom has been stopped and searched a few times since 9/11 and she's the least harmful looking person there is. And having listened to many local radio talk shows, so many innocent people have even been strip searched. Don't think they're just stopping internation visitors, b/c they're not.

Is nudity that important to you? If so, maybe you haven't heard of HBO, Showtime, Cinemax? If you want to see slight nudity then watch NYPD Blue. I've seen a total side shot of a nake woman several times. I saw in your profile that your 16. You should be more concerned with school than seeing some ass in a shampoo commercial. As for the race card you brought up, racism runs rampant all over the world not just in the U.S. The vast majority of U.S. citizens aren't racists, it just seems that way b/c of the stupid ass media.

That's my opinion, in no way did i plan to offend anyone so please don't take anything personally. The biggest problem I have with America is everyone expects something for free and people get offended by the littlest comments. Political correctness is way overrated. There is a lot of things wrong with America, but there are also problems in the way every other country is run as well.
Woot! Go Texas! I totally agree. I really don't care much for the big G, and I don't think we should've gone to Iraq. However, HOW can any person of integrity just sit there and knowingly let people be ruthlessly killed, and brutally tortured. BUT, what makes the 'American' way right? I really like where I live, and everyone makes mistakes. I highly doubt GWB is going to get re-elected. Hopefully, we'll get someone better than Slick Willy, and the big G. Unfortunately, most people can't see past their own side of the equation. I'm sure there are things the government doesn't tell us, and they really shouldn't. Almost everything the government does is for the protection of a certain people. Oh yeah, and you know why racism makes the news? Because it's so rare! There is racism everywhere!! People just love to point that out when they're out of anything to say.

That's just my 14-year-old two cents. Hell, screw me then, right?

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Old 12-10-2003, 07:27 PM   #97
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Re: Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by bobby28384
Woot! Go Texas! I totally agree. I really don't care much for the big G, and I don't think we should've gone to Iraq. However, HOW can any person of integrity just sit there and knowingly let people be ruthlessly killed, and brutally tortured. BUT, what makes the 'American' way right? I really like where I live, and everyone makes mistakes. I highly doubt GWB is going to get re-elected. Hopefully, we'll get someone better than Slick Willy, and the big G. Unfortunately, most people can't see past their own side of the equation. I'm sure there are things the government doesn't tell us, and they really shouldn't. Almost everything the government does is for the protection of a certain people. Oh yeah, and you know why racism makes the news? Because it's so rare! There is racism everywhere!! People just love to point that out when they're out of anything to say.

That's just my 14-year-old two cents. Hell, screw me then, right?
No way man, you did a good job of explaining yourself. Just cuz your 14 doesn't mean you can't/don't have a good opinion. Okay, some use there ass to think and then some don't. If you ever want to share you opinion on politics, make your way to the Current Affairs area.
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Old 12-10-2003, 07:42 PM   #98
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*

Originally Posted by justacruiser
As for the U.S. economy and the imports situation, folks, lets face it, one of the main reasons that our jobs are being deported is because of unions. The only point of a union nowadays is to get more money for less work. Period. Every time a company renews a labor contract, it’s more money and better benefits, for the same or less work. Start sacrificing a bit of money on the side and don’t go with union jobs, you just might get some results if it costs less and is less of a hassle to hire in this country.
Excellent point about the unions. We've got just as many of them here in Canada and they're just as horrible. That's most likely the number one thing I hate about Canada. Unions. Fuck 'em. That's all I can say about them.

Originally Posted by bobby28384
Oh yeah, and you know why racism makes the news? Because it's so rare! There is racism everywhere!!
Unfortunately you're right, racism is everywhere in some form or another. Some countries prefer to express it in blatant black and white, but we "civilized, racism free" countries (or so they say) are usually even worse. People are afraid to express their racial opinions, so they get all stored up and end up leaking out in any way possible. Blatant colour-based racism is indeed quite rare these days, but I assure you that racism is still very alive everywhere in the world.

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Old 12-21-2003, 02:28 PM   #99
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I'm STILL off the tobacco habit: For Goddamn near a fucking month now, or some shit.

But don't FUCK with me.... yet. Yeah, I fucking hate being fucking stereotype'd and damn sure don't inflict it on others.

How fucking long are these Goddamned cravings supposed to last?!

If anyone wonders, this is not a joke. I've been chewing coffee grounds when things really get unbearable. I'd been chewing Kodiak for damn near 20 fucking years. And I didn't spit. Pack it tight, no problems.

The heartburn has finally gone away, but the psychological addiction is still there. Anybody happen to know about how much longer?

I'm going to go post another rant under "Cigarette Prices", too.

Fuck you all very much!!

And Merry Christmas.
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