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12-04-2003, 11:04 PM | #31 | ||
AF Modelrater
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*
No war? Did you sleep in history class? Did you forget the War of Independance or maybe the Civil War? Before you try to tell me that you meant no wars involving other nations, keep in mind the War of Independance was fought against the British. As for the American entry into WW2, I believe America was pushed into the war, it wasn't exactly voluntary. Something about an attack on Pearl Harbour springs to mind..... Answer me something, since your posts have me wondering something, how much have you travelled outside the USA? |
12-04-2003, 11:28 PM | #32 | |
AF Enthusiast
I'm sorry, I didn't word that correctly. I had so many ideas going through my head, I couldn't type as fast as I thought. What I was getting at is the World Wars, where foreign countries needed our direct intervention, where they were ASKING for our help. This is where the lending came from, and has continued.
But let's do take this back to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, we were a fledgling country, and we accepted the aid of those same foreign countries who decades later would be accepting aid from us! France figures directly into mind, in both wars, and the United Kingdom (Great Britain, Britannia, England? They change their name too much) made some quite substantial loans after the Civil War. Those loans are what brought America into the Industrial Revolution, enabling us to become the richest country in the world. As far as being forced into the war, there is currently enough surviving evidence that the government knew, Eisenhower knew, every single detail about the attack on Pearl Harbor BEFORE IT HAPPENED! They'd decoded several Japanese messages. Why didn't they say anything? There was not enough war sentiment among the general populace to justify joining! There were quite a few dissenters! Solution? Allow them an attack on Hawaii (not mainland America), and that will stir the Americans up enough to justify anything the gov't wanted to do. There have been several books written on this topic. I hope you weren't insulting my knowledge of history? It is my favorite subject. As for traveling outside the country I have been to Canada, Great Britain, and Mexico for several weeks at a time. I've been through France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and Spain staying for a few days in each on a European tour. I speak English, le Francais, und Deutsch. The last two haltingly, but I'm working on that. I also plan on taking Japanese next semester, and if time permits, get a smattering of Russian. My major is in International Economics at the University of Kentucky, and I plan on going to Law school to major in International Law. I'm currently a Junior, will be a Senior next fall, and will probably extend my undergraduate studies by a year or two to work on languages and take advantage of the Foreign Exchange type programs UK offers. Why do you ask? Because of my reactionary views within the US, or the isolationist policies I feel we should adapt toward the rest of the world? I do not plan on living here after getting my Law degree, but would like to work in Germany, or perhaps France. (Incidentally the two countries America has the biggest beef with! COUNTING Afghanistan, North Korea, and Iraq!) Freedom Fries...What a stupid idea. Again, whaddya think? - S
This Thread Now Officially by ME. Solomon219™ |
12-04-2003, 11:40 PM | #33 | |
AF Modelrater
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*
I asked because too many Americans make declarations about America's greatness yet have never stepped foot outside America to even know why they are saying why America is great.
If you've never experienced a third world country, how can you know what conditions those people live in? If you've never witnessed the desparation in person, how can you pass judgement on them and deny them food? People in many third world countries see images of America on TV and in newspapers and it shows a rich prosperous country where everyone is happy and fed. Do you blame them for asking America to help them? Do the poor not always beg from the rich? |
12-04-2003, 11:57 PM | #34 | |
AF Enthusiast
I'm not saying America is "great". I'm saying America is powerful because of GOOD decisions and GOOD investments that it's made over the course of it's entire history. When all the other older countries embraced tradition, we embraced the "manifest destiny", the new, the uncharted. Traditionally, most inventors and entrepreneurs come here to work.
You are correct, I've never visted a third-world country, but my major my Freshman and Sophomore years was Anthropology, so I have a background in this. I've also seen many documentaries. Two people in my German class are from South Africa, one white and one black. Yet in all my learning and discussions, I KNOW I haven't scraped the surface of this. You're right, I NEED to go there, but so should everyone else. It's so easy to turn off the TV or close the book on those horrible images, but how hard would it be in PERSON! You may close your eyes, but you cannot shut out the sounds. And I guarantee those pleadings and wailings would be in your memory the rest of your life. They would be in mine. People in many third world countries see images of America on TV and in newspapers and it shows a rich prosperous country where everyone is happy and fed. Do you blame them for asking America to help them? America BROADCASTS these images! It's their form of mind-control, of "subliminal messaging"! They do it to their own PEOPLE! "America is great, do not worry about anything, leave it in the hands of the chosen, gifted few, go out and spend, Uncle Sam will take care of you, Uncle Sam will protect you." The fact is that many people in America are homeless and without food! Not the majority, like in other countries, but it exists! But no one will ever know because America does not want it's ugly underbelly to show. It is not my intention to hurt these people, especially those in prison ( I say this because the majority of those jailed are INNOCENT! I saw a documentary the other night on South America, and their prisons are FILLED with children ranging from ages 8 to 17!!!) I just want to show that everyone who curses the Americans may be right, but they're more than willing to take advantages of our pocketbook. A truly brave, revolutionary country would say "Keep your money! We will make it on our own!" And whether they succeed or not is debatable, but they tried, they had the SPIRIT of America, the America that stood up to Great Britain and said "NO MORE!" I would gladly move to that country and aid in any way that I could. If needed, I'd stay in America, and send money or food. I CARE about these people, I CARE about the world. But people have to be willing to help themselves first. Am I getting my ideas across???
This Thread Now Officially by ME. Solomon219™ |
12-05-2003, 02:00 AM | #35 | |
AF Fanatic
Heep, I have to hand it to you. That was an excellent read you wrote on page 3! You explained yourself very well as to be careful not to offend oneside or another.
Oh and Ryan, i see what your saying now.
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12-05-2003, 05:41 AM | #36 | ||||||||||||||||
Aussie Mod
Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*
Just remain aware, I'm attacking the logical progression and fact behind your ideas and concepts, and not you as a person.
Last edited by Oz; 12-05-2003 at 06:16 PM. |
12-05-2003, 06:59 AM | #37 | |
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Heep, that's a damng good rant. I couldn't have said it better myself.
And Oz, omg.. I couldn't stop laughing |
12-05-2003, 07:55 AM | #38 | ||
AF Modelrater
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Solomon219 The documentaries we see on American TV are complete and utter bullshit! You are still being spoon fed by the media, even in these documentaries, they are showing you what THEY WANT you to see and believe. It's good to hear you have some South Africans in your school, now why don't you spend some time with them learning about the country, although, if they are here only to study, they are likely from that sheltered group of that have never seen the streets of Soweto or Khayalitsha in person. Either way, learn from them, you'd be surprised how different SA is to the image the media has fed you. |
12-05-2003, 01:02 PM | #39 | ||||||
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12-05-2003, 06:20 PM | #40 | |||
Aussie Mod
Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*
12-06-2003, 12:11 AM | #41 | ||
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Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*
This has no medical indication (READ: the part isn't diseased, it is healthy, and the surgery has been shown to have no medical benefits) and is almost always done NOT for religious reasons. Neither is it common in any European or Asian county, in fact it is illegal in many. I would call that physical abuse, wouldn't you? That's one of the most bothersome things to me about this country.
Just because offense is offered, does not mean you have to take it. |
12-06-2003, 01:06 AM | #42 | ||
AF Fanatic
Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*
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12-06-2003, 01:16 AM | #43 | ||
AF Enthusiast
Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*
As for the reason it is prevalent in the US is because that the western world is still dominated by Judeo-Christian beliefs. Hence the reason we don't allow gay marriages (while quite a few European countries do; I could name about 13 right now) and the legalization of marijuana, even for medicinal purposes (which certain European countries have adopted for "recreational" purposes, along with harder drugs). That's the reason it's still practiced. I personally don't believe that these Christian ideals will last too much longer. I feel that we're moving toward a more liberal, perhaps "agnostic" country. I'm a Christian, but I really don't believe this is a bad thing. Our Constution states that we have Freedom of Religion...but doesn't that give you freedom FROM religion as well?! As an aside, there are quite a few websites out there documenting people who believe that they should have had the choice, not their parents, being as it was their body. They feel a loss. What they've discovered is that they can TECHNICALLY regrow the foreskin. This is involved using weights that you affix to the skin of you penis and it drags the skin down. Doing this often enough, long enough will cause the skin to lengthen, thus drawing down in a "hood". Men who have tried this have expressed an increased sensitivity (a petty debate that has been waged for some time regards the fact that if you are circumsised, you lose a lot of sensation, due to the fact that your exposed "member" is constantly rubbing against rough clothing, and not protected by the foreskin). If you're interested in more of that you can just Google the topic, there's quite a few resources out there. Now, as for the reason I originally came back into the thread, I just found this website and thought I'd post it. It's pretty fucked up. It's a "Christian" group who has based all of their ideals upon America's founding fathers. Think this is a cult?!? Typical American extremists, huh? (Yeah, I know...this commin' from me ) Boingo, I don't mean any offense to you, so please don't take any, but I noticed that you're from Utah (yeah, you know what's coming). Are you Mormon, by chance? If you are, what is their belief? If not, are you religious? It's none of my business, if you don't want to answer. I was just curious because of the subject.
This Thread Now Officially by ME. Solomon219™ |
12-06-2003, 11:07 AM | #44 | ||
AF Modelrater
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Re: Re: Re: It's Official. *Read the disclaimer at the start of the thread!*
Now what if I were to tell you that whether you're circumscised or not has nothing to with Christianity. The Gentiles were Christians, they did not practice circumcision, in fact, the practice of circumcision comes from the Jewish religion originally. It was the Jews that 'converted' to Christianity that continued the practice originally. If you doubt me, start reading the Bible a little more carefully, it's in there. BTW, I too grew up with Christian parents and with an uncle who is a ordained minister, I've had a lot of exposure to this debate and the Bible does not state to be Christian you must be circumcised. |
12-06-2003, 11:30 AM | #45 | |
AF Enthusiast
Point taken. I'll be the first to admit you probably have a better background in this than me. Let me direct you to a website that is very well-written, and was eye-opening to me: It's also interesting that the majority of Christians are proponents for MALE circumcision, but if the topic turns to FEMALE circumcision, it's an "evil" act that only "backwards" and "uncivilized" people practice.
This Thread Now Officially by ME. Solomon219™ |
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