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Old 07-25-2016, 07:01 PM   #1
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1994 Caprice Classic 5.7 LT1 Overheating

I love my station wagon and most of the pine it's free of issues but I ran into a problem sadly. Trying to be proactive I had them drain NOT flush my radiator and refill with new radiator fluid because it was running low and with was in it was not pristine.

Man did that open a can of worms... I drove it 20 miles with out any issue then I left it at a buddies and had a great weekend on the lake and he drove me to my car, I made it about 4 miles and my engine was creating white smoke so I pulled over, popped my hood and surveyed how screwed I was. Turn out I had that fresh radiator fluid all over my engine so I was like well I probably blew a hose. Since I couldn't fix that I had it taken to a shop where they pressurized it and told me it really came out of my cap and everything else was fine and good luck so I made it 2 miles and it was over heating again.

Turned out my thermostat was stuck so a friend of mine got his tools and we replace it, I drove it 5 miles home and it was moving more then it ever has so at least that's fixed it it was still climbing and I check my engine and it sprayed a little out of the cap but everything else was fine. I'm letting it sit over night I'm sure I'll have to add a little move fluid once it's cooled down.

I don't know what else it could be, I checked my oil cap and it was clean so I don't think it's a head gasket, it runs fine except for this. Plus it was leaking out of the cap so I think my heater core is fine and the AC still works... I may be overly cautious but damn I love that thing you know?

If anyone has advice let me know
It's a 1994 Caprice Classic 5.7 LT1
It's a great machine, help me fix my baby!

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Old 07-25-2016, 07:15 PM   #2
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Re: 1994 Caprice Classic 5.7 LT1 Overheating

Sounds like it may be air bound, or a blown head gasket.
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Old 07-25-2016, 07:58 PM   #3
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Re: 1994 Caprice Classic 5.7 LT1 Overheating

Originally Posted by maxwedge View Post
Sounds like it may be air bound, or a blown head gasket.
Air bound? Like airs in my system? How would you get the air out?
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Old 07-25-2016, 08:23 PM   #4
Blue Bowtie
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Re: 1994 Caprice Classic 5.7 LT1 Overheating

There is a bleeder screw on the thermostat housing intended to purge air from the system as it is filled and as it warms up.
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Old 07-27-2016, 02:21 PM   #5
j cAT
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Re: 1994 Caprice Classic 5.7 LT1 Overheating

when the coolant system is with contaminated coolant you must drain out the entire system and flush out the heater core removing the heater core hoses @ the engine NOT firewall.

to drain the entire system you must remove the knock sensors. these are where the drain plugs would be on a GM v8 engine . with these removed then all the coolant comes out this is done cold not hot etc..the T stat is removed then place water hose into the bore T stat sits and continue to run water until the water coming out the knock sensor holes is clean.

remove radiator top hose place water hose in the radiator bore at the top and run until the water comes out clean at the lower radiator hose.

with the hoses removed from the engine for heater core use the water hose to flush out the heater core until clean then blow out whats left.

plastic pressure tank should be removed and washed out . also cap should be 15psi and cleaned as well because the cap can get plugged up ..

put all the parts back except the top hose to the radiator at the radiator. use the top hose to fill the engine. this is good to reduce the air trapped.have this so vehicle front end is higher than the rear end .

ON a 1994 use the green coolant @65% with 35% distilled water for less problems .. water from tap/well can cause corrosion !!!

50/50 coolant premixed costs more and I have found lower than 50%. why pay $6dollars for a gallon of water .. distilled is $1.

you will need 2.5 gal coolant 1.5 or so of distilled water..

start engine let it idle up to temp watch the it rises rev engine and open the bleed screw at the T stat goose neck. use towel to catch the leakage so the opti will not get wet !!! repeat until no air comes out and check later after cool down to be sure no air and check for leaks.

fill to the full cold mark when cold. when at normal operating temp should be at the full hot mark . do not over fill. only fill when cold .

place plastic over the opti when doing the coolant work so not opti issues ..

good luck .. lot of hack tech's out there many with experience on these cars are retired or dead.
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1994 , caprice , classic , overheating , wagon
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