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Old 02-27-2002, 08:13 PM   #31
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Originally posted by Schludwiller

BTW, have you considered that it's your tires that are causing problems? You said you ran "cheaper" Maxis Mudders (I can't even find that tire on the web )
Maybe this will help thats just a frame but the main site is at

the company was designed and built by Toyo tires in Japan but Maxxis is its own company now. I get these tires for just under $90 a pop and for the money I think they are the best thing going. They easily outperform any AT and do just as well as all the high dollar Mudders. The tires look good too although you cant realy tell from the web site. They look just as meen as the BFG mudders but not as crazy as some that you see out there. There not that loud (for mudders) deliver the same gas mileage as my BFG at's and last just as long or longer. My first set went for 16k miles on pavement and I still got $30 a tire when I traded them in for a new set. I dont drive them on pavement anymore so I will likely get years and years of offroad use out of these tires for just under $400 after tax.
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Old 02-27-2002, 09:37 PM   #32
Matt Peckham
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Beads are a waste. where are you going to put em? on a trailer you tow to the trail? stuff em in your truck? change your wheels TWICE everytime you wheel? I doubt your friends will wait around for you to change them before and after every run.

If you don't have sliders, how are you jacking your truck up to chage tires? I can't think of more of a pain in the ass than jacking your truck up 4 times with the stock jack. Fucking yikes.

Sliders and skidplates will do a whole lot more for your wheeling performance than beadlocks, if you aren't riding in sand. You say you are rockcrawling, yet you openly admit that you popped your beads in soft sand going TOO FAST. How does this relate to you needing beadlocks? Brains are cheaper. You will get a lot farther with a good set of tires, skidplates and sliders than you will with beadlocks, and your truck will be in good shape to boot.

Bead locks are up there beyond lockers and crawler gears on the evolutionary scale. WQ! said it best when he said a popped bead really is nothing in the long run. Maybe you should get a harbor freight portable tire seating tool. it's cheaper at $99 and will work on yours and your buddie's trucks.
Matt, the guy with the big ugly rack on his X.
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Old 02-27-2002, 10:32 PM   #33
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I don't have a problem driving on the highway with beadlocks I've been in other trucks while doing so and have never thought of it as a risk. I would change my wheels out in my garage prior to and after my 4x4 excursion just like I always do. And don't give me the "its illegal" crap maybe technically it is but realistically its not at least not where I live. There is one problem though, price, there almost $200 a rim on crapy wheels thats $1000 counting spare and like you said that money would be better spent on lockers.

Speaking of lockers. I got a hold of eaten the other day and they said they aren't going to release the elocker untill mid 2003. OUCH!!! that be a long time.
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Old 02-27-2002, 10:58 PM   #34
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Why dont you post a pic of the rig now with emphasis on the current wheels n such??
That might go a long way to people helping you out with your queries.

If your going over rocks of any decent size you sure as heck want some body armor. I know you are worried about gas mileage but my attitude is I can pay for the armor now and a few bucks a month of extra gas money rather than cough up un-planned $1000's on a crippled truck that I still need for my regular on-road duties. The fellas on this board sure can help save $$ with upgrades.

I gotta say too that my BFG AT's kick ass..but each to their own. My wheelin' is pretty much AT so I guess they suite me better than some other wheelers who need bigger lugs.

I have some nice aftermarket steel wheels on my rig from Discount Tire. They look pretty slick and didnt cost me much. I dont have to worry if I smack them around either.

In my opinion a good set of tires that have been worn and balanced properly as well as some well maintained wheels pretty much rules out a need for bead-locks on an XTerra.

Skid Plates, Sliders, ARB, Winch ----> Worth their weight in Gold. Im still adding to mine as I realize how smart an option they are. The T-Case on rocks is a real worry...

Cheers and good luck!
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Old 02-28-2002, 10:28 AM   #35
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Don't care about body damage? Thats fine, but sliders and skids do alot more than protect from body damage. They can make the difference between hanging on a rock and negotiating the obstacle. What about damage to your tranny, transfer case, or gas tank? Those beadlocks aren't going to get you anywhere with 6 quarts of tranny fluid all over the ground.

I don't know.... Sounds like you are set on beadlocks, but IMHO really have no need for them. Good luck balancing them.

"And don't give me the "its illegal" crap maybe technically it is but realistically its not at least not where I live."

This is not "crap" and don't take this as a flame, but they are not DOT legal, and I encourage RESPONSIBLE wheeling as do most people on this board. This is especially true in California where 4 wheelers are well outnumbered by those who want to close trails to all motorized vehicle traffice. Please keep this in mind.
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Old 02-28-2002, 01:21 PM   #36
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Originally posted by wqbang

This is not "crap" and don't take this as a flame, but they are not DOT legal, and I encourage RESPONSIBLE wheeling as do most people on this board. This is especially true in California where 4 wheelers are well outnumbered by those who want to close trails to all motorized vehicle traffice. Please keep this in mind.
I don't see how running non-DOT approved rims on the street relates to being a responsible wheeler. Most people, including the fuzz, probably don't even know what beadlocks are, or know of their legality.

Don't get me wrong, I realize the imprortance of Tread Lightly and maintaining a healthy relationship with the non-wheeling populous. I just think your statement is a bit of a stretch. Do I think it wise to run beadlocks on the street? Of course not, but I don't see the harm in it if thats what he wants to do.

Ed Britt
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Old 02-28-2002, 02:05 PM   #37
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Originally posted by Maddog
Don't get me wrong, I realize the imprortance of Tread Lightly and maintaining a healthy relationship with the non-wheeling populous. I just think your statement is a bit of a stretch. Do I think it wise to run beadlocks on the street? Of course not, but I don't see the harm in it if thats what he wants to do.
While it is not directly related and is a stretch, I don't think running illegal beadlocks on the road could possibly look favorably on the 4 wheeling community. They are still illegal, and for a reason. If your rig is not street legal, trailer it. That is simply being a responsible four wheeler. That is not Tread Lightly, it is common sense.

Also keep in mind that 4 wheelers aren't the only people that use beadlocks. They are often used in drag racing. Most highway patrol could probably recognize beadlocks for what they are. Regardless if people know what they are or can recognize them, it is a saftey issue. When driving a 4000+ vehicle on public roads you might be risking others saftey as well as your own.

So yeah, my original point might not have been dead on, but they are still illegal, and opions on their legality should not be considered "crap". It is a real issue.
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Old 02-28-2002, 03:04 PM   #38
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Originally posted by wqbang

So yeah, my original point might not have been dead on, but they are still illegal, and opions on their legality should not be considered "crap". It is a real issue.


Ed Britt
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Old 02-28-2002, 03:57 PM   #39
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Originally posted by wqbang
This is not "crap" and don't take this as a flame, but they are not DOT legal, and I encourage RESPONSIBLE wheeling as do most people on this board. This is especially true in California where 4 wheelers are well outnumbered by those who want to close trails to all motorized vehicle traffice. Please keep this in mind.
Driving on the street with Beadlocks has nothing to do with wheeling and will not help any cause to shut down any trails. That is a stretch if I ever heard of one. I too believe in Tred Lightly but some folks take this a little to far. Perhaps driving a 4x4 without a seatbelt will result in trail closers? Or talking on a cell phone while driving a 4x4 (in some states) would reflect badly on the Sierra Club. Im all about responsible wheeling but lets not go overboard here.

I still think the law is crap and I find it hard to believe you dont disagree with any laws. You too I bet think a couple laws are crap.
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Old 02-28-2002, 04:20 PM   #40
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Coulda, would, shoulda, beadlocks are illegal, when a 4X4 is seen breaking the law it reflects badly on all of us just like the ex-pres getting blown under his desk reflected on all americans. Why do you think a lot of people hate SUV's?
Its hard enough finding good trails - we dont need any more closed. Please be cool about it all - do it for the children:cry:

People are just trying to be helpful here - not argumentative. We all share the same hobby and need to work together. Help us keep trails open and we'll be there to give you a hand when you rip the unprotected guts out of your rig on a sharp rock.

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Old 02-28-2002, 04:31 PM   #41
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ok ok ill put down my pitchfork and play nice. I've already decided against them anyway I was thinking the $1000 will be better spend on a portable Welder so I can fix my underbelly trail side. Would hate to keep you guys waiting just because im to stubburn to buy skid plates.
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Old 02-28-2002, 04:35 PM   #42
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Where you from in Seattle? I was born in renton and lived there most of my young life. I hope to go back some day. I bet the wheeling is great
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Old 02-28-2002, 04:35 PM   #43
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I was curious if those were chains on your truck in your avatar pic? What were you wheelin' in?

Are you running with any of the clubs down there?
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Old 02-28-2002, 04:40 PM   #44
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Im an Aussie but Ive lived here 3.5 years. I live in Seattle but lived in Renton/Newcastle for a year and a half. The wheelin' is excellent in the summer. You had better like snow, ice and rain to wheel the rest of the year. I go out with pnwx. You can check some of the runs out best at The pnwx site is woefully out of date at the moment.
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Old 02-28-2002, 04:44 PM   #45
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Yeah there Chains. I took the picture during a snow excursion but at that particular spot there wasn't any snow. In fact most the trip there wasn't any but the Rangers insisted so I obliged. I run with SCCX every now and then but I haven't been out with them in a long time. I kind of like to go by myself. *insert raging flame here* but im looking forward to doing a couple club runs soon. I was even thinking of driving up to WA soon. ( with beadlocks the whole way) If I do I would like to come along on a couple club runs up there
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