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Old 01-11-2024, 04:31 PM   #1
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Post driver seat issues

Good afternoon. I'm new here & not familiar with how to post, so please
forgive if I've posted incorrectly. I have a 1996 Towncar with over 225,000
miles on it with driver seat issues.
If you use the remote to open the car & the seat moves back, it will not go
forward. You'll have to sit for 10 minutes or so inching it forward in small
increments before it will reach your comfort area. Or you can stuff something
behind you and drive for 10 minutes or so & then the button will move the
seat forward. The seat will go up & down & backwards, but not forward. If you
punch in the code on the door panel, the seat doesn't move & you're fine, but
if anything moves the seat backwards, ie you turn the car off & get out or you
use the remote to get in, you will be sitting there for a while trying to get the
seat back into position. Can someone please help with a suggestion? Thank
you in advance & apologies if I have posted incorrectly.
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Old 01-11-2024, 09:20 PM   #2
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Re: driver seat issues

The first thing you probably want to do is disable the Easy Exit/Entry feature so the seat stops moving backwards when you open the door. Next would be to determine what's causing the seat motor to not want to move forward. Since it sounds like the seat fails to move on it's own from either the LF Seat Module (for the Easy Entry feature) or from the switch, the issue would seem to be with either something in the track or maybe gummy grease that trips the circuit breaker when trying to move the seat forward, and issue with the transistor or relay within the LF Seat Module which reverses the polarity for the seat motor, the seat position sensor causing the LF Seat Module to think the seat is already all the way forward, or a problem with the circuit breaker itself. Although if the breaker were the only issue I'd expect it to trip when moving the seat rearwards as well.

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