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Old 05-28-2002, 02:59 AM   #1
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Minor Upgrades

Hi all,

I have a '98 VTi and am looking to add a bit more power...
I dont have a load of money to spend, but would like to add some more power safely to my car...

I was considering...

1) K & N Oiled-cotton induction kit
(It looks like the stock airbox and feed is pretty good....just wondering will the K&N setup make a difference?)

2) Power Boost Valve

3) possibly a new fuel pump

thanks in advance,
Do I have Oil? What you mean Oil? Of course....ohhh crap..
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Old 05-28-2002, 05:56 AM   #2
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Well first hi! Fell free to ask everything u wanna to here at AF

To answer ur question it would be important what kind of VTi- especially which engine uve got( i.e. B18/B16).
But for a general improvement I would go with the standard I/H/E setup (Intake, header and exauhst). I would get an AEM Colda Air intake (trust me this KN Systme wont give more than 3hp+), maybe a DC header and a good exhaust system. Ull end up with about 7- 15hp more than stock. All other real things are really expensive compared to this 'small' addons.
play da game for fun not fame

what for idiots... theyre discussing about a law were u have to switch on the lights the whole day but when u switch on the fog lights without fog u have to pay for this 'criminal act'...

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Old 05-28-2002, 07:34 AM   #3
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Welcome to AF/Purehonda.

Predator already said most. But wathever you do, it will be expensive. Their isn't such a thing that's very cheap and gives you tons off extra hp's. You can go with a complete exhaust setup (header, cat, exhaust), but this can easily go up to 1000 euro and it will give you 10-15hp. A CAI is an option, but you should look out with this when it rains. I already heard some people who had it and drove trough water spots and killed their engine.

Since you have a DOHC, it might be an option to change your cam gears. I don't exactly know the price of this, but if they are placed and tuned on a dyno, they will give you easily an extra 10hp.

You can also put in other cams. But if you do this, see you get enough info on them. The ones for race driving are really bad on the road (you will have no power in the lower rpm range), you also have semi-racing wich are a little better and you also have the sport ones (which are best for street use I think)
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Old 05-28-2002, 07:35 AM   #4
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Almost forgot, a Vtec controller. A friend of mine has one and he is very happy with it.
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Old 05-28-2002, 07:59 AM   #5
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Welcome to AF!

The only problem with the VTEC-Controller is that it has to be dyno-tuned correctly otherwise you might become a lot of trouble with it. And itīs not really worth it unless youīve done some other stuff to your engine. The best one seems to be the Apexi VAFC though itīs kinda expensive IMO.

Another thing you should think about is what you want to do with your car. I mean an AEM CAI for example will give you better top-end power while your low-end will suffer a bit. And itīs more or less like that with most aftermarket (engine) parts.

And I think dynoed cam gears wonīt give you 10hp. Maybe half of it when youīve got good luck. Otherwise it would be a much more common mod like the CAI. But Iīm NOT 100% sure about that. Maybe itīs just like that with the Prelude!?
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Old 05-28-2002, 08:07 AM   #6
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Originally posted by Veetec

And I think dynoed cam gears wonīt give you 10hp. Maybe half of it when youīve got good luck. Otherwise it would be a much more common mod like the CAI. But Iīm NOT 100% sure about that. Maybe itīs just like that with the Prelude!?
Could be, I'm not sure about that either. I always tought the cams were only effective on DOHC. I got the 10hp powergain out of a Inter tuning catalogue.
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Old 05-28-2002, 11:14 AM   #7
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Originally posted by Goosse

Could be, I'm not sure about that either. I always tought the cams were only effective on DOHC. I got the 10hp powergain out of a Inter tuning catalogue.
Donīt trust in numbers published by tuning catalogues/ magazines!

IMO there are only two good ways to go when itīs about air filters:

1.) Stock with a K&N (or similar) drop-in filter.
-You wonīt see much of a gain (if any) this way but your ride also wonīt become too loud (no trouble with the police) and you wonīt loose any power anywhere over the hole power band. A lot of people say gas mileage will become better, too. So this is the easiest and cheapest way.

2.) A cold air intake (CAI).
- Please do a search about that in here! It has been discussed a thousand times!

There also some other kinda unique systems like the Comptech Icebox which seem to be very good, too.

BUT please stay AWAY from normal open intakes like the K&N cone filter because they suck in the hot air from the engine bay and that wonīt give you any gain or even take some horses away from your beloved Honda engine!! Engines need cold air...
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Old 05-28-2002, 03:08 PM   #8
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Hey all,

Thanks for your suggestions and help..much appreciated... a few things...

1) Header? You mean a new exhaust manifold? (sorry I am kinda new to this!)

2) I understand the fears of splash-damage to engines from a CAI kit, and I think what honda have done is a good idea with their air port which feeds up from behind the front bumper into the airbox. It feeds upwards so any water falls back down again before it can get into the airbox.... So! I would consider in this instance that quite possibly a replacement (ye guys say drop-in? I suppose means the same?) K&N filter would suffice.... I WILL BUY

3) I fear opening engines(I know - give me time..I am sure ye will change my mind on that !) and think Honda have done a fantasic job to get 160bhp from a 1.6 with their high/low cams, so I thinik I may just leave them for the time being until the car gets that bit older I WONT BUY

4) I have read up on VTEC controllers and agree, mostly they are a waste of time, money and performance as I am sure Honda know exactly when to engage the high cam mode. OK, this differs if someone has added new cams/pulleys with different profiles, etc etc. I WONT BUY

5) Power Boost Valve? How do ye rate those?

6) Uprated fuel pump? I dunno BUT my car always seems to have more power when the tank is full...what can I say?!? I SUSPECT it is down to a greater pressure built up by the interia of more fuel higher in the tank which complements the fuel pump (is it in-tank or behind rear seat for a civic?). Am I wrong to think that a combo of a stronger fuel pump can aid to provide more power? espically when coupled to a PBV?

I am talking bonkers or is there some truth in my ranting?

Thanks all in advance!
..And Dad, said to me that redlining was bad...and it all started from there...
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Old 05-28-2002, 03:09 PM   #9
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ACTUATOR = VTiRacer (same person...problems with a/c)
..And Dad, said to me that redlining was bad...and it all started from there...
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Old 05-28-2002, 04:53 PM   #10
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Originally posted by Actuator
Hey all,

Thanks for your suggestions and help..much appreciated... a few things...

1) Header? You mean a new exhaust manifold? (sorry I am kinda new to this!)

2) I understand the fears of splash-damage to engines from a CAI kit, and I think what honda have done is a good idea with their air port which feeds up from behind the front bumper into the airbox. It feeds upwards so any water falls back down again before it can get into the airbox.... So! I would consider in this instance that quite possibly a replacement (ye guys say drop-in? I suppose means the same?) K&N filter would suffice.... I WILL BUY

3) I fear opening engines(I know - give me time..I am sure ye will change my mind on that !) and think Honda have done a fantasic job to get 160bhp from a 1.6 with their high/low cams, so I thinik I may just leave them for the time being until the car gets that bit older I WONT BUY

4) I have read up on VTEC controllers and agree, mostly they are a waste of time, money and performance as I am sure Honda know exactly when to engage the high cam mode. OK, this differs if someone has added new cams/pulleys with different profiles, etc etc. I WONT BUY

5) Power Boost Valve? How do ye rate those?

6) Uprated fuel pump? I dunno BUT my car always seems to have more power when the tank is full...what can I say?!? I SUSPECT it is down to a greater pressure built up by the interia of more fuel higher in the tank which complements the fuel pump (is it in-tank or behind rear seat for a civic?). Am I wrong to think that a combo of a stronger fuel pump can aid to provide more power? espically when coupled to a PBV?

I am talking bonkers or is there some truth in my ranting?

Thanks all in advance!
1.) Yep, a header is an exhaust manifold.

2.) Personally Iīve done the same. Iīve bought a K&N replacement filter for my Lude. You wonīt get a big gain if you see one at all but it also doesnīt hurt the performance. But a CAI would be a better choice if youīre looking in high-end power and unless youīre not driving through very deep puddles you shouldnīt get a problem with hydrolock. Predator and TheMasterG use them and they never had a problem yet. But like Iīve already said before your low-end would suffer a bit with a CAI.

And by the way, when Iīm remembering right nobody in the europe forum has done internal engine work. I think TheMasterG might become the only one after having his new engine swapped in.

4.) Agreed!

5. & 6.) Not sure about that! Most people in here would say it doesnīt do anything if you donīt have got some mods done to your car. Personally I wouldnīt buy it because youīll just need more gas for a minor gain and because it also has to be dyno tuned otherwise itīs possible that youīll run too rich.

I also know this phenomenon with the full tank. :silly2: But I really donīt have got any idea why!!

Hope it helped a bit!
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Old 05-29-2002, 06:34 AM   #11
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Thumbs up

Thats perfect Veetecc

Thanks to you and to all for your help....

Time to buy an LSD, Jackson supercharger and some NOS !!!

By the way, anyone running a supercharger in Europe?

Do I have Oil? What you mean Oil? Of course....ohhh crap..
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Old 05-29-2002, 10:53 AM   #12
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Originally posted by VTiracer
Thats perfect Veetecc

Thanks to you and to all for your help....

Time to buy an LSD, Jackson supercharger and some NOS !!!

By the way, anyone running a supercharger in Europe?

I know of a few guys with JR superchargers and Greddy turbo kits in europe. But here in germany itīs really difficult to use both of them legal and it would cost an arm and a leg to install it.
Personally Iīd stay away from NOS because IMO it has too many drawbacks for the power which is only available for some seconds.
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Old 05-29-2002, 04:52 PM   #13
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Originally posted by Veetec

And by the way, when Iīm remembering right nobody in the europe forum has done internal engine work. I think TheMasterG might become the only one after having his new engine swapped in.

I hope to be the second one in a few weeks.. a friend of mine has blown his engine of his citroen ax last weekend. 4 or 5 big bangs and then it was over.... just in front of hundreds of people at a local spring party (@civic16i16v:bornerbroek..pinksterfeesten)...all laughing....shame...shame...

Not so nice for him, but I hope he let's me build in a new engine (from a bx). I really really hope so
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Old 06-06-2002, 10:03 PM   #14
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Hi mate and welcome,

First just to clarify, the VTi intake ITS NOT in the front bumper, its in the far side left of your engine bay (look carefully near the left side light and you can see the tube near the air box). I Don't know if you ever uninstalled the full air box but once you do it you will understand . First remove the resonator box ad if you can do it whitout braking it you are really good with tools .

Regarding the upgrades allways start with the suspension (better shocks with adjustable coi-overs) and then brakes (better rottors like TarOx or something, and ferodo racing brake pads). DO THIS BEFORE you upgrade the engine, beleive me you will need it and you can avoid some scary situations too. Buy also the front and rear stru bars (connect to the top end of your shock absorbers).

Regarding the low Euro upgrades, I would start with a AEM (or similar like Ractive or so) CAI because all the other systems suck (Read this article -> ).

Next step is to improve what the car can give for low money. For example, the latest change I made was the throttle body coolant by-pass and it cost's some thing like 1 Euro (I will send instructions and pics latter). Its a major difference while in WOT, if you drive for 10 minutes above the 6000 rpm,s and if you stop the car, you can put your hand in the throttle body and its coooold (1 BHP for each 4š celsius ).

Next ?? Spark cables (tripple core), they improve the response of the engine and you will feel the difference. (50 to 100 Euro)

Next ?? High flow kat with mid-section tube, headers and finally exhaust muffler (rear end).

Next ?? Underdrive pulley (ohhhhhh, who's pulling the car ?? ).

Next ?? Buy a good clutch, a thamn good one because after this you will feel the difference.

Next ?? Light Fly wheel (you can work the stock one or just buy a new one from Toda or Mugen or Jun). This mod kicks ass. but

Next ?? VTEC controller, you will need it for the next mods.

Next ?? Bigger throttle body (make it your self or buy one from spoon)

Next ?? CAMS, if you want to stay on the safe side buy the JDM Civic Type-R Cams (EK9 chassis and b16b engine). If you want to rev above 8600 RPM's buy the valve springs as well, other whyse you will screw your engine (around 500 Euro). If you want to take some chances, buy the Toda Spec B or C Cams for B16B engines with the vale springs, titanium valve retainers, and a reprogrammed ECU.

Next ?? Now that you are above 210 BHP you still want more ???

Best music starts after 8.000 RPM !

Ractive Tripple Core spark cables
Custom mid-section exhaust pipe
Custom 280 x 28 disk brakes
Upgraded front brake callipers
Ferodo Racing pads (DS3000 for track, DS2500 for street)
Front and Rear Struct bar
Yokohama A539 195/55/15 (street use)
Avon Intermediate slick's (Track use)
Kony Sport CoilOver fully adjustable
Energy Suspension Hyperflex bushings

Webmaster of (The portuguese site for Honda and VTEC fans)

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Old 06-07-2002, 07:21 PM   #15
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Port, polish, new cams, new valves, new valve springs, basically, turn your VTEC head into a racing head...... Also if you are just street racing get a vtec controller and set the VTEC to kick in at a lower RPM... Get a JDM intake manifold, have that ported and polished, then get new injectors that flow more freely.
1997 Golf GTI VR6
-Leather Interior
-47000 miles
-JVC KDSH707 Head Unit
-2xInfinity Kappa Perfect 6.1 components
-12" Polk Momo sub
-JBL 600.1 amp
-Brock B2 deep dish wheels
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