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Old 02-02-2002, 11:06 AM   #1
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N/A '96 P10 replacement clutch for minor mods???

'96 G20 with mods in sig and future mods of header and pulleys.

I am looking for a better than OEM Nissan Clutch Kit that is less than $200.

NOTE: This is a daily driver, that may run a few 1/4 miles every so often in the summer, but doubt it.

I have seen SACHS, PARAUT, VALEO, etc.

Any assistance, ideas, suggestions would be great!!!

'96 G20 - modified
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Old 02-07-2002, 03:09 PM   #2
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Less than $200, thats a little cheap for my experence, i paid $300 for my ACT and its fine for daily driving, but if you find a good clutch for less than 200 do let us know.
93.5 Infiniti G20
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Old 02-07-2002, 10:36 PM   #3
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Looks as if a stock OEM clutch kit can be had for less than $200. There is also a SACHS kit available through for less than $200. I have also seen two different clutch kits several times on eBay for less than $150 shipped made/packaged by Paraut and Valeo.

I am just trying to figure out which one of those available would be the better of the four. I am thinking of going with the Paraut since it is a packaged kit with all Nissan parts.

Guess time will tell!

'96 G20 - modified
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Old 02-08-2002, 08:47 AM   #4
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Originally posted by NismoPC
Looks as if a stock OEM clutch kit can be had for less than $200. There is also a SACHS kit available through for less than $200. I have also seen two different clutch kits several times on eBay for less than $150 shipped made/packaged by Paraut and Valeo.

I am just trying to figure out which one of those available would be the better of the four. I am thinking of going with the Paraut since it is a packaged kit with all Nissan parts.

Guess time will tell!
I can probably get you a better deal on the Sachs clutch. I'm not sure if we have it in stock though. I'll try to remember to check on it today.

You can get a Nissan Key Value clutch kit for right around $100. I ran one in my G for 60k miles until I swapped in the DET. Absolutely no problems. IIRC it's made by Valeo. BTW, Valeo is an OEM supplier for Nissan.

You might want to consider spending a bit more money if it's possible (I know how it goes though). A JWT clutch has excellent power/torque holding and the pedal effort is lighter than stock.
George Roffe
Houston, Texas USA

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Old 02-08-2002, 10:34 AM   #5
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Originally posted by P10DET
I can probably get you a better deal on the Sachs clutch. I'm not sure if we have it in stock though. I'll try to remember to check on it today.
That would be great George! Let me know what the cost is. I won't be doing this until spring though. Just getting ideas now. But if the price is right, I might just get it now and wait til Spring to do it.

Oh, is there a difference between the Sachs 'Sport' Clutch Kit and the Sachs Cluch Kit or is it the same thing?

Originally posted by P10DET
You might want to consider spending a bit more money if it's possible (I know how it goes though).
Yea. If I remember correctly, you have kids too huh? Changes things a lot. First year for us to get the tax cut though. So that was a nice addition as well!

'96 G20 - modified
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Old 02-08-2002, 04:15 PM   #6
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Originally posted by NismoPC
That would be great George! Let me know what the cost is. I won't be doing this until spring though. Just getting ideas now. But if the price is right, I might just get it now and wait til Spring to do it.

Oh, is there a difference between the Sachs 'Sport' Clutch Kit and the Sachs Cluch Kit or is it the same thing?
Yes indeed there is a difference between the. They actually make a replacement clutch, which is what you're looking at, the Power Clutch, and I think also a Sport Clutch.

We can currently sell it to you for $150.98, but we are expecting an increase before too long. I have to get my Power Clutch for the 944 before that happens.

Originally posted by NismoPC
Yea. If I remember correctly, you have kids too huh? Changes things a lot. First year for us to get the tax cut though. So that was a nice addition as well!
We're working on it. Going to be starting IVF soon.
George Roffe
Houston, Texas USA

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"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a great resolve"

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Old 02-08-2002, 04:23 PM   #7
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Originally posted by P10DET
We're working on it. Going to be starting IVF soon.
Wishing the best for you and your wife. Kids can be a handle full but I am learning to take my time and be very patient with our son. That is the hardest change for me right now. But you gotta love them!!! Alot!

Let me look at my current resources and if need be I'll email you once I figure out what I can do about buying the kit now or later!

'96 G20 - modified
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Old 02-08-2002, 11:16 PM   #8
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Originally posted by NismoPC
Wishing the best for you and your wife.

I'd gladly give up my cars to have kids.

Originally posted by NismoPC
Let me look at my current resources and if need be I'll email you once I figure out what I can do about buying the kit now or later!
No sweat. I wouldn't hurry if you don't have the money now. It's not like they will jump 20% in price.

Besides, if I were you, I'd just get the Key Value clutch if you can't swing the JWT.
George Roffe
Houston, Texas USA

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"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a great resolve"

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Old 02-11-2002, 11:06 PM   #9
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I have 2. The best damn thing to happen to me thus far. I wouldn't trade my family life for the world. Good luck!
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