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Old 08-28-2010, 10:39 AM   #1
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97' Intrepid, turns over but will not start.

Here is the history of the car.
1997 Dodge Intrepid, 3.3L V6, close to 200k miles. Bought used 8 years ago.

Engine was replaced by previous owner (Her Auto body guy) due to front end accident at 90k (about, memory is fuzz on the full miles).
Previous owner was a sales lady and had a repair log. Kept car running like a coo-coo clock since work paid for the maintenance. Her insurance paid for the repair then her work would not continue to pay for upkeep, due to accident.
Since I bought the car, I kept in the same frame of mind of maintenance and upkeep.

Oil is changed regularly and on time (no burning or loss, still filled to levels with synthetic high mileage oil) (Color - maple syrup amber, due to be changed in 500 or so miles)
Water pump changed 3 months ago (no oil in the res. tank)
Alt. changed in 2006 (30 - 35k miles ago)
Ignition Coil and sparkplug wires in 2006 (30 - 35k miles ago)
Battery replaced in 2007 with a new one)
Sparkplugs last Feb. (about 10k miles ago - Look semi clean and are all gapped still to the manual specs) as well as the 2 belts on the engine.
(Timing chain same age as the replaced engine at 90k)
All the instrument panel lights work, as well as head, turn signals, interior and tail.

Has for a long time (4 years or so), has an engine light on for an O2 sensor (Code 0134 and the meter I have).

The exhaust system had disconnected from the Catalytic Converter (engine side) last winter (9 months or so ago) due to weathering (clamps rusted off and pipes separated).
Recently I repaired this 2 weeks ago (noting heavy black soot in the pipes and around the area on the underside)
Once replaced had a cloud of soot when I floor the gas hard while driving.

Yesterday while driving after 10 mins from home while accelerating I noticed a loss of power (slowing down) instinct was to press the gas, did so, and slowed down even more. Car drifted to a stop, engine power was also gone (power steering was gone also). When this happened, there was No banging, or clunks, or loud sounds, or overtly ominous clouds of smoke.
Engine turned off (while costing to a stop the engine acted as if out of gas - hence no power steering).
Got a tow home.

The starter turns the engine over with no clatter, banging, or clunks. No backfires or "Coughing". Same sound as of before, but won't catch and run under own power. (Still acts like no gas, but has half a tank)
(battery still has a full charge - spark plugs still spark - took one out of engine while still connected to spark plug cable grounded to engine for testing. No overtly heavy gas smell or residue on plug or during test).

My friend who assisted in the exhaust repair says that it is not the Catalytic Converter being clogged (I believe it is). His suggestion is a faulty sensor somewhere else, maybe cam/crank sensor, maybe MAP sensor, maybe ignition switch, bad EGR or even a bad ASD relay.

Don't want to be buying parts to no end on this, need other input to narrow down a direction.
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Old 09-19-2010, 12:54 AM   #2
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Re: 97' Intrepid, turns over but will not start.

Have you checked to verify fuel is getting to the engine?
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dodge , intrepid , problem , starting , troubleshooting
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