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Old 12-02-2010, 09:27 PM   #1
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Arrow 92 regal limited 3.8 no hi/lo beams or parking breaks. interior doesn't dim

the lights on this particular GM product are currently not working.
i just bought the car on the cheap due to this issue.

i replaced steering column (salvage yard special) the blinker switch was bad n it was easier and equal in price than just pulling the switch (labor to pull it)

blinkers now work great

however, the headlights (as expected) do not

i checked the fuse box on the passenger side fender and one was blown.
i do not know which it was as the sticker is too faded. either way i pulled a different one just to try it and still nothing. the fuse is on right side of box (closest to front) and third fuse up from bottom.

as for the fuse box in the glove compartment....all fuses are great.

i did pull the headlight switch (left of column) and the switches themselves appear as if they should work. however there is that resistor whatchamacallit on the dimmer slider side of it all. (i literally pulled it all apart to inspect it) nothing in the whole headlight switch setup visually appears broke or burnt and it don't smell burnt either.

the slider for the light dimming doesn't work though....mostly. slide it all the way to the right and the dome lights go on. but the dash is always at its brightest and will not dim with the slider.

after a few hours messing around with it i decided to try and jump it before heading in from the cold.
i didn't do it with a wire from something i know had a positive though....i just did every combination under the sun touching different female ends of the connector together. and still nothing....figures. next i'll try from a known positive.

i think i covered it all. i'm going out to check the dimmer switch on column....and try the whole known positive thing now.
i'll comment if i find anything out or somehow manage to fix it....or uh....rig it lol

any help is more than appreciated

just checked it....with a known positive wire, when i jump it to the female ends of the headlight switch does do many different things. lights turn on, hi/lo beams work, door buttons light up, etc.
so that leaves me to believe that somehow jumping female to female connectors on the plug simply doesn't work....or that i am overlooking a fuse somehow. there is no way it can be a corroded wire. interior is mint. nothings corroded in the engine compartment. i did look at all the wires on the column before i installed it. so its gotta be a fuse i'm overlooking.....gotta be

well, in the morning im picking up some new fuses. like i said further up i pulled one fuse to put in the spot where the blown fuse was. it was a 30 amp pinkish odd shape fuse with a clear top to see if its blown.
and then i'm headin to the salvage yard to luckily grab a headlight switch for only $25. i say luckily cuz if your reading this you know they sure as shit aren't cheap brand new. run about $400 for mine up in wisconsin.

i do promise to write up a decent thread on solving this problem....once i do figure it all out that is. seems like this is quite the issue on these cars.

Last edited by combat_ninja; 12-03-2010 at 02:15 AM.
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Old 12-03-2010, 11:08 AM   #2
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Re: 92 regal limited 3.8 no hi/lo beams or parking breaks. interior doesn't dim

There is a headlamp relay in component center, under right, passenger side, side of dash, #7 in the diagram. Did you check for incoming voltage to the headlamp switch?
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Last edited by jdl; 12-03-2010 at 11:09 AM. Reason: more info
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Old 12-03-2010, 01:54 PM   #3
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Re: 92 regal limited 3.8 no hi/lo beams or parking breaks. interior doesn't dim

i just replaced the headlight switch and the pink fuse by right side fender. still got nothing.
i never even heard of the component center. but after looking i assume i have to remove the panel under the glove box to get to it???

and i don't think i have any power getting to the switch. the dome lights work when slid to the right. but nothing actually dims. i'll go out and check for this component center now though.


just checked the component center. the relay is fine. to be safe i even put a new one in....and still nothing. i'm doing this in small spurts. its flipping cold outside!!!

For the sake of actually being able to drive in the dark i ended up running a positive wire from my wiper fuse in the glove box to the orange wire on the female connector to the headlight switch. I know this is not proper and some may ridicule my temporary fix....but damn it!!! Its friday night!!!! I got places to be!!

On another note....the component center was fine. All relays were good. But i did replace #7 just in case bit got nothing. It was dead coming into power to it.
Let me know if anyone has any other suggestions or thoughts on any of this.

Last edited by combat_ninja; 12-03-2010 at 05:33 PM.
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