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Old 06-24-2013, 09:21 AM   #1
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New Factory Parts, Plugs, coil boots, hoses from former Owner

Hello to everyone on here. I used to have two Intrigues in the family, but sold both in the last few years.

Going through a box in the basement I found the following

Factory Spark Plugs 12556183 Quantity (12)
Factory Coil Plug Boots 12165490 Quantity (12)
Factory Upper Radiator Hose
New Gates lower hose
Cabin air filter
Serpentine belt (GM OEM.. Don't have the number off the top of my head)

I'd like to sell the plugs and the boots as an engine set. Make an offer of what you might be interested in.

Hello to Littlehoov, Panserdragon, and the other guys that have more wrench skills to keep an Intrigue alive longer than me. There's days where I still miss it. But the Cruze fuel economy is great!

2002 Oldsmobile Intrigue, 3.5L, GX --121,000 Miles as of 2/4/2011

2000 Oldsmobile Intrigue, 3.5L, GX --81,000 Miles sitting in garage awaiting shift kit P1811, and potential water crossover gasket repair.
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Old 06-28-2013, 07:49 PM   #2
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Re: New Factory Parts, Plugs, coil boots, hoses from former Owner

Hi carbon -
I just checked Rockauto, and the cheapest I could get the hoses, serpentine belt, and cabin filter (guessing at the filter; didn't see one there) is maybe $30. Would you take $35, including shipping to Michigan?
I'm assuming all new, and the parts are right for my 2000 3.5 liter.
Email me at fhofstra[at]juno[dot]com if you wish. Hope that email addresses are OK on this site, and that I typed it such that I don't get spammed.
Sorry to see the Intrigues dwindle, but life goes on....
2000 Olds Intrigue GLS, 3.5l
270,000 miles
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Old 07-02-2013, 04:06 PM   #3
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Re: New Factory Parts, Plugs, coil boots, hoses from former Owner

Parts are still for sale.

Here's some suggested prices, we can discuss a little bit based on how much you buy, but this stuff is fairly large, and shipping may be a fair amount.

Upper and Lower Radiator Hoses, Serpentine Belt, Cabin Filter, Possible Engine Air Filter. $30.00 plus shipping from 55343

New Front Brake Pads AC Delco Original Factory Part Number. I can get this, as the parts are in the original boxes. $10.00 plus shipping from 55125.

Engine Set of plugs and boot wires.. $30 per engine set plus shipping. Two sets avalible.

4T65E Transgo Shift Kit $45.00 plus shipping.. Never Installed

Felpro 4T65E Transmission Gasket $10.00 plus shipping.. Wierd Flat Box. Sipping may be difficult.

Pictures are avalible for any and all parts. Paypal before shipment is prefered, or cash locally in person near ZIP 55343.

All parts are new and never installed.

I still have Alldata printouts for instructions with the following parts and will provide them if you need help let me know.
2002 Oldsmobile Intrigue, 3.5L, GX --121,000 Miles as of 2/4/2011

2000 Oldsmobile Intrigue, 3.5L, GX --81,000 Miles sitting in garage awaiting shift kit P1811, and potential water crossover gasket repair.
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belt , boots , hoses , plugs
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