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Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 111
  1. larwet
    12-03-2009 08:14 PM

    I am in need of the pdf file for repair and location of the PCV Valve for a 3.0 L V6 on a 2000 Lincoln LS. The one that is hidden in the air intake manifold. My email is

    Thanks for your help!

    Larry Wetterberg
  2. blklink
    11-22-2009 03:43 PM
    oh if u cant reach me on here you can email me everything will go straight to my phone
  3. blklink
    11-22-2009 03:30 PM
    Hey rod I seen that you have helped out alot of people on different threads. I have a 2000 Lincoln LS V6, that when I let the car warm up the heat will work fine it will blow heat out. When driving down the road the heat stops working just blows out cold air. If you could help me out it would be really appreciated. I have changed thermostat, radiator, flushed coolant, bled coolant lines and heater line, has no leaks anywhere thank you again. Derrick
  4. shorod
    11-08-2009 10:52 PM
    You're going to need to determine what you don't have when it won't start - fuel, spark, or compression (not likely the issue). Does the engine crank over freely now or does it struggle a bit? You may not be running the car long enough to get the battery charged back up.
  5. nhra55314
    11-08-2009 10:47 AM
    Hello Shorod. Your where a great help with the problem in my 1993 SHO. Someone told me that to take off both battery cables and wait 24 hours to clear the codes off. I did that and charged the battery and after I put the cables on the car started right up. That was 2 months ago and yesterday It would not start again. The car is in storage for the winter but I do start It once a week and let it run for about 15 minutes. The battery is a 4 year old Interstate Battery. It turns over good and there is well over a half tank of gas in it. I would appreciate any help you could give. Thanks again Richard
  6. brent310
    10-09-2009 01:56 PM
    Hi Rod, Can you send me the PCV elbow replacement procedure? I am getting the 2 codes and the engine will sometimes stall at idle. Thanks, Brent
  7. eg182
    10-06-2009 09:28 PM
    I am new to blogging and posting so please bear with me.
    I have a 1999 Merc. Mountineer.
    Problem with power door locks.
    Pass front side button does not work at all.
    Drivers front side works only to unlock, not lock.
    Rear hatch works both ways, no problem.
    Key fob works unlock only, no lock.
    Drivers door keypad unlocks only and sometimes only moves actuator halfway.
    I tested each actuator in question with multimeter and no voltage signal when needed as described above. I am thinking the RAM module in right rear quarter. Is there a way to test it?

    Eg 182
  8. Need4Speed!
    08-27-2009 02:41 PM
    Hey i was just wondering if you knew how to change 97 taurus break lines n how much you'd think it would put me back.
    Hope to hear back!
  9. nhra55314
    08-23-2009 11:10 AM
    Thanks for your help.Is it alright to use starting fluid also could you tell me where the MAF sensor is located. My e-mail is d. Thanks again for any help. Richard
  10. idjikaity
    07-19-2009 11:49 PM
    Hi, Rod!
    Thank you very much for your willingness to help me with my 2001 Taurus/Vulcan AC compressor removal. Could you please send me a PDF file of the steps from the 2002 service manual, to remove the AC compressor (and if possible, steps for replacing the evaporator core orifice and accumulator).
    My e-mail address is
    Thanks very much in advance!

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  • About shorod
    Real Name
    Cedar Rapids
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    United States
    Senior Engineering Manager
    Bicycling, 3D design and printing, automotive hobbyist, electronics repair, quadcopters, R/C


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  • Last Activity: Today 08:20 PM
  • Join Date: 06-13-2004
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