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doug2060 doug2060 is offline

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  1. doug2060
    04-23-2010 02:22 PM
    Sorry for getting back to you on so late this Doc. I didn't get a message notification. I have done this a couple times now and have not tampered with the hole size. I understand your concern with this. I was worried as well once but have not had any problems. Consider this a personal opinion only but I would not mess with it. These companies obviously put research into what they do and if they all do it or several of them do it there is a reason for it and it's not accidental.
    02-28-2010 12:58 PM
    Look at my last post again...I just used ITM, but Fel-Pro and Altrom all have the identical
    sized holes there (photos off the Internet).

    I will not risk screwing up this new head gasket by taking it apart NOW - unless
    these guys justify what they want me to do - other than "it seems like a good thing to do!"

    You have to watch out for that sort of thing on this and other forums...


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  • About doug2060
    Forest City
    North Carolina
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  • Last Activity: 09-18-2022 10:49 AM
  • Join Date: 06-30-2007
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