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da_ashman da_ashman is offline

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  1. Some_Kid
    01-20-2013 02:32 PM
    Hey ashman I'm trying to build a dodge viper gts(the revell kit). I tried searching the forums to get inspiration and i saw your thread. Unfortunately the pictures you posted expired. However the comments seemed like it was a beautiful build, would you mind PMing photos of your Viper? Id love to take a look at it.
  2. da_ashman
    06-26-2012 08:21 PM
    Hi Nathan
    So far I havent had any problems with getting these into NZ (fingers crossed)
    Ive ordered them 3 times so far in the past few years, & get a few at a time to make it worthwhile too. Hiroboy labels the box as "gift/ hobby supplies" so customs dont tend to take too much notice. But having said that i recently got stung by customs with some Ferrari Clothing & merc that I ordered & had to pay $150GST for. Its been about a year since my last blowout at hiroboy so things may have changed.
    However I believe Steve at Hiroboy has completed a hazordous goods course so can ship them around the world without hassel (guess it just costs more)
    They are great paints, & have such a wonderful range of colours & other products, you'll find the 60ml bottles will do at least 2 models so even more cost effective than Tamiya spraycans!
    Always good to hear from another Kiwi!!
  3. nathan23h
    06-26-2012 04:26 AM
    Hi Ashman, just noticed you are using Zero Paints do you have any issues getting these into NZ? Im looking as getting some but looks like would need to buy 10 or so paints at a time to make it cost effective? Any advise on this?

    Nathan (Invercargill)
  4. 5spdstang
    03-07-2010 01:43 PM
    Sent you a private message...cuz I didnt realize I could do it this way...D'OH!!!
  5. da_ashman
    09-29-2009 08:10 PM
    Sorry to reply in 5 parts, stupid message thing only allows 1000 chacacters.
    send me an email might be easier

  6. da_ashman
    09-29-2009 08:09 PM
    Its awesome to talk to someone who shares the same hobby & in the same area, i do beleave theres about 6 of us in Auckland. there was a thread awhile ago asking if there where any Kiwis on the forum, got heaps of responces. Let me know alittle about yourself & what subjects you tend to model.

    Me, well my name is Ashley, I live in Papatoetoe, I work in the city, im a production manager at Speedy Signs in downtown auckland, basically im a signwritter & designer all in one. Ive been modeling for about 15years now, & doing cars for about 12years. As i said I model Japs & european with a few Yanks throughn in every now & then, mostly modern cars. Ive got about 30 finished models & about 10 in different stages of completion. I'm a big Ferrari fan & have even been to Maranello & driven a 430 around Monte Carlo. Im a pretty slow builder & tend to do alot of sanding work sitting on the couch with the Mrs. & thats pretty much me..

    Hope to hear from ya soon

  7. da_ashman
    09-29-2009 08:08 PM
    I mainly build Japanese cars & european stuff, i do have the odd American car, but i mostly know of websites that supply things im interested in. Scaleauto mag (avaiable at model shops) have ALOT of american ads. Also if your into american cars then is the best forum for that, anything else basically gets ignored, on the flip side this forum has HEAPS of exotic build & some really amazing modelers, ive learnt so much from this forum..

    Oh have you tried Toyworld stores? most of them suck but the Manukau super store has heaps, they use to be good prices but have brought into line with the hobby stores, but at least Toyworld have Sales, all the time. Best shopping is near school holidays & Xmas.
  8. da_ashman
    09-29-2009 08:07 PM
    da_ashman - in Aussie, great for Aussie models & resin parts - Awesome website, heaps of stuff, website is a little awkward to browse - the BEST, has HEAPS of stuff including Zero Paints, he wont reply to any emails due to being so busy, but will get your stuff out, is abit costly being in the UK my $200 order cost me $60 to get here, takes about 2 weeks (good time to order at the moment with our kiwi dollar being so high) Hes just had a sale so prob wont have one for another year - Great Carbon fibre & Photoetch stuff, Also professional modeler kits Based in Japan, they have everything.
  9. da_ashman
    09-29-2009 08:06 PM
    Hi Kila2000

    Awesome to hear from another Aucklander, Ive found that most of the shops in Auckland are pretty light on suppliers for the more "adventurious" modeler, espically when it comes to Car modelers, trains & tanks seem to be pretty well covered. I basically get all my aftermarket stuff, things like Photoetch, Carbon fibre, heat sheild, resin parts & custom paint from websites not in NZ. heres a few that ive used & had good service from
  10. Kila2000
    09-24-2009 06:47 AM
    Hi from another Aucklander
    I have a few questions for you but first a bit of background. I am fairly new to the modeling hobby. I used to make them when I was younger but knew nothing of what would be considered 'basic' skills such as washing the parts, primer, polishing, that sorta thing. I got back into it this time last year and have yet to complete anything. My main problem is finances but also, where to get good supplies, when I saw you were from Auckland I thought it a great opportunity to get in touch with another local guy and found out what stores you know of around Auckland. I have been to Hobby City, Modelair, Steves Model Shop in Papakura, Stoker Models and the outlet store in Manukau. I realise alot of aftermarket stuff is bought from overseas so I was also wondering where you shop online and what their service is like. So there we go, me in brief.
    Cheers, hope to hear from you.

About Me

  • About da_ashman
    Real Name
    Ashley Jones
    Zip Code
    New Zealand
    Model cars


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  • Last Activity: 10-10-2018 10:45 PM
  • Join Date: 10-29-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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