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mike@af mike@af is offline

Captain Over Engineer

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. sierrasaph
    05-05-2020 10:36 PM
    hi mate, I know its been a while, but i checked back to the forums to see the Evo time attack build, but all the images are gone, was it finished? id love to see it if you could email some pics.

  2. mirce197
    08-14-2013 03:11 PM
    Just wanted to say hello - I appreciate your advices!
    I'm reading this forum for months but I have just registered...
  3. trikko
    06-30-2013 02:00 AM
    Hi Mike!
    I have a problem where I would need your help. I posted my first completed car yesterday on the forum with the title: simil'r Ford Focus WRC Rally Bulgaria. I got a message in the evening that the topic is blank. I could not see eighter anything in it and I had also no other option for correction as only the answer buttom was activ. I tought I made something wrong so I created the topic again as Simil'r Ford Focus WRC but now I see both are fully visible. This means now my car has duplicated topics with 2-2 comments. Could you please help to delete one of them? Or is there a possibility to have all 4 comments in 1topic?
    Thanks for your kind help in advance.
  4. rajaramsptc
    02-04-2013 12:47 AM
    Hi mike, unfortunately I've doubt from exhaust gas velocity. So please clear me how to find the velocity of the exhaust gas?
  5. Doc305
    07-25-2009 09:28 PM
    Hi mike, I've seen your build on the Evo and by all the scratch building you have made I assume you know alot more than me... I'm planning to build a custom, fully scratchbuilt bicycle (Specialized Epic)... So I ask you:

    Is soldering the best way to go?
    What would be better (in ur opinion) Aluminum, Brass, or Copper tubbing?
    I'll read further into the 'how to's' of soldering but just a quick one, can I solder Al to Brass, to Copper, etc? Can I solder anyone to anyone?
    I'm not sure what version I'll make. What will decide this will be the ease of joining the tubes and how 'good' I can make it look prior to putty, primer, etc.. I'm thinking the carbon one would be better to hide the solder makes....

    Here's the Carbon version

    Regular alloy

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  • About mike@af
    Real Name
    Mike Lawrence
    New York
    New York
    Zip Code
    United States
    Strategy Consultant
    Engineering, physics, racing, aerodynamics, and math
    I was born and now I am here.


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  • Join Date: 02-22-2003
  • Referrals: 8


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