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carbon02 carbon02 is offline

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  1. elmofles
    07-28-2009 03:05 AM
    This is a really cool site. I been checking some threds and I do relate in some of the cases posted here. Its really helpful and educative too. If I get my intrigue runnig again Ill share my adventure and my process. its been interesting and really fun

    Question. So have you hear any threads in regard head gaskets in this engine? I am wondering if this kind of engine its worth to keep it going after the head gaskets replaced? After paying a lot of money for my car when I bought it, I though my self...I am gonna fix it till the end. this will be my second engine rebuild. my first was a 3.1 Buick regal. after I fix it the body went bad before the engine. This 3.5 is a more complicate engine but I really do have fun fixing it. You have to patience especially in cars. I'll be happy once I hear her run. Thank you
  2. elmofles
    07-28-2009 03:01 AM
    Hey Cabon02,

    I am doing some work in my 99 intrigue (3.5) I just bought the fly wheel hold tool. Just wating to arrive. . It is really crazy that My car had some issues ( coolant, knock noises, mis firing, etc) and no one could tell me what the problem was til the blown head gasket happen. I did took the car to the dealer and local mecanics but they never got it right (sucks). To make my story short, I am replacing the head gaskes on my car. I am doing this in my garage. I dont have all the equipment but so far all the process to be done is going right. I got stock with the balancer bolt. Which I am planing to get it done right after I get The fly wheel tool. So then I can remove the timing chain and then the heads. hope It will last for a long time.

    So, if you have some relate info you can share I will appreciate. Also you say I am be able to find some literature in some Local Libraries. ( minneapolis) Where at?

    Thank you


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