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GeoRandy GeoRandy is offline

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  1. GeoRandy
    06-02-2011 11:27 PM
    Our founding fathers set up a federal government for our good. We are still, albeit antiquated in many respects, sadly, using infrastructute that the federal government began decades ago. You and I drive to work and your customers drive on an interstate highway system that no private business would have ever attempted or accomplished. The government (we the people, mostly our ancestors) built and paid for it. And, most use it and other government goods and services without respect or recognition that it is a priviledge and not a right, that took planning and the right people in charge to get it done. Most drink, flush and waste water planned and maintained by the government. Most still use the US Postal Service. I am mystified by people who say they want government to stay out of their business yet they use and continue to use government services daily. We do need less government in many areas and an adept government where necessary, that does what we pay them to do.
  2. GeoRandy
    06-02-2011 11:26 PM
    I believe you and I are on the same side, just a few differences of opinion. I learned before third grade that an individual or a group without a plan and the willingness to put it into action is just spinning their wheels and going nowhere but into chaos. It amazes me that people will read or listen to anything and believe it. Show me a country without a government and I'll show you a country that no longer exists. Me, I'd rather have a plan. I learned that to be successful, you have to select and monitor people who will do what the person/people paying them are paying them to do.
  3. grider
    05-29-2011 02:50 PM
    visit of topic i started the thread freedom i dont know what makes you think that the gov can fix anything but history has shown time and again that any gov given to much power is the end of freedom i learned that in 3rd grade im surprised you still havent hummmm

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  • Join Date: 01-21-2007
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