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curtis73 curtis73 is offline

Professional Ninja Killer

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 13 of 13
  1. HeWhoKillz
    11-19-2009 10:38 PM
    Curtis, I was refered to you by moppie. I was wondering if your wisdom and knowledge could explain to me what the clips on the end of the axle on a front wheel drive car are for. What their purpose is and whats the point of even having them if the axle is held on at the other end by the wheel hub and with that very large axle nut. Whats the point?
    05-28-2009 11:35 PM
    Hi Curtis..
    Pls bear with me = 1st forum I ever posted 2. Have 2 ?s..

    1. What is Bumping and Ttt?

    2. Also, read Rules need permission 2 advertise stuff 4 sale.

    Who do I send info 2 for permission ? Want 2 list = 27 ft Safari Travel Trailer (need 2 ck reg 4 yr) with 1980 Ply Voyager 318 ci Auto 1 Ton Window Work Maxi Van pull vehicle
    = 1987 Chry Fifth Ave 318 ci Auto
    and 1989 Chry New Yorker 6 cyl Auto

    How do I post photo(s) in ad..? Hate 2 look like dummy right off Bat.

    Never did Avatar or signature before so hope all ok. (chkd sizes 2 meet guidelines).

    Hope know when I get a message.. Gee feel so dumb. Found forum looking up ABS prob on 94 Chry T&C Grand Caravan. Taken 2 cleaners when work done. Mechanic put new metal brake line piece in but did not bleed brakes so want 2 know if that is why light stays on. Hate 2 pay 4 all parts talked about in forum if getting brakes bled would fix it. Sorry, but I am just lost.

    Thanks Alot.. LIL GEORGE
  3. nishant.89
    05-25-2009 10:28 PM
    Curtis73 i want to quicken the steering effect . any other ways to do that?

About Me

  • About curtis73
    Real Name
    Curtis Mittong
    Penn Hills
    Zip Code
    United States


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  • Last Activity: 11-05-2022 09:23 PM
  • Join Date: 11-21-2002
  • Referrals: 3


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