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shorod shorod is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 112
  1. mcc3515
    03-20-2016 05:03 PM
    On second thought ... I'm going to keep this car so the whole manual would be great. Do you recall where you purchased your DVD from?
  2. mcc3515
    03-20-2016 12:51 PM
    I just need the procedure for replacing timing chains and tensioners
  3. mcc3515
    03-20-2016 12:22 PM
    I have a 2000 Lincoln LS with the 3.9. I seen where someone said you sent them the service manual for this engine...any way I could get a copy?
  4. v6v8lincolnls
    12-04-2015 09:41 PM
    Hi rod sure sounds like u know what your talking about maybe u can help me out I got the code 1966 from the DATC in my 01 lincoln ls v6 heated seats and duel climet I found a site that said it was the driver heater core discharge temp sensor open circuit any ideas on what this means thanks a million
  5. GaryYarber
    09-02-2015 10:14 PM
    Hi Shorod, on 02/06/2007 you responded to a thread requesting help to diagnose the cause of P0171 and P0174 codes on a 2000 Ford Duratec Engine. You told the individual to send you a private message and you would send a PDF file containing the Troubleshooting Procedures for diagnosing aforementioned codes. If you still have those procedures I would greatly appreciate it if you would send them to Also, I did a smoke test on the engine and the only smoke which escaped came from the vents on the underside of the EGR valve. Is this normal? Does it mean the EGR valve is bad. Thanks for your help.
  6. RevRMD
    07-04-2015 10:02 PM
    Hi Sherod,
    I have a 2000 Explorer Limited 4.0 SOHC and the locks won't work. It began that they wouldn't unlock, then shortly after wouldn't work at all. I read in a thread to another user that you could provide a wiring diagram? That would be a tremendous help if you could.
  7. groat44
    06-17-2015 10:38 AM
    Hey Rod, I saw that you helped a lot of guys with their Lincoln LS. I have a 2000, with the codes P0171 and P0174 showing. Can you help me out with this. Its the little PVC elbow I believe. Thanks

  8. dizzy697
    03-17-2015 10:56 PM
    Hi there I was directed here to find a pdf manual for a 2001 lincoln ls. I have lots of work to do and need the direction to do it with. Thank you very much
  9. union1644
    03-14-2015 03:02 PM
    me again,
    my email is
  10. union1644
    03-14-2015 03:01 PM
    Hi Rod,
    I have been reading posts by you and you seemed to know about the problem I am having with my 97 Taurus. Hoping for your thoughts on it. I have a 97 Taurus G with a v6 3.0 axod tranny. Recently put in tranny from junkyard with 57x miles on it. It runs but I have no speedometer and it wont shift out of 1st. I replaced the speed sensor with a used one and didnt help but sounds like this is for sure the problem so I should really go get new one and try it???? My husband is tired of fixing the car but it has been such a great car for so many years I dont want to junk it for only 150 when it could be just a simple fix. Any thoughts?

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  • About shorod
    Real Name
    Cedar Rapids
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    United States
    Senior Engineering Manager
    Bicycling, 3D design and printing, automotive hobbyist, electronics repair, quadcopters, R/C


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  • Last Activity: Today 04:24 PM
  • Join Date: 06-13-2004
  • Referrals: 0


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