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killermrob83 killermrob83 is offline

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  1. Stale Trooper
    12-21-2014 02:50 AM
    Stale Trooper
    No prob - Merry Christmas to you & your family. I have a new computer, and am rebuilding my Favorite places. talk to you later, missing our chats my friend.
  2. killermrob83
    07-15-2010 01:18 PM
    Hey Tom. Thanks for the friend request. You must be one busy guy, with a full time job and all of the involvement with the forums. I just figured out this part of the AF today so thought I'd send a response. Thanks again.
  3. way2old
    07-14-2010 07:40 PM
    Hey Rob. Just wanted to make you feel really welcome. I do this on a dozen or so forums and work full time. Met quite a few interesting people on these forums. Thanks for accepting the friend request. Tom
  4. way2old
    07-09-2010 11:54 AM
    If you take your time and have the tools, it should be able to be done in a day. I would not bother with the head gaskets if you are not having any problems. Just replace the cooling tube and the intake gaskets. Be sure to drain the antifreeze complately. leave the spark plugs in place to keep coolant out of the cylinders. Replace them when the coolant is completely cleaned off. Good luck and you should have many more miles in your ride.

About Me

  • About killermrob83
    Real Name
    Rob Meeker
    Zip Code
    United States
    self employed
    I have too many interests to list.......almost anything under the sun! I love knowledge!
    I have been blessed


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-14-2017 05:52 PM
  • Join Date: 11-13-2005
  • Referrals: 0


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