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tempfixit tempfixit is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. ElizabethAnn
    04-19-2016 04:06 PM
    1999 mercury villager crank no start
    can hear the fuel pump prime KOEO
    No start with starter fluid
    heard loud shrealing sound before engine died
    took off distributor cap
    can see rotor and small amount of dust as well as what apppear to be a dozen or more tiny specks of metal
    I don't have many tools, but I wish to try to clean the optical sensor
    I know little about cars, but I am a retired systems engineer and math teacher
    I can't afford to hire it fixed or towed and have limited access to a helper
    Can you help point me in the right direction?
  2. plzhelp77
    05-29-2013 09:05 PM
    Tempfixit just hooked me up, helped my trouble shoot electrical on my tranny and fixed it for me! he is the man...
  3. tempfixit
    07-03-2011 04:12 PM
    Sorry I do not know of any sources for factory windstar manual.

    Here are some links for manuals like haynes and chilton: you must register but free enter a123456789159 for the card number and it should get you in.

    also check you library for EBSCO it should have a section called AUto REference Repair Center (ARRC)

    Hope these help

  4. terence123cars
    07-03-2011 01:21 PM
    Hi Tempfixit: Thanks for the Nissan Quest factory wiring diagram. I'm presently living in Baja Mexico and have no access to factory repair manuals. I wonder if you happen to know where I might be able to access a factory manual for my '99 Ford Windstar with the 3.8 Litre motor?
    Regards, Terry
  5. tempfixit
    09-28-2010 06:30 PM

    sorry it took so long to respond.

    which engine? have you posted your problem on the GMC section???

    Have you checked the fuel pressure regulator?? How many miles on engine and vehicle??? Are there any codes (is the check engine light on?)
  6. REM700
    09-09-2010 09:32 PM
    do you know much about gmc jimmys cuz mine randomnly shut off at high and low speeds it has a brand new fuel pump and when it quits it chokes and dies like its flooded could it be the computer

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  • Last Activity: 02-12-2021 09:58 PM
  • Join Date: 01-24-2006
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