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maxwedge maxwedge is offline

A990 racer

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Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 60
  1. chalo2000
    04-18-2009 10:52 AM
    I have a 1995 Oldsmobile 88 that is giving me problems when I accelerate the car tries to stall or the car has no power even if I press the gas down to the floor nothing happens, the car basically slowly gets upto 50 milles and then is okay for most of the time. It does not do it at all the time but now is getting worse.
    I already change spark plugs, air filter and I will change gasoline filter today or tomorrow. I really need a good diagnostic so I appreciate if you can give me some good advice here.
  2. maxwedge
    04-11-2009 02:43 PM
    I believe so, but check with a parts house for the final word.
  3. auto trainy
    04-11-2009 08:10 AM
    auto trainy
    Max, can you tell me the difference in the 2000 3.8 starters? (supercharged and non-supercharged) would both work in a non supercharged?
  4. maxwedge
    04-01-2009 07:49 PM
    The dash switch is the usual culprit here.
  5. mrgrzr
    04-01-2009 05:32 PM
    hello i have a question about an 03 gmc yukon // the 4x4 switch shos neutral upon start up sometimes // it isnt in neutral and can be driven but 4wd cannot be engaged // sometimes it is in 4wd low on start up and is actually in low // can you tell me how to diagnose this / I have a wiring diapram and have checked some of the grounds and the 5 volt reference but dont know where to go from here ; thanks
  6. auto trainy
    03-13-2009 06:53 PM
    auto trainy
    Max, I hope you can advise me and others about changing the license plate lamps on a 2001 Lesabre,Ive had the light bar assy off already and changed 2 #194 lamps with no problem but when I went to change the license plate lamp the socket was differant and for the life of me could not figure out how it could be acessed to change the bulb maybey you can help,thanks Frank
  7. maxwedge
    02-23-2009 03:48 PM
    Bob, Just got 2 checks 400 each from Dexcool settlement for both cars, nice! Regards, Shep
  8. auto trainy
    02-20-2009 06:06 PM
    auto trainy
    Max, FYI I went on line and asked Interstate why there warranty was differant then what I was told at the parts store-5yrs,they replied and told me that the old 5 yrs was now over 7 which extends further than the OEM which was 6,not bad for $105.00
  9. maxwedge
    02-20-2009 04:32 PM
    Nope you are good to go.
  10. auto trainy
    02-20-2009 02:05 PM
    auto trainy
    Max,I just purchased an Interstate 5 yr battery w/850cca,the original had 770cca and 6yr, (2001 buick Le Sabre) do you see any problems,thank's Frank

About Me

  • About maxwedge
    New York
    Zip Code
    United States
    Retired Cadillac Troubleshooter
    Weightlifting, Nhra drag racing, fishing
    ASE Master,not renewed


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 05:08 PM
  • Join Date: 03-15-2002
  • Referrals: 1


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