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maxwedge maxwedge is offline

A990 racer

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Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 60
  1. maxwedge
    10-03-2014 10:20 PM
    Ok, I see it is a 98, so the ckps is external so nix my last post. Front cover has to come off.
  2. maxwedge
    10-03-2014 10:17 PM
    Do you mean the crank sensor, check on this, they can typically break off and the broken piece can be pushed into the pan. If so I have left them in there, or pull the pan.
  3. not a motor head
    10-03-2014 12:38 PM
    not a motor head
    Oldsmobile supreme 2.8. I had the mechanic try to put a new camshaft sensor in. He called and said the old sensor had broken off in the motor. Is there anyway to get it out? I really don't want to take the motor out. The mechanic said I have to go through the bottom to get it out. Any suggestions?
  4. jamesmetairie
    09-29-2014 12:44 PM
    finally after about 8 years i bought ( a c delco)front strut cartridges for my 98 lumina(220,000 miles).
    i remember alot of discussion about how much oil needs to be used.
    i searched the forum and can,t find anything new.
    the instructions say fill it up with oil.
    my mechanic is chevy trained and drives a car same as mine.
    he said just a little is needed wne he did his.
    what would you do Max
    and thank you for your advice.
  5. maxwedge
    01-16-2013 08:25 PM
    TBI, sounds like a bad egr valve partially stuck open or a lazy idle air control.
  6. chad_ballard
    01-16-2013 01:27 PM
    1992 sierra 350 5.7L
  7. chad_ballard
    01-15-2013 10:13 PM
    thanks for the advice. i am also having another major issue with my truck. when i start it up, the idle is fine, driving on the road above 15 mph the rpms are also fine, but upon deceleration, my truck almost stalls out and dies no matter what. it ALWAYS happens when i slow down. i dont know what to do and its really starting to get on my nerves. i noticed that you have an answer for almost all of the older chevy posts so i figured i might as well go to the source.let me know what you think, thanks.- chad
  8. maxwedge
    03-18-2012 09:47 AM
    I am 71, yikes.. Agreed on Erich, seems to be on top of the GM stuff, sounds like a dealership employee.
  9. Chris Stewart
    03-17-2012 07:08 PM
    Chris Stewart
    Hi Shep,
    Who's the Old Man of this site nowadays?
    Looks like Twospirit's last post was a year ago and I want to nominate Eric for Adviser on the Bravada site.
  10. maxwedge
    12-20-2011 08:59 AM
    It just spins like it is stripped, if so take it out and look at the threads make sure it is the proper length and thread size.

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  • About maxwedge
    New York
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    United States
    Retired Cadillac Troubleshooter
    Weightlifting, Nhra drag racing, fishing
    ASE Master,not renewed


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 05:08 PM
  • Join Date: 03-15-2002
  • Referrals: 1


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